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Decontamination of enclosed space using gaseous chlorine dioxide - Google Patents
Decontamination of enclosed space using gaseous chlorine dioxide - Google Patents
A method for gas phase application of chlorine dioxide within an enclosed volume that includes the steps of: climatizing the enclosed volume to achieve a relative humidity (RH) in the range of about 5% to about 56%; generating chlorine dioxide gas; and introducing the chlorine dioxide gas under specified conditions of chlorine dioxide gas concentration and contact time, the specified conditions being effective to eliminate contaminants within the closed volume, and further to mitigate corrosion within the enclosed volume during the gas phase application.
Decontamination of enclosed space using gaseous chlorine dioxide - Google Patents
Adam's Odor Bomb & Odor Bag Combo
Adam's Odor Bomb & Odor Bag Combo
A 3-pack of odor bombs with eco-friendly vapors that eliminate odors with no dangerous residue!
Adam's Odor Bomb & Odor Bag Combo
Chlorine dioxide gas from an aqueous solution: reduction of Salmonella in wounds on tomato fruit and movement to sinks in a treatment chamber - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide gas from an aqueous solution: reduction of Salmonella in wounds on tomato fruit and movement to sinks in a treatment chamber - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) off-gassed from an aqueous solution and reacted incrementally with potassium iodide solutions (sinks). After 30 min, 45% of the initial dose was detected as chlorite ion in the sink, whereas 35% of the initial dose was still in the source. "
Chlorine dioxide gas from an aqueous solution: reduction of Salmonella in wounds on tomato fruit and movement to sinks in a treatment chamber - PubMed
Central Ohio Odor Removal
Central Ohio Odor Removal
Completely Remove Problematic Indoor Odors! Eliminated within 24 hours Guaranteed! Smoke, Skunk, Pet, Cooking, Mildew, Residential / Commercial - Cars Too!
Central Ohio Odor Removal
Comparison of Multiple Systems for Laboratory Whole Room Fumigation
Comparison of Multiple Systems for Laboratory Whole Room Fumigation
**** {Includes charts of ClO2 efficacy against various pathogens on different objects and areas in a room} "Technical solutions allow other suppliers to provide control of their [chlorine dioxide fumigation] systems from outside the treated area, while their machines remain within the treated room. These include delays in start function on the machine or wire-less operation of the system from outside the room. Alt-hough such systems allow for easier remote control and may provide useful information via remote screens dur-ing fumigation, they remain dependent on the ability to fully expose the machine to its own fumigant. "
Comparison of Multiple Systems for Laboratory Whole Room Fumigation
Chlorine dioxide application system is linchpin of bioprotection technology - Produce Processing
Chlorine dioxide application system is linchpin of bioprotection technology - Produce Processing
In today’s unpredictable environment, a cultural push to decrease antibiotic use, a decrease in biodiversity, an increase in biodensity and an increase in microbiological challenges all signal an amplified need to proactively address pathogens and implement comprehensive biosecurity systems.
Chlorine dioxide application system is linchpin of bioprotection technology - Produce Processing
CNN Chlorine Dioxide Report
CNN Chlorine Dioxide Report
Pristine Solutions highlights a report by CNN Headline News on the use of Chlorine Dioxide gas used to eradicate mold after the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina.
CNN Chlorine Dioxide Report
Fogging applications for disinfectants in healthcare settings ~EPA
Fogging applications for disinfectants in healthcare settings ~EPA
(2011) "Association for Professionals in Infection Prevention (APIC), the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) and the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) formerly ASHES, we welcome the opportunity to comment on the topic of fogging applications for disinfectants" "Other chemicals such as chlorine dioxide and ozone also have many documented safety issues that would preclude their use in healthcare facilities."
Fogging applications for disinfectants in healthcare settings ~EPA
Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis
Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis
(2013). Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene: Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 533-539.
Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis
Fighting Ebola with novel spore decontamination technologies for the military
Fighting Ebola with novel spore decontamination technologies for the military
Recently, global public health organizations such as Doctors without Borders (MSF), the World Health Organization (WHO), Public Health Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the U.S. government developed and deployed Field Decontamination Kits (FDKs), a novel, lightweight, compact, reusable decontamination technology to sterilize Ebola-contaminated medical devices at remote clinical sites lacking infra-structure in crisis-stricken regions of West Africa (medical waste materials are placed in bags and burned). The basis for effectuating sterilization with FDKs is chlorine dioxide (ClO2) produced from a patented invention developed by researchers at the US Army Natick Soldier RD&E Center (NSRDEC) and commercialized as a dry mixed-chemical for bacterial spore decontamination. In fact, the NSRDEC research scientists developed an ensemble of ClO2 technologies designed for different applications in decontaminating fresh produce; food contact and handling surfaces; personal protective equipment; textiles used in clothing, uniforms, tents, and shelters; graywater recycling; airplanes; surgical instruments; and hard surfaces in latrines, laundries, and deployable medical facilities. These examples demonstrate the far-reaching impact, adaptability, and versatility of these innovative technologies. We present herein the unique attributes of NSRDEC’s novel decontamination technologies and a Case Study of the development of FDKs that were deployed in West Africa by internatio...
Fighting Ebola with novel spore decontamination technologies for the military
Microbial Decontamination of a 65-Room New Pharmaceutical Research Facility ~ClorDiSys
Microbial Decontamination of a 65-Room New Pharmaceutical Research Facility ~ClorDiSys
"The benefits of chlorine dioxide are that, like formaldehyde, it is a true gas at room temperature and has the inherent properties of good distribution and excellent penetration. It is not affected by temperatures, does not condense or fall out on surfaces, is non-carcinogenic, and requires no post-exposure wipedown. Since the facility is complex and has many rooms, it was decided to use a gaseous agent to get the proper distribution and penetration. "
Microbial Decontamination of a 65-Room New Pharmaceutical Research Facility ~ClorDiSys
Techniques for bsc decontamination ~DRS Laboratories
Techniques for bsc decontamination ~DRS Laboratories
" Chlorine Dioxide: Use Geobacillus stearothermophilus as BI (?)" "The Halide Group, ClorDiSys Solutions, Sabre Technologies (different reaction)" "--“True gas – no condensation issues" "Mild corrosion/discoloring to cold steel, copper, brass: Particularly in the presence of water. Potentially corrosive if Chlorine gas (Cl2) is present -- Care to avoid Cl2 in synthesized CD -- Care to avoid Cl2 creation by UV exposure" "Typical duration conditioning through decontamination: 1-1.5 hr. Typical duration of aeration / scrubbing: 0.25-0.5 hr"
Techniques for bsc decontamination ~DRS Laboratories
Methods of using chlorine dioxide as a fumigant - Google Patents
Methods of using chlorine dioxide as a fumigant - Google Patents
"The initial rate is high to provide sufficient chlorine dioxide to penetrate the various surfaces demands within the volume requiring fumigation. This rate is predetermined to accommodate the surface demand as well as to provide the initial charge of the volume requiring fumigation to a predetermined chlorine dioxide residual level. The chlorine dioxide generation rate is then reduced appropriately to maintain the predetermined chlorine dioxide concentration in the air of the volume requiring fumigation for a predetermined time. This can be achieved by a number of means, such as lowering the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the solution that is fed to the emitter, or lowering the flow rate of the chlorine dioxide solution to the emitter." "If the space to be fumigated contains materials that are potentially susceptible to corrosion, the chlorine dioxide should be of the highest possible purity. Specifically, chlorine gas should be present in the introduced gas at a level less than about 5%" "Typically, if the enclosed volume is 2280 ft3, air is suitably recirculated at 5 CFM"
Methods of using chlorine dioxide as a fumigant - Google Patents
Fumigation: Choose Your Weapon!
Fumigation: Choose Your Weapon!
**** "ClO2 struggled to be accepted initially as a fumigant because of fears over its potential corrosiveness and toxicity. It is ***not considered a substance of concern by the ECHA, so is exempt from BPR PT2***. ClO2 fumigations are actually not corrosive, but a controlled study by the US EPA showed it can be corrosive inside functioning computers due to the heat from the CPU" "study gives this system the thumbs up in terms of its efficacy and reliability in comparison with formaldehyde against a range of tough-to-kill pathogens and spores. It is also excellent at inactivating beta-lactams" [Note: Fogging of chlorine dioxide liquid solution likely results in greater concentrations in some areas of room for at least some of the time. How much might variations in humidity throughout a room result in variations in chlorine dioxide concentrations in different areas when chlorine dioxide gas is emitted separately from any liquid?): "The other main advantages of this [hydrogen peroxide/ peracetic acid] system are that the room humidity does not need to be raised pre-fumigation, so there is little chance of the chemical pooling in cooler areas."
Fumigation: Choose Your Weapon!
Management and operation of microbiological containment laboratories ~Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, HSE
Management and operation of microbiological containment laboratories ~Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, HSE
", solutions of ClO2 do not fog well and are prone to foaming, so gas generation is more effective and practical" " Gaseous ClO2 systems are available for fumigating laboratory rooms or suites of rooms up to 800 m3... Humidifiers and fans are used within the treated area to maintain relative humidity, typically in the 65% to 75% RH range, and to encourage uniform mixing of gas and moisture in the treated area." "All lights must be turned off in the room during decontamination as ClO2 broken down by UV light. With some commercial systems, to avoid corrosion damage, the decontamination device is placed outside the treated room and the gas piped in via a one-way valve."
Management and operation of microbiological containment laboratories ~Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, HSE
Evaluation of a chemical scrubber for the removal of airborne bacteria from recycled air - PubMed
Evaluation of a chemical scrubber for the removal of airborne bacteria from recycled air - PubMed
****!!!!**** "Overall, the use of a chemical scrubber for the removal of bacteria from recycled air appeared to be no more effective than high efficiency particulate air filtration especially if the scrubbing media is recycled." " Two bacteria, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus subtilis, which have different biologic and physical properties were used in the study. The scrubber, using an aqueous chlorine-dioxide solution, and high efficiency particulate air filtration were equally effective in removing both types of bacteria from recycled air." "When the scrubber was used with the chlorine dioxide solution, sufficient chlorine dioxide residues remained in the scrubber processed air to affect bacterial counts in the isolator to which the processed air was returned. The bacteria differed in their susceptibility to low levels of chlorine dioxide in the return air which influenced the number of viable organisms recovered under similar conditions. The use of water without a chemical additive eliminated bacteria in recycled air immediately following the start of the unit but allowed their eventual build-up in recycled air to concentrations of approximately half that of untreated air. "
Evaluation of a chemical scrubber for the removal of airborne bacteria from recycled air - PubMed
Method for analysis of ClO2 and Cl2 air emissions from pulp mill
Method for analysis of ClO2 and Cl2 air emissions from pulp mill
(2020) " the currently used analytical method is not suitable for detection of low concentrations of chlorine and chlorine dioxide. A new method for measuring chlorine dioxide and chlorine emissions was developed, which ensures compliance with the stringent requirements imposed by the authorities. The two species could be measured separately with a limit of quantification of 3 ppm. "
Method for analysis of ClO2 and Cl2 air emissions from pulp mill