Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

"#Body--Uses for"
Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas to Phosphine-Susceptible and -Resistant Adults of Five Stored-Product Insect Species: Influence of Temperature and Food During Gas Exposure
Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas to Phosphine-Susceptible and -Resistant Adults of Five Stored-Product Insect Species: Influence of Temperature and Food During Gas Exposure
"Adults of phosphine-susceptible and -resistant strains of [insects] exposed for 2–12 h to a chlorine dioxide gas concentration of 1.40 g/m3 (520 ppm) in an outdoor trailer during July and October of 2015. The mean ± SE temperatures in July and October were 32.8 ± 0.5°C and 24.8 ± 0.6°C, respectively. In July, complete mortality after 5 d was achieved"
Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas to Phosphine-Susceptible and -Resistant Adults of Five Stored-Product Insect Species: Influence of Temperature and Food During Gas Exposure
The use of chlorine dioxide in controlling stored-product insect pests in pilot scale
The use of chlorine dioxide in controlling stored-product insect pests in pilot scale
{Treatment of stored wheat grain} {PureLine chlorine dioxide used} "Mode of Action of chlorine dioxide against insect pests •Oxidative stress--ClO2 enhances the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside larvae of Tribolium castaneumand Plodiainterpunctella. It also causes more antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin-peroxidase) being synthesized by gene up-regulation. However excess ROS eventually accumulates and imposes oxidative stress to cells, which leads to the lethal effect."
The use of chlorine dioxide in controlling stored-product insect pests in pilot scale