Webinars in the field of (Physical) Oceanography | Contact github.com/chouj

Webinars in the field of (Physical) Oceanography | Contact github.com/chouj

陈志宏:Impact of Tibetan Plateau on North African precipitation | 唐韬:Over-projected Pacific warming and extreme El Nino frequency due to CMIP5 common biases - 蔚蓝空间大气科学研究生论坛
陈志宏:Impact of Tibetan Plateau on North African precipitation | 唐韬:Over-projected Pacific warming and extreme El Nino frequency due to CMIP5 common biases - 蔚蓝空间大气科学研究生论坛
6月27日,20:00-21:30 腾讯ID:351723212
陈志宏:Impact of Tibetan Plateau on North African precipitation | 唐韬:Over-projected Pacific warming and extreme El Nino frequency due to CMIP5 common biases - 蔚蓝空间大气科学研究生论坛
郑佳喻:Influences of three oceans on record-breaking rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley in June 2020 | 王嘉祯:从三大洋相互作用的角度看极端厄尔尼诺的形成机制 - LTO学术报告
郑佳喻:Influences of three oceans on record-breaking rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley in June 2020 | 王嘉祯:从三大洋相互作用的角度看极端厄尔尼诺的形成机制 - LTO学术报告
6月24日(周四)上午09:00 腾讯会议ID:796 827 170
郑佳喻:Influences of three oceans on record-breaking rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley in June 2020 | 王嘉祯:从三大洋相互作用的角度看极端厄尔尼诺的形成机制 - LTO学术报告