Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

#Data #action
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
{ClorDiSys equipment was used} Efficacy of ClO2 as a decontaminant is greatly enhanced at a relative humidity greater than 60% (1990 stu "some ClO2 continued to be sensed outside of the space... level did not exceed the Dräger tube sensitivity of 0.1 ppm. The mean concentration within the ICU/NICU during the decontamination was approximately 40 ppm" "a total ClO2dosage of ~400 ppm-hr was applied over a single evening" "ClO2 is a fairly selective oxidant, which is not expected to react with typical building materials (including wood) or soil. " "Future experiments within controlled spaces are in order to isolate the most significant absorption and/or reaction sites to aid in the practical design of decontaminations"
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units