Found 434 bookmarks
任巧玲:Effects of Suppressed Transient Eddies by the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian Summer Monsoon | 赵浩然:A study of predictability of coupled ocean–atmosphere system using attractor radius and global attractor radius - 蔚蓝空间|大气科学研究生论坛第19期在线报告(03.07)
任巧玲:Effects of Suppressed Transient Eddies by the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian Summer Monsoon | 赵浩然:A study of predictability of coupled ocean–atmosphere system using attractor radius and global attractor radius - 蔚蓝空间|大气科学研究生论坛第19期在线报告(03.07)
任巧玲:Effects of Suppressed Transient Eddies by the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian Summer Monsoon | 赵浩然:A study of predictability of coupled ocean–atmosphere system using attractor radius and global attractor radius - 蔚蓝空间|大气科学研究生论坛第19期在线报告(03.07)
黄仕迪:水平对流的实验研究及其对海洋现象的启示 / 郭双喜:扩散对流实验研究及其在海洋中的应用 / 荆钊:湍流热成风与海洋上层垂向热输送 / 刘志宇:低纬度大洋的跃层混合
黄仕迪:水平对流的实验研究及其对海洋现象的启示 / 郭双喜:扩散对流实验研究及其在海洋中的应用 / 荆钊:湍流热成风与海洋上层垂向热输送 / 刘志宇:低纬度大洋的跃层混合
2021.3.6 15:00-17:00 腾讯会议:971378507 | 第19期流体力学青年学术沙龙
黄仕迪:水平对流的实验研究及其对海洋现象的启示 / 郭双喜:扩散对流实验研究及其在海洋中的应用 / 荆钊:湍流热成风与海洋上层垂向热输送 / 刘志宇:低纬度大洋的跃层混合
王馨悦:Impact of the Tropical SST Variability on the Walker Circulation and the Convective Precipitation over the Rain Forest Areas | 江洁:Tracking moisture sources of precipitation over Central Asia: A study based on the water source-tagging method
王馨悦:Impact of the Tropical SST Variability on the Walker Circulation and the Convective Precipitation over the Rain Forest Areas | 江洁:Tracking moisture sources of precipitation over Central Asia: A study based on the water source-tagging method
王馨悦:Impact of the Tropical SST Variability on the Walker Circulation and the Convective Precipitation over the Rain Forest Areas | 江洁:Tracking moisture sources of precipitation over Central Asia: A study based on the water source-tagging method
The next 10 years of machine learning at ECMWF - an introduction to the machine learning roadmap (26 January 2021): Overview · ECMWF Events (Indico)
The next 10 years of machine learning at ECMWF - an introduction to the machine learning roadmap (26 January 2021): Overview · ECMWF Events (Indico)
10:00 GMT | 26 January 2021. Host Florence Rabier (ECMWF Director-General) Speaker Peter Dueben (Royal Society University Research Fellow at ECMWF) Seminar overview Machine learning allows to learn complex, non-linear behaviour from data which is useful for many application areas across the workflow of numerical weather prediction and climate services. This talk will provide an update on the activities at ECMWF to explore the potential of machine learning, and in particular deep learning. We will introduce the...
The next 10 years of machine learning at ECMWF - an introduction to the machine learning roadmap (26 January 2021): Overview · ECMWF Events (Indico)
2021/1/21 15:00—16:00\x0a中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院王晓明研究员将介绍人居环境对气候变化下风暴潮的风险,逐步从建立致灾极端事件模型、暴露度分析、脆弱性分析,到以减少系统暴露度和脆弱性为主导的多层面适应途径建立。