Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
{Used ClorDiSys equipment} 315 ppmmaintained to an exposure of 479 ppm-hours with 65% RH failed to inactivate all five organisms, including both spores and vegetative cells, in the ambulance. Trial 4, maintaining 695 ppm ClO2to 756 ppm-hourswith 55% RH, was sufficient for complete inactivationofA. baumanniiandM. smegmatis vegetative cells within the ambulance, but failed to achieve total inacti-vation ofB. anthracis and B. atrophaeusspores as well as S. aureus vegetative cells located inside the closed cabinet" "The ClO2 gas generator uses a five-phase programmable decontamination protocol to include: 1) preconditioning phase, when the RH is elevated to a specified level and the environment is checked for leaks; 2) conditioning phase, where the desirable RH is maintained for a specified time; 3) charge phase, where the ClO2 gas is generated to a target concentration; 4) exposure phase, where the target concentration of ClO2 is maintained to the specified exposure time; and 5) aeration phase, where the ClO2 is removed from the decontamination area"
Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
****!!!!****!!!!**** "Spray-applied solutions of ClO2 at measured concentrations of 3000−4000 ppm were effective against B. anthracis on several nonporous building surfaces but ineffective or not consistently effective on porous surfaces and soils" "If porous materials (carpet and particle board) were immersed in a 1000 ppm, 6 LR of B. anthracis was achieved. Improved effcacy through immersion at a lower concentration suggests that the limited effcacy of spray-applied liquids could be due to spray-application parameters (e.g., droplet size or insuffcient number of applications). ****!!!!!*** Perhaps ClO2 in the aqueous phase could be lost through volatilization from spray droplets or from the wetted surface during the application." "Aqueous solutions of ClO2 5000− 6000 mg/L were produced via easy-use product with sodium chlorite and sodium bisulfate. When applied as a ***fog,*** the ClO2 solutions were effective on a number of materials." "spore populations of B. subtilis... effective decontamination using ClO2 gas levels ranging from 350 to 750 ppm. In a series of six small-chamber experiments conducted at either 100 or 200 ppm of ClO2 (75% RH, 24 °C; CTs ranging from 2 to 12 h), several building materials were effectively decontaminated" "aqueous ClO2 can be generated electrochemically using sodium chlorite and sodium bromide." "relatively cooler temperature that may be encountered in a subway system (11 °C), the lower temperature greatly diminished the decontamination effcacy128 In this same study, lowering RH from 75 to 50% (at 24 °C) also greatly reduced effcacy."
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
{ClorDiSys equipment was used} Efficacy of ClO2 as a decontaminant is greatly enhanced at a relative humidity greater than 60% (1990 stu "some ClO2 continued to be sensed outside of the space... level did not exceed the Dräger tube sensitivity of 0.1 ppm. The mean concentration within the ICU/NICU during the decontamination was approximately 40 ppm" "a total ClO2dosage of ~400 ppm-hr was applied over a single evening" "ClO2 is a fairly selective oxidant, which is not expected to react with typical building materials (including wood) or soil. " "Future experiments within controlled spaces are in order to isolate the most significant absorption and/or reaction sites to aid in the practical design of decontaminations"
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Microbial Decontamination--Chlorine Dioxide Gas Equipment & Services, Life Science Industry brochure ~Clordisys
Microbial Decontamination--Chlorine Dioxide Gas Equipment & Services, Life Science Industry brochure ~Clordisys
****{Clordisys excellent CD info} Vapor disinfection: "CD concentration is typically only 360 ppm." "Acidic by-products generated by most other liquid methods can cause harm to equipment and surfaces. CD-TABS (TM) create a neutral pH solution and won't cause these issues" "Pinworm eggs require a chlorine dioxide dosage twice the normal sterilization level"
Microbial Decontamination--Chlorine Dioxide Gas Equipment & Services, Life Science Industry brochure ~Clordisys