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Central Ohio Odor Removal
Central Ohio Odor Removal
Completely Remove Problematic Indoor Odors! Eliminated within 24 hours Guaranteed! Smoke, Skunk, Pet, Cooking, Mildew, Residential / Commercial - Cars Too!
Central Ohio Odor Removal
Method for bioeradication using fine mist of biocide solutions - Google Patents
Method for bioeradication using fine mist of biocide solutions - Google Patents
{Nanomist} The invention provides a method for generating a homogeneous aqueous mist solution containing a solvent such as water and a biocide agent such as chlorine dioxide, which would otherwise be unstable. The unstable biocide agent or chlorine dioxide is quickly dissolved or mixed with a mist of solvent causing the biocide agent to co-exist or co-mist therewith. The mist microencapsulates the biocide gas so that it does not decompose in the fumigation volume or space. The resulting homogenous mist solution provides a mist for delivering the biocide agent in a chemically stable form. Methods for mixing the separately generated mist and biocide gas include combining the mists in a Y-tube and then mixing the combination in a baffled mixing chamber, combining the mists in an area above their points of generation and then further mixing, and providing a series of mist generation units connected by a conduit for a carrier medium to pass to and connect the units and cause the mists to combine. Alternatively, the biocide may be released from a controlled source to dissolve in a generated solvent mist. Such controlled release of biocide includes providing a source of slow diffusion of chlorine dioxide gas to dissolve in water mist by convection and mixing, providing a continuous flow of chlorine dioxide solution via a coil reservoir for controlled contact with the mist, providing chlorine dioxide gas released from a solid-state mixture.
Method for bioeradication using fine mist of biocide solutions - Google Patents
Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Decontamination of Building Interior Surfaces Contaminated with Anthrax Spores | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Decontamination of Building Interior Surfaces Contaminated with Anthrax Spores | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
****!!!!****!!!!**** Efficacy of chlorine dioxide (CD) gas generated by two distinct generation systems, Sabre (wet system with gas generated in water) and ClorDiSys (dry system with gas generated in air)" "exposure time is more critical than CT as long as the concentration is maintained within a target range. Additionally, in future building cleanup efforts, lower concentrations may be favored in many instances to avoid issues with material or equipment compatibility" "The CD dose required for complete spore kill on biological indicators (typically, 1E6 spores of Bacillus atrophaeus on stainless steel) was significantly less than that required for decontamination of most of the building materials tested." "for all of the other five materials, the time required to achieve successful fumigation was determined to be independent of the fumigant concentrations used"
Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Decontamination of Building Interior Surfaces Contaminated with Anthrax Spores | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Collection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus from the Air of a Clinic within a University Student Health Care Center and Analyses of the Viral Genomic Sequence
Collection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus from the Air of a Clinic within a University Student Health Care Center and Analyses of the Viral Genomic Sequence
****!!!!**** "Collection of a positive sample from a distance more than 2 m away from the nearest patient traffic implies the virus was in an aerosol." "A pilot SARS-CoV-2 air sampling study conducted at a clinic within a university student health care center" "Following detection of SARS-CoV-2 in air by our March 20 air-sampling study, remediation was accomplished by performing a 2-day decontamination process using a stabilized chlorine dioxide solution (VitalOxide™) delivered through a handheld electrostatic mist sprayer"
Collection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus from the Air of a Clinic within a University Student Health Care Center and Analyses of the Viral Genomic Sequence
Virucidal Activity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas for Reduction of Coronavirus on Surfaces and PPE
Virucidal Activity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas for Reduction of Coronavirus on Surfaces and PPE
***!!!!***!!!!*** "virucidal efficacy was tested in three locations of the room after 1 hour and 2 hours of dwell time. The estimated nominal peak concentration was 15 ppmv in the room." "CD was 99.91% effective for eliminating human coronavirus OC43 in both sachet and capsule fumigant form using both ***fast and slow release mechanisms.**** Rapid fumigant application is suitable for contaminated rooms, ambulances, emergency vehicles, and many types of PPE, most particularly porous PPE materials. The gaseous state of CD allows for rapid diffusion and transfer of the virucidal stable free radical to all surfaces of PPE and indoor areas that would favor virus survival. Additionally, this work suggests CD can be effective at levels with significant margins of safety (little to no exposure and rapid degradation of residuals) providing minimal public health risks associated with the use of CD. "
Virucidal Activity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas for Reduction of Coronavirus on Surfaces and PPE
Photolysis driven indoor air chemistry following cleaning of hospital wards
Photolysis driven indoor air chemistry following cleaning of hospital wards
****!!!!***** (2020) {This study was done via computer modeling that predicted some significantly different results than real-world. Example: Degradation of ClO2 throughout room was based on rate 1 m from fluorescent lamp. In actuality, little UV reaches beyond a couple meters, so rest of gas in room is unaffected other than gas blown into close proximity.} {Negative byproducts from chlorine dioxide gas fumigation} "previously unconsidered potential consequence of such cleaning technologies: the photochemical formation of high concentrations of hydroxyl radicals (OH), hydroperoxy radicals (HO2), organic peroxy radicals (RO2), and chlorine radicals (Cl) which can form harmful reaction products when exposed to chemicals commonly found in indoor air." "Steady-state Cl concentrations are elevated at all OClO concentrations under bare fluorescent and attenuated outdoor lighting, with little dependence on OClO concentration... because species involved in the reactions that lead to Cl formation, as well as Cl itself, can undergo competing reactions" " Sunlight is attenuated as it passes through windows, such that 3 and 10%, respectively, of UV and visible light ingresses" "We assume a ward volume of 35 m3 with an area to volume ratio of 1 m2/m" " temperature was assumed to be 293 K and 50% relative humidity" "The emissions were set to provide the approximate concentrations reported in the literature for NTD use... 3000 and 350 ppm for OClO (to reflect two commonly used concentrations). This required emission rates of... 0.8 and 0.1 ppm/s to deliver 3000 and 350 ppm of OClO " "The emissions were assumed to last for one hour and then stop. After another hour (at noon), ventilation was resumed at 2 per h. There is very little information in the literature on how long the gases will be emitted during cleaning" "Maximum... concentrations occurred [of] RO2 and Cl with OClO [chlorine dioxide] photolysis. Elevated concentrations may persist for hours... Products from reactions involving radicals could significantly decrease air quality when disinfectants are used, leading to adverse health effects for occupants" "OClO photolysis under attenuated sunlight is ~20 times faster than under bare fluorescent lighting," "O3 levels generated from OClO photolysis are much higher than those commonly attained using O3 as the primary fumigant""Photon fluxes will vary greatly throughout a room" "we suggest that the efficacy of NTDs on reducing loadings of several strains of bacteria should be further studied in the dark and under illumination from different indoor lighting. It is possible that efficacy will be greatly enhanced under common lighting sources such as fluorescent lights due to the production of radicals that may inactivate bacteria more effectively than the disinfection agents." "[This info needs verification:] There is no ClOO absorbance at wavelengths longer than 280 nm"
Photolysis driven indoor air chemistry following cleaning of hospital wards
Chlorine dioxide fumigation used to sanitize trucks | Hard Working Trucks
Chlorine dioxide fumigation used to sanitize trucks | Hard Working Trucks
Gas treatment: "Place one gallon of water in a pail, hang the battery-powered aerator on the edge and extend the hose with an air stone to the bottom. Place the pail in the center of the truck on the floor, turn on the aerator and place a 100 gram ClO2 tablet into the pail and exit the truck cab, closing vents, doors and windows for five hours or until vapors cease and water is clear. Leaving overnight is ideal. When the ClO2 solution has turned clear, it can be disposed of." Spray/fog treatment: "Between 250 ppm and 500 ppm, and fill a wet fogger or sprayer with the ClO2 solution. Wet fog or lightly spray all surfaces, ceiling to floor, allowing five minutes of wet contact time... Chlorine dioxide can be used in vapor- or a liquid-form, but as a liquid it is more fragile and its effectiveness is vulnerable to sunlight. Once diluted from tablet- to liquid-form, it has a shelf life of up to six months if stored correctly in an air-tight opaque container out of direct sunlight."
Chlorine dioxide fumigation used to sanitize trucks | Hard Working Trucks
Gaseous Decontamination Methods in High-containment Laboratories
Gaseous Decontamination Methods in High-containment Laboratories
{includes ClorDiSys info} "Due to the selective oxidizing nature of chlorine dioxide it only reacts with molecules that are highly reduced (alcohols, alde-hydes, ketones, tertiary amines, and sulfur containing amino acids) which allows its activity to be much less influenced by organic soil loads" "Fumigation/ vapor: 360-1,800 ppm for 0.5-2 hours" "container of CD with fish tank bubbler to accelerate off gassing and a pump to circulate the gas. Although this method generated low levels of GCD--less than 500 ppm), with extended exposure times a successful decontamination" "Relative humidity of 80% increased efficacy, resulting in much shorter exposure time" "when GCD is generated by off gassing from liquid chlorine dioxide, corrosion of non-coated metal surfaces was observed after repeated exposure"
Gaseous Decontamination Methods in High-containment Laboratories
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants
********** "Both the total microscopic count and the PCR count obtained for air samples decreased significantly. This could be caused by direct reduction of spores in the air or reduction of spores on surfaces that would serve as the source for the airborne spores. However, no decrease was observed in the semiquantitative analysis of amount of spores and hyphae in the stickytape samples collected from surfaces."
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants
Chlorine Dioxide | Biological Indicators ~ClorDiSys
Chlorine Dioxide | Biological Indicators ~ClorDiSys
Spore strips used to verify decontamination cycle's efficacy in water bottles, closed cabinets, HEPA air filters, laboratory cage lids, packed storage rooms, and medical isolators; and underneath equipment and dust.
Chlorine Dioxide | Biological Indicators ~ClorDiSys
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PureVista ClO2Stix
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PureVista ClO2Stix
{Gives doses for air applications in ppm and grams of PureVista tablets for fumigation and other uses} "Placing (1) PureVista 100 (100 g/3.53 oz.) into 4 liters/1 gallon of water provides 2,000 ppm solution. "
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PureVista ClO2Stix
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
The facility was appropriately sealed, supplied with gas distribution mechanisms and demonstrated to have met the specification for humidity before introduction of ClO2. The total exposure for this ***4800 cubic meters structure was approximately 400 ppm-hr. *** "Most of the sealing was performed on exterior surfaces. All vents or potentially leaky seams along the roof, which included vents adjacent to roof gutters and ridge vents, were sealed using combinations of caulk, expanding foam, duct tape and adhesive films. The exhaust and air supply units for the building were deactivated and their associated vents on the exterior walls and roof were sealed."
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Comparison of multiple chemical sanitizers for reducing Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on spinach leaves
Comparison of multiple chemical sanitizers for reducing Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on spinach leaves
**** "Spinach samples exposed to ClO2 gas for 30 min actually achieved less reduction than did the water wash, and 1 h exposure reduced Salmonella only 0.6 CFU/g, somewhat but not significantly less than water.**** When chlorine dioxide was used on tomatoes inoculated with Salmonella, reductions of 2.94 and 3.86 log were obtained with 8 mg/L for 60 s or 10 mg/L for 120s, respectively... similar results, achieving a more than 5 log reduction in Salmonella on innoculated tomato skin surfaces after treatment with 0.5 mg/L ClO2 gas for 12 min."
Comparison of multiple chemical sanitizers for reducing Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on spinach leaves
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization under Square-Wave Conditions
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization under Square-Wave Conditions
Experiments were designed to study chlorine dioxide (CD) gas sterilization under square-wave conditions. By using controlled humidity, gas concentration, and temperature at atmospheric pressure, standard biological indicators (BIs) and spore disks of environmental isolates were exposed to CD gas. The sporicidal activity of CD gas was found to be concentration dependent. *Prehumidification enhanced the CD activity.* The D values (time required for 90% inactivation) of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger ATCC 9372 BIs were estimated to be 1.5, 2.5, and 4.2 min when exposed to CD concentrations of 30, 15, and 7 mg/liter, respectively, at 23°C and ambient (20 to 40%) relative humidity (RH). Survivor tailings were observed. Prehumidification of BIs to 70 to 75% RH in an environmental chamber for 30 min resulted in a D value of 1.6 min after exposure to a concentration of 6 to 7 mg of CD per liter at 23°C and eliminated survivor tailing. Prolonging prehumidification at 70 to 75% RH for up to 16 h did not further improve the inactivation rate. Prehumidification by ultrasonic nebulization was found to be more effective than prehumidification in the environmental chamber. Based on the current observations, CD gas is estimated, on a molar concentration basis, to be 1,075 times more potent than ethylene oxide as a sterilant at 30°C.
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization under Square-Wave Conditions
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
"Greater amounts of gaseous ClO2 were measured at 23% RH than at 100% RH; however, the lethal activity of gaseous ClO2 against naturally occurring mesophilic aerobic bacteria was significantly enhanced at 100% RH." "Gaseous ClO2 was produced in higher amounts at 55 °C than at 25 °C, but decreased more rapidly over time. The lethal activity of gaseous ClO2 against MAB on radish seeds was greater at 55 °C than at 25 °C."
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
This study reported on the correlation between the amount of ClO2 residues on produce surfaces and the level of inactivation of pathogens after ClO2 gas treatment. Variations in RH have great effect on the solubilization of ClO2 gas on tomato surfaces considering tha …
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
{Includes choosing fogger.} Selectrocide at 100 ppm. Makes Chlorine-matched comparative assessment of the antimicrobial activities ...
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
"Variations in RH [relative humidity] have great effect on the solubilization of ClO2 gas on tomato surfaces considering that ClO2 residues on tomatoes increased with increasing RH. Also, the amount of ClO2 residues on tomatoes is positively correlated with the level of inactivation of pathogens."
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
2000-G chlorine dioxide slow-release gas sachets used. "Generally, embryos are negatively affected by early continuous exposure to ClO2. The adverse effect decreases at later stages of development of embryo. Treatment of hatching eggs in the Treatment of hatching eggs in the hatcher (18-21 days) proven to be safe. Short (12 hour) treatment of eggs in the setter, every time a new batch of eggs is moved in, seems to be also safe. Treatment with the levels of ClO2 safe for eggs seems to be effective in control of Aspergillus contamination."
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
************ Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
************ Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
*********** A significant concern in laboratory animal medicine is contamination due to pathogen outbreaks and how to adequately decontaminate small equipment. Many factors play a role in the selection of the decontamination method including cost, efficacy, personnel ...
************ Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
Application of Gaseous ClO2 on Disinfection and Air Pollution Control: A Mini Review
Application of Gaseous ClO2 on Disinfection and Air Pollution Control: A Mini Review
****!!! (2020) ClO2 gas used to decontaminate a 4800 161m3 facility with a total ClO2 dosage of 400 ppm per hr in a single evening. "In addition, the oxidation of air pollutants such as NOx, SOx, Hg, and VOCs using ClO2 gas has been successfully demonstrated in recent research." "When ClO2 gas dissolved into aqueous solution, the reactivity of ClO2 with organic compounds is predominant to in the gas phase because of existenceof organic compounds in water generally in low concentration."
Application of Gaseous ClO2 on Disinfection and Air Pollution Control: A Mini Review
Development of an online biosensor for in situ monitoring of chlorine dioxide gas disinfection efficacy
Development of an online biosensor for in situ monitoring of chlorine dioxide gas disinfection efficacy
A prototype bioluminescence-based biosensor was designed and constructed to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO{sub 2}) gas under various treatment conditions. The biosensor consisted of a bioluminescent bioreporter (Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL), an optical transducer (photomultiplier tube), and a light-tight chamber housing, the bioreporter and the transducer. The bioluminescent recombinant P. fluorescens 5RL in the biosensor allowed for online monitoring of bioluminescence during ClO{sub 2} gas disinfection. Experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of th...
Development of an online biosensor for in situ monitoring of chlorine dioxide gas disinfection efficacy
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants, bioaerosols
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants, bioaerosols
****** "ClO2 gas was effective in reducing culturable and total fungi and bacteria in indoor air. The reduction of total count on surfaces was less efficient. The treatment process appeared to have no effect or increase the concentrations of endotoxin and (133)--D-glucan, which have been associated with respiratory symptoms in some individuals." "Endotoxin concentrations before and after ClO2 treatment were 10.32 and 18.59 endotoxin units per cubicmeter (EU/m3), respectively. Paired tests comparing endotoxin concentrations before and after treatment showed no significant difference. " "House tented decontamination: Greater than 650 ppm in air for 12.5 hours" "Both the total microscopic count and the PCR count obtained for air samples decreased significantly. This could be caused by direct reduction of spores in the air or reduction of spores on surfaces that would serve as the source for the airborne spores. However, no decrease was observed in the semiquantitative analysis of amount of spores and hyphae in the stickytape samples collected from surfaces."
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants, bioaerosols
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
****!!!!****!!!!**** "Spray-applied solutions of ClO2 at measured concentrations of 3000−4000 ppm were effective against B. anthracis on several nonporous building surfaces but ineffective or not consistently effective on porous surfaces and soils" "If porous materials (carpet and particle board) were immersed in a 1000 ppm, 6 LR of B. anthracis was achieved. Improved effcacy through immersion at a lower concentration suggests that the limited effcacy of spray-applied liquids could be due to spray-application parameters (e.g., droplet size or insuffcient number of applications). ****!!!!!*** Perhaps ClO2 in the aqueous phase could be lost through volatilization from spray droplets or from the wetted surface during the application." "Aqueous solutions of ClO2 5000− 6000 mg/L were produced via easy-use product with sodium chlorite and sodium bisulfate. When applied as a ***fog,*** the ClO2 solutions were effective on a number of materials." "spore populations of B. subtilis... effective decontamination using ClO2 gas levels ranging from 350 to 750 ppm. In a series of six small-chamber experiments conducted at either 100 or 200 ppm of ClO2 (75% RH, 24 °C; CTs ranging from 2 to 12 h), several building materials were effectively decontaminated" "aqueous ClO2 can be generated electrochemically using sodium chlorite and sodium bromide." "relatively cooler temperature that may be encountered in a subway system (11 °C), the lower temperature greatly diminished the decontamination effcacy128 In this same study, lowering RH from 75 to 50% (at 24 °C) also greatly reduced effcacy."
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
Medical Devices and Potential for Utilizing Other Sterilization Modalities
Medical Devices and Potential for Utilizing Other Sterilization Modalities
Nov 2019. Specifically for *sterilization*. Clearance under 510(k). "Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) sterilization is a chemical-based sterilization method. The active sterilant is the gas phase of ClO2. The gas phase of ClO2 can readily penetrate device packaging and sterilize medical devices through an oxidative mechanism at low sterilant concentration at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure. This sterilization process is validated using the overkill method to achieve a sterility assurance level of 10-6. The residues formed during this sterilization process are chlorine dioxide, chlorates, and chlorite that have low toxicity concerns from the reported literature. Although material compatibility information is limited, ClO2 is not known to be incompatible with the most commonly used materials in medical devices such as stainless steel and some polymers."
Medical Devices and Potential for Utilizing Other Sterilization Modalities