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Evaluation of chlorine dioxide gas release rates from dry precursors intended for applied technologies under disparate conditions and their effects on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes
Evaluation of chlorine dioxide gas release rates from dry precursors intended for applied technologies under disparate conditions and their effects on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes
The diverse food safety issues facing developed countries require innovations to current food safety intervention technologies and chemistries. Severa…
Evaluation of chlorine dioxide gas release rates from dry precursors intended for applied technologies under disparate conditions and their effects on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes
Separate and *Combined* Treatments of Chlorine Dioxide Gas and Aerosolized Peracetic Acid Sanitizer for Inactivating Foodborne Pathogens on Spinach Leaves and Tomatoes
Separate and *Combined* Treatments of Chlorine Dioxide Gas and Aerosolized Peracetic Acid Sanitizer for Inactivating Foodborne Pathogens on Spinach Leaves and Tomatoes
"...Antimicrobial effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas (5 or 10 ppmv) and aerosolized sanitizer, when applied alone or in combination, on the survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes"
Separate and *Combined* Treatments of Chlorine Dioxide Gas and Aerosolized Peracetic Acid Sanitizer for Inactivating Foodborne Pathogens on Spinach Leaves and Tomatoes
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
"Greater amounts of gaseous ClO2 were measured at 23% RH than at 100% RH; however, the lethal activity of gaseous ClO2 against naturally occurring mesophilic aerobic bacteria was significantly enhanced at 100% RH." "Gaseous ClO2 was produced in higher amounts at 55 °C than at 25 °C, but decreased more rapidly over time. The lethal activity of gaseous ClO2 against MAB on radish seeds was greater at 55 °C than at 25 °C."
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space
Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger spore and Staphylococcus albus are typical biological indicators for the inactivation of airborne pathogens. The present study characterized and compared the behaviors of B. subtilis subsp. niger spores and S. albus in regard ...
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space
Efficacy of aerosolized chlorine dioxide in reducing pathogenic bacteria on washed carrots - PubMed
Efficacy of aerosolized chlorine dioxide in reducing pathogenic bacteria on washed carrots - PubMed
{300-400 ppm aerosolized CD for up to 30 mins} This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of aerosolized chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on washed carrots at various time durations and conditions. Populations of the bacteria on ca …
Efficacy of aerosolized chlorine dioxide in reducing pathogenic bacteria on washed carrots - PubMed
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
This study reported on the correlation between the amount of ClO2 residues on produce surfaces and the level of inactivation of pathogens after ClO2 gas treatment. Variations in RH have great effect on the solubilization of ClO2 gas on tomato surfaces considering tha …
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
{Includes choosing fogger.} Selectrocide at 100 ppm. Makes Chlorine-matched comparative assessment of the antimicrobial activities ...
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
Combination treatment of chlorine dioxide gas and aerosolized sanitizer for inactivating foodborne pathogens on spinach leaves and tomatoes. - PubMed - NCBI
Combination treatment of chlorine dioxide gas and aerosolized sanitizer for inactivating foodborne pathogens on spinach leaves and tomatoes. - PubMed - NCBI
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Combination treatment of chlorine dioxide gas and aerosolized sanitizer for inactivating foodborne pathogens on spinach leaves and tomatoes. - PubMed - NCBI
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
"Variations in RH [relative humidity] have great effect on the solubilization of ClO2 gas on tomato surfaces considering that ClO2 residues on tomatoes increased with increasing RH. Also, the amount of ClO2 residues on tomatoes is positively correlated with the level of inactivation of pathogens."
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
A study of the properties of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigant
A study of the properties of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigant
******Purogene brand. "ClO2 gas is easily generated by mixing 3.35% sodium chlorite solution (Purogene) and 85% phosphoric acid at a 10:1 volume ratio without using an expensive machine. In a test room (87 m3), experiments were carried out using various amounts of sodium chlorite solution (0.25 ml/m3 to 20.0 ml/m3). The gas concentration increased in a sodium chlorite volume-dependent manner and reached peak values of from 0.8 ppm to 40.8 ppm at 2 h–3 h" "without humidification, the efficacy of ClO2 gas was apparently attenuated" "No differences in gas concentrations were observed between 0.1 and 2.5 m above the floor" "Delicate electronic devices (computer, camera, etc.) operated normally, even after being subjected to more than 20 times of fumigation."
A study of the properties of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigant
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
2000-G chlorine dioxide slow-release gas sachets used. "Generally, embryos are negatively affected by early continuous exposure to ClO2. The adverse effect decreases at later stages of development of embryo. Treatment of hatching eggs in the Treatment of hatching eggs in the hatcher (18-21 days) proven to be safe. Short (12 hour) treatment of eggs in the setter, every time a new batch of eggs is moved in, seems to be also safe. Treatment with the levels of ClO2 safe for eggs seems to be effective in control of Aspergillus contamination."
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
Cleaning and Disinfection: Whole room fogging
Cleaning and Disinfection: Whole room fogging
{*Chlorine dioxide cycles.} End of production cleaning and disinfection is selective to food contact surfaces and can lead to the potential survival of micro-organisms in the wider environment. Whole room disinfection enables difficult-to-reach places to be thoroughly disinfected, as Dr Karen Middleton, of Campden BRI, explains
Cleaning and Disinfection: Whole room fogging
************ Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
************ Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
*********** A significant concern in laboratory animal medicine is contamination due to pathogen outbreaks and how to adequately decontaminate small equipment. Many factors play a role in the selection of the decontamination method including cost, efficacy, personnel ...
************ Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
Chlorine Dioxide is a Better Disinfectant than Sodium Hypochlorite against Multi-Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii - PubMed
Chlorine Dioxide is a Better Disinfectant than Sodium Hypochlorite against Multi-Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii - PubMed
In this study, we evaluated and compared the antibacterial activity of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) on various multidrug-resistant strains in the presence of bovine serum albumin and sheep erythrocytes to mimic the blood contamination that frequently occurs in the clinical …
Chlorine Dioxide is a Better Disinfectant than Sodium Hypochlorite against Multi-Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii - PubMed
Application of Gaseous ClO2 on Disinfection and Air Pollution Control: A Mini Review
Application of Gaseous ClO2 on Disinfection and Air Pollution Control: A Mini Review
****!!! (2020) ClO2 gas used to decontaminate a 4800 161m3 facility with a total ClO2 dosage of 400 ppm per hr in a single evening. "In addition, the oxidation of air pollutants such as NOx, SOx, Hg, and VOCs using ClO2 gas has been successfully demonstrated in recent research." "When ClO2 gas dissolved into aqueous solution, the reactivity of ClO2 with organic compounds is predominant to in the gas phase because of existenceof organic compounds in water generally in low concentration."
Application of Gaseous ClO2 on Disinfection and Air Pollution Control: A Mini Review
Effect of temperature on chlorine dioxide inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on spinach, tomatoes, stainless steel, and glass surfaces - PubMed
Effect of temperature on chlorine dioxide inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on spinach, tomatoes, stainless steel, and glass surfaces - PubMed
******{Chlorine Dioxide effectiveness against pathogens and residual levels are both higher at colder temperatures} "Foodborne pathogens were processed in a treatment chamber with 20 ppmv ClO2 gas at 15 or 25 °C under the same conditions of absolute humidity (11.2-12.3 g/m3) for up to 30 min. As treatment time increased, ClO2 gas treatment at 15 °C caused significantly more (p < 0.05) inactivation of the three pathogens than treatment at 25 °C. ClO2 gas treatment at 25 °C for 30 min" "Residual ClO2 levels after gas treatment at 15 °C were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those at 25 °C."
Effect of temperature on chlorine dioxide inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on spinach, tomatoes, stainless steel, and glass surfaces - PubMed
Workshop on Decontamination, Cleanup and Associated Issues for Sites Contaminated with Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Materials
Workshop on Decontamination, Cleanup and Associated Issues for Sites Contaminated with Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Materials
Much valuable info. {Chlorine dioxide gas treatment "yellowed wall paint and corroded aluminum."} {Re. decontamination of Hart building from anthrax. "Obtaining insurance also contributed significantly to project delays... A public relations firm provided community relations support. In addition, the project had the mayor’s support. Sabre was open about their activities and made themselves available to community groups and media outlets. Sabre held process demonstrations and arranged a round-table discussion for the community the day before the scheduled fumigation."} {"...decisions about reoccupation are made by the local health agencies, so CDC responses to an incident must be carefully crafted and must respect the command structure."} { "...evaluating active moieties in uniforms for personal protection. Catalysts, such as metal oxides, activated carbon, and polyoxometalates would be included in uniform fabrics to improve personnel protection from chemical agents vapors."} {"...found that the hydrogen peroxide concentration decreases as a function of flow rate,temperature, and distance traveled along the ductwork. These results indicate a need for increased injection rates or multiple injection points. Condensation is a concern when increasing the injection rate. } {"...identified significant materials effects for ozone and chlorine dioxide, significant disinfectant effects, significant concentration effects, rapid decay in consumption rates (for ozone and chlorine dioxide), and non-zero endpoints...Ceiling tiles and office partitions continued to be consumers of chlorine dioxide and ozone throughout the disinfection phase... " "...was tested to prove that *chlorine* gas was not formed."}
Workshop on Decontamination, Cleanup and Associated Issues for Sites Contaminated with Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Materials
Ozone vs Chlorine Dioxide for odor removal
Ozone vs Chlorine Dioxide for odor removal
Learn more about why the NonScents Pro team uses chlorine dioxide instead of ozone gas to fight odors at the source. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule odor removal services in Phoenix or San Diego!
Ozone vs Chlorine Dioxide for odor removal
Development of an online biosensor for in situ monitoring of chlorine dioxide gas disinfection efficacy
Development of an online biosensor for in situ monitoring of chlorine dioxide gas disinfection efficacy
A prototype bioluminescence-based biosensor was designed and constructed to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO{sub 2}) gas under various treatment conditions. The biosensor consisted of a bioluminescent bioreporter (Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL), an optical transducer (photomultiplier tube), and a light-tight chamber housing, the bioreporter and the transducer. The bioluminescent recombinant P. fluorescens 5RL in the biosensor allowed for online monitoring of bioluminescence during ClO{sub 2} gas disinfection. Experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of th...
Development of an online biosensor for in situ monitoring of chlorine dioxide gas disinfection efficacy
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants, bioaerosols
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants, bioaerosols
****** "ClO2 gas was effective in reducing culturable and total fungi and bacteria in indoor air. The reduction of total count on surfaces was less efficient. The treatment process appeared to have no effect or increase the concentrations of endotoxin and (133)--D-glucan, which have been associated with respiratory symptoms in some individuals." "Endotoxin concentrations before and after ClO2 treatment were 10.32 and 18.59 endotoxin units per cubicmeter (EU/m3), respectively. Paired tests comparing endotoxin concentrations before and after treatment showed no significant difference. " "House tented decontamination: Greater than 650 ppm in air for 12.5 hours" "Both the total microscopic count and the PCR count obtained for air samples decreased significantly. This could be caused by direct reduction of spores in the air or reduction of spores on surfaces that would serve as the source for the airborne spores. However, no decrease was observed in the semiquantitative analysis of amount of spores and hyphae in the stickytape samples collected from surfaces."
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants, bioaerosols
Total Decontamination Cost of the Anthrax Letter Attacks
Total Decontamination Cost of the Anthrax Letter Attacks
All of the costs associated with decontamination following the 2001 anthrax letter attacks were summarized, estimated, and aggregated based on existing literature and news media reports. A comprehe...
Total Decontamination Cost of the Anthrax Letter Attacks