Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
{Used ClorDiSys equipment} 315 ppmmaintained to an exposure of 479 ppm-hours with 65% RH failed to inactivate all five organisms, including both spores and vegetative cells, in the ambulance. Trial 4, maintaining 695 ppm ClO2to 756 ppm-hourswith 55% RH, was sufficient for complete inactivationofA. baumanniiandM. smegmatis vegetative cells within the ambulance, but failed to achieve total inacti-vation ofB. anthracis and B. atrophaeusspores as well as S. aureus vegetative cells located inside the closed cabinet" "The ClO2 gas generator uses a five-phase programmable decontamination protocol to include:
1) preconditioning phase, when the RH is elevated to a specified level and the environment is checked for leaks; 2) conditioning phase, where the desirable RH is
maintained for a specified time; 3) charge phase, where the ClO2 gas is generated to a target concentration; 4) exposure phase, where the target concentration of ClO2 is maintained to the specified exposure time; and 5) aeration phase, where the ClO2 is removed from the decontamination area"