Detail King Car Odor Removal - Chlorine Dioxide Cup - Extreme Odor Eliminator For Car - Safe And Easy To Use (3 Oz (Pack of 1)) : Automotive
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Room, Suite Scale, Class III Biological Safety Cabinet, and Sensitive Equipment Decontamination and Validation Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide | Applied Biosafety
The Tufts New England Regional Biosafety Laboratory facility has been using chlorine dioxide gas for 5 years, and 100 decontaminations have been done at the room level and on a Class III cabinet. The rooms have ranged from animal holding rooms containing animal racks (housing rodents and rabbits), biosafety cabinets, and computers to biosafety level 3 laboratories containing a variety of equipment (microscopes, biosafety cabinets, centrifuges, incubators, real-time polymerase chain reaction machines, etc). For a biosafety level 3 facility, the equipment is stainless steel where possible, but there is a variety of materials, including electronics and other sensitive equipment. No corrosion has been experienced on any equipment or surface despite repeated decontaminations. Even the most sensitive equipment has not experienced any ill effects. As a test, when decontaminations were started, a low-cost laptop computer was moved from room to room to a Class III cabinet, decontaminating it every time in each chamber. After 35 repeated exposures, it was still functioning with no issues. It is still in use in one of the animal rooms and gets decontaminated along with the room. The Class III cabinet has not shown any traces of corrosion on the stainless-steel interior, nor has the stainless-steel inhalation exposure system kept inside the cabinet experienced any ill effects. "CD easily penetrates and distributes into all spaces. It covers an entire room, penetrates deeply into equipment, and gets into the hard-to-reach places. It penetrates well into high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) caissons/filters and easily decontaminates duct work. Setup is simple and requires very few extras (only 1 or 2 fans and a portable humidifier)." "The odor threshold with CD gas provides a better safety factor, alerting the user to any leaks at low safe levels" "Twenty or more BIs may be used during a typical decontamination" ***"CD gas is an oxidizer, but when it is produced with a dry gas and used as a gas, it is not corrosive as gases in solutions typically are. Solutions of CD gas are typically corrosive due to the acids and sodium chlorite involved"*** "CH Technologies’ nose-only inhalation system used in the aerosolization of bacteria and viruses—was carefully scrutinized for any adverse signs (pitting, rust spots, etc) during repeated exposure to CD gas"
Distribution and Chemical Fate of 36Cl-Chlorine Dioxide Gas during the Fumigation of Tomatoes and Cantaloupe
"determine differences in treatment (dry or liquid reagent; chlorine dioxide concentration; or illuminated or dark fumigation) means for perchlorate and chlorate" "2 h fumigations with 36ClO2. Across trials approximately 12% of the system radioactivity was present on the tomato itself; 2 to 13% was rinsed from the fumigation tank and its associated parts (stir bar, glass pedestal); 15 to 19% was purged from the tank and trapped into sodium thiosulfate; and 44 to 49% was associated with the reaction sachet itself. Total recovery of radioactivity was 80 to 84%"
Virucidal Activity of Fogged Chlorine Dioxide- and Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Disinfectants against Human Norovirus and Its Surrogate, Feline Calicivirus, on Hard-to-Reach Surfaces
{Vital Oxide} "fogged disinfectant was delivered into the room (relative humidity 60%, 21°C) ... The machine was equipped with two nozzles, ...was capable of generating fogs at 30 ml/min per nozzle at opposite directions. This allowed us to adjust fog generation time, until desired disinfectant formulation concentrations of 7.1–15.9 ml/m3 were achieved. The target disinfectant formulation concentration was held for 5 min for H2O2 and 10 min for ClO2-surfactant-based product" "Evaluating the virucidal efficacy of a disinfectant solely based upon reduction in viral genomic reduction may underestimate the efficacy of disinfectants (Yeargin et al., 2015); therefore, testing the infectious titer of a non-enveloped cultivable surrogate provides further evidence" "demonstrated less than a 3 log10 reduction in FCV titer even after a 4-h contact time with 0.05 ppm ClO2 gas." "the ClO2-surfactant-based product was mildly efficacious against the tested viruses when used at the recommended disinfectant formulation concentration of 12.4 ml/m3."
A pilot study on using chlorine dioxide gas for disinfection of gastrointestinal endoscopes
"Factors including exposure dosage, relative humidity (RH), and flow rate (FR) influencing the
disinfection effect of CD gas were investigated. Moreover, an autoptic disinfecting test on eight real gastrointestinal endoscopes after clinical use was performed using the experimental prototype. Results: RH, exposure dosage, organic burden, and the FR through the channel significantly (P0.05) affected the disinfection efficacy of CD gas for a long and narrow lumen. The log reduction increased as FR decreased. Treatment with 4 mg/L CD gas for 30 min at 0.8 L/min FR and 75% RH, resulted in complete inactivation of spores. Furthermore, all eight endoscopes with a
maximum colony-forming unit of 915 were completely disinfected. The cost was only 3 CNY (0.46 USD) for each endoscope."
VIDEO: Anthrax Remediation of Hart Senate Building 2001 USEPA
Before the anthrax attacks in late 2001, bioterrorism experts believed that the remediation of large urban areas or buildings contaminated with anthrax spores was not a viable option. The cleanup experience from the 2001 attacks, in which letters containing Anthrax spores were mailed to media outlets and two Senators, has demonstrated that buildings in the civilian sector can be effectively remediated and returned to productive use. This clip shows the remediation process for the US Senate Hart Office Building using chlorine dioxide gas. For an excellent review of the experience remediating buildings learned from the 2001 anthrax attacks, read the 2003 EPA report by Dorothy A. Canter, Ph.D., US Environmental Protection Remediating Sites with Anthrax Contamination: Building on Experience, available at: Remediation020607.pdf . This was clipped from the 2002 USEPA video, Anthrax Remediating the Effects of Bioterrorism.
"After raising humidity levels... a machine emitted the gas and today also removed the chlorine dioxide gas out of the air, using a different chemical, sodium bisulfite. EPA is also cleaning eleven other offices and areas in the Hart building using different technological methodologies such as chlorine dioxide liquid, foams and HEPA vacuum."
"Federal officials backed away yesterday from a plan to fumigate a Senate office building with chlorine dioxide gas to kill anthrax spores after outside experts raised questions about the decontamination technique." "Most experts thought chlorine dioxide gas would kill anthrax, she said. "The unknown was, 'How do you use it on a building that big?'""
Daschle says crews will use chlorine dioxide gas to decontaminate Hart Senate building
"[Chlorine dioxide] gas should punch holes in the hard coating around the anthrax spores and destroy its genetic matter," he said. ``It'll take that spore that's now a hard ball and make a whiffle ball out of it,''
US Senate Awaits Anthrax Test Results - 2001-12-06
"Workers in Washington have finished fumigating offices in the Hart Senate Office Building that had been contaminated with anthrax... Officials involved in the decontamination effort at the Hart building say it is unlike any other cleanup they have ever done before." "So we ended up with essentially a short list of technologies that we believed would be effective," he said. "We went through a lot of those and quickly arrived at chlorine dioxide as being the one that had the best chance at being effective."
Effect of Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Fungi and Mycotoxins Associated with Sick Building Syndrome
The growth of indoor molds and their resulting products (e.g., spores and mycotoxins) can present health hazards for human beings. The efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigation treatment for inactivating sick building syndrome-related fungi and their mycotoxins was evaluated. Filter papers (15 per organism) featuring growth of Stachybotrys chartarum, Chaetomium globosum, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Cladosporium cladosporioides were placed in gas chambers containing chlorine dioxide gas at either 500 or 1,000 ppm for 24 h. C. globosum was exposed to the gas both as colonies and as ascospores without asci and perithecia. After treatment, all organisms were tested for colony growth using an agar plating technique. Colonies of S. chartarum were also tested for toxicity using a yeast toxicity assay with a high specificity for trichothecene mycotoxins. Results showed that chlorine dioxide gas at both concentrations completely inactivated all organisms except for C. globosum colonies which were inactivated an average of 89%. More than 99% of ascospores of C. globosum were nonculturable. For all ascospore counts, mean test readings were lower than the controls (P < 0.001), indicating that some ascospores may also have been destroyed. Colonies of S. chartarum were still toxic after treatment. These data show that chlorine dioxide gas can be effective to a degree as a fumigant for the inactivation of certain fungal colonies, that the perithecia of C. globosum can play a slightly protective role for the ascospores and that S. chartarum, while affected by the fumigation treatment, still remains toxic.
HVAC Fire & Flood Remediation | ClO2 Odour Control | Scotmas
Powerful chlorine dioxide eliminates bad odours, mould, fungi and spores. Chlorine dioxide odour control works fast for fire & flood remediation. Get in touch.
Decontamination of Strawberries Using Batch and Continuous Chlorine Dioxide Gas Treatments
" A batch treatment of strawberrieswith 4 mg/liter ClO2for 30 min and continuous treatment with 3 mg/liter ClO2for 10 min achieved greater than a 5-logreduction for bothE. coliO157:H7 andL. monocytogenes.After continuous exposure to 3.0 mg/liter ClO2gas for 10 minfollowed by 1 week of storage at 48C, no aerobic microorganisms were detected and the color of the strawberry surface didnot change significantly (P.0.05). Residues of ClO2and chlorite on strawberries after the treatment were 0.1960.33 mgClO2per kg and 1.1762.02 mg Cl2per kg, respectively, whereas after 1 week of storage no ClO2residues were detectedand residual chlorite levels were down to 0.0760.12 mg Cl2per kg. These results suggest that ClO2gas treatment is aneffective decontamination technique for improving the safety of strawberries while extending shelf life"