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Custom sorting - Fumigation largely succeeding in clearing anthrax - December 14, 2001 - Fumigation largely succeeding in clearing anthrax - December 14, 2001
The heavily contaminated Hart Senate Office Building is closer to being cleared of its anthrax infestation, environmental officials said Friday. They said a chlorine dioxide cleansing has significantly reduced the presence of potentially deadly bacteria spores.
·· - Fumigation largely succeeding in clearing anthrax - December 14, 2001
Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as an Alternative for Bedbug Control
Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as an Alternative for Bedbug Control
"The gas was absorbed by the activated char-coal, and no liquid or other material was generated. The gaswas cleared from the room during the aeration process inapproximately 30 minutes to the safe concentration of 0.1ppm; however, the smell of the gas was present in the roomfor 2–3 hours following completion of the protocol."
Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as an Alternative for Bedbug Control
Chlorine dioxide reactions with indoor materials during building disinfection: surface uptake - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide reactions with indoor materials during building disinfection: surface uptake - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide received attention as a building disinfectant in the wake of Bacillus anthracis contamination of several large buildings in the fall of 2001. It is increasingly used for the disinfection of homes and other indoor environments afflicted by mold. However, little is known regarding the …
Chlorine dioxide reactions with indoor materials during building disinfection: surface uptake - PubMed
Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
{Used ClorDiSys equipment} 315 ppmmaintained to an exposure of 479 ppm-hours with 65% RH failed to inactivate all five organisms, including both spores and vegetative cells, in the ambulance. Trial 4, maintaining 695 ppm ClO2to 756 ppm-hourswith 55% RH, was sufficient for complete inactivationofA. baumanniiandM. smegmatis vegetative cells within the ambulance, but failed to achieve total inacti-vation ofB. anthracis and B. atrophaeusspores as well as S. aureus vegetative cells located inside the closed cabinet" "The ClO2 gas generator uses a five-phase programmable decontamination protocol to include: 1) preconditioning phase, when the RH is elevated to a specified level and the environment is checked for leaks; 2) conditioning phase, where the desirable RH is maintained for a specified time; 3) charge phase, where the ClO2 gas is generated to a target concentration; 4) exposure phase, where the target concentration of ClO2 is maintained to the specified exposure time; and 5) aeration phase, where the ClO2 is removed from the decontamination area"
Evaluation of ambulance decontamination using gaseous chlorine dioxide
Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Decontamination of Building Interior Surfaces Contaminated with Anthrax Spores
Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Decontamination of Building Interior Surfaces Contaminated with Anthrax Spores
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide (CD) gas generated by *two distinct generation systems*, Sabre (wet system with gas generated in water) and ClorDiSys (dry system with gas generated in air), was evaluated for inactivation of Bacillus anthracis spores on six ...
Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Decontamination of Building Interior Surfaces Contaminated with Anthrax Spores
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
****!!!!****!!!!**** "Spray-applied solutions of ClO2 at measured concentrations of 3000−4000 ppm were effective against B. anthracis on several nonporous building surfaces but ineffective or not consistently effective on porous surfaces and soils" "If porous materials (carpet and particle board) were immersed in a 1000 ppm, 6 LR of B. anthracis was achieved. Improved effcacy through immersion at a lower concentration suggests that the limited effcacy of spray-applied liquids could be due to spray-application parameters (e.g., droplet size or insuffcient number of applications). ****!!!!!*** Perhaps ClO2 in the aqueous phase could be lost through volatilization from spray droplets or from the wetted surface during the application." "Aqueous solutions of ClO2 5000− 6000 mg/L were produced via easy-use product with sodium chlorite and sodium bisulfate. When applied as a ***fog,*** the ClO2 solutions were effective on a number of materials." "spore populations of B. subtilis... effective decontamination using ClO2 gas levels ranging from 350 to 750 ppm. In a series of six small-chamber experiments conducted at either 100 or 200 ppm of ClO2 (75% RH, 24 °C; CTs ranging from 2 to 12 h), several building materials were effectively decontaminated" "aqueous ClO2 can be generated electrochemically using sodium chlorite and sodium bromide." "relatively cooler temperature that may be encountered in a subway system (11 °C), the lower temperature greatly diminished the decontamination effcacy128 In this same study, lowering RH from 75 to 50% (at 24 °C) also greatly reduced effcacy."
Review of Decontamination Techniques for the Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis and Other Spore-Forming Bacteria Associated with Building or Outdoor Materials
Chlorine Dioxide CIO2 Odor Eliminator | Biocide Systems™
Chlorine Dioxide CIO2 Odor Eliminator | Biocide Systems™
Biocide Systems™ provides natural effective products containing CIO2 to eliminate the toughest odors such as urine, mildew, & cigarettes in autos, homes, apartments, & RVs.
Chlorine Dioxide CIO2 Odor Eliminator | Biocide Systems™
Medical Devices and Potential for Utilizing Other Sterilization Modalities
Medical Devices and Potential for Utilizing Other Sterilization Modalities
Nov 2019. Specifically for *sterilization*. Clearance under 510(k). "Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) sterilization is a chemical-based sterilization method. The active sterilant is the gas phase of ClO2. The gas phase of ClO2 can readily penetrate device packaging and sterilize medical devices through an oxidative mechanism at low sterilant concentration at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure. This sterilization process is validated using the overkill method to achieve a sterility assurance level of 10-6. The residues formed during this sterilization process are chlorine dioxide, chlorates, and chlorite that have low toxicity concerns from the reported literature. Although material compatibility information is limited, ClO2 is not known to be incompatible with the most commonly used materials in medical devices such as stainless steel and some polymers."
Medical Devices and Potential for Utilizing Other Sterilization Modalities
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
{ClorDiSys equipment was used} Efficacy of ClO2 as a decontaminant is greatly enhanced at a relative humidity greater than 60% (1990 stu "some ClO2 continued to be sensed outside of the space... level did not exceed the Dräger tube sensitivity of 0.1 ppm. The mean concentration within the ICU/NICU during the decontamination was approximately 40 ppm" "a total ClO2dosage of ~400 ppm-hr was applied over a single evening" "ClO2 is a fairly selective oxidant, which is not expected to react with typical building materials (including wood) or soil. " "Future experiments within controlled spaces are in order to isolate the most significant absorption and/or reaction sites to aid in the practical design of decontaminations"
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
Fogging COVID-19 in military
Fogging COVID-19 in military
The 17th Civil Engineer Squadron is employing a different type of way efficiently disinfecting the classrooms on base, a fog machine.
Fogging COVID-19 in military
Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis | Semantic Scholar
Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis | Semantic Scholar
**Links to several studies-This study assessed the efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide for inactivation of Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis in a hospital patient care suite. Spore and vegetative cells of Bacillus anthracis Sterne 34F2, spores of Bacillus atrophaeus ATCC 9372 and vegetative cells of both Francisella tularensis ATCC 6223 and Yersinia pestis A1122 were exposed to gaseous chlorine dioxide in a patient care suite. Organism inactivation was then assessed by log reduction in viable organisms postexposure to chlorine dioxide gas compared to non-exposed control organism. Hospital room decontamination protocols utilizing chlorine dioxide gas concentrations of 377 to 385 ppm maintained to exposures of 767 ppm-hours with 65% relative humidity consistently achieved complete inactivation of B. anthracis and B. atrophaeus spores, as well as vegetative cells of B. anthracis, F. tularensis, and Y. pestis. Decrease in exposure (ppm-hours) and relative humidity (<65%) or restricting airflow reduced inactivation but achieved >8 log reductions in organisms. Up to 10-log reductions were achieved in a hospital room with limited impact on adjacent areas, indicating chlorine dioxide concentrations needed for decontamination of highly concentrated (>6 logs) organisms can be achieved throughout a hospital room. This study translates laboratory chlorine dioxide fumigation studies applied in a complex clinical environment.
Decontamination of a Hospital Room Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide: Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis | Semantic Scholar
Evaluation of Ambulance Decontamination Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide | Request PDF
Evaluation of Ambulance Decontamination Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide | Request PDF
Request PDF | Evaluation of Ambulance Decontamination Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide | Abstract Objective. We evaluated gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) decontamination of an ambulance using a variety of bacterial biological agents.... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Evaluation of Ambulance Decontamination Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide | Request PDF
The role of ‘no-touch’ automated room disinfection systems in infection prevention and control
The role of ‘no-touch’ automated room disinfection systems in infection prevention and control
Surface contamination in hospitals is involved in the transmission of pathogens in a proportion of healthcare-associated infections. Admission to a room previously occupied by a patient colonized or infected with certain nosocomial pathogens increases the risk of acquisition by subsequent occupants; thus, there is a need to improve terminal disinfection of these patient rooms. Conventional disinfection methods may be limited by reliance on the operator to ensure appropriate selection, formulation, distribution and contact time of the agent.
The role of ‘no-touch’ automated room disinfection systems in infection prevention and control
Efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide in inactivating Bacillus cereus spores attached to and in a biofilm on stainless steel - PubMed
Efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide in inactivating Bacillus cereus spores attached to and in a biofilm on stainless steel - PubMed
"Results show that B. cereus spores in biofilms are more resistant to gaseous ClO2 than are attached spores not in biofilms. Gaseous ClO2 was, nevertheless, very effective in killing B. cereus spores in biofilm on the surface of stainless steel. Results show promise for application of gaseous ClO2 to enhance the microbiological safety of foods that may come in contact with stainless steel and possibly other hard surfaces on which B. cereus biofilms have formed. "
Efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide in inactivating Bacillus cereus spores attached to and in a biofilm on stainless steel - PubMed
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space - PubMed
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas is a novel and effective fumigation agent with strong oxidization ability and a broad biocidal spectrum. The antimicrobial efficacy of ClO2 gas has been evaluated in many previous studies. However, there are presently no published models that can be used to describe the k …
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space - PubMed
Virucidal Activity of Fogged Chlorine Dioxide- and Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Disinfectants against Human Norovirus and Its Surrogate, Feline Calicivirus, on Hard-to-Reach Surfaces
Virucidal Activity of Fogged Chlorine Dioxide- and Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Disinfectants against Human Norovirus and Its Surrogate, Feline Calicivirus, on Hard-to-Reach Surfaces
...At 12.4 ml/m3, hydrogen peroxide achieved a respective 2.5 ± 0.1 and 2.7 ± 0.3 log10 reduction in GI.6 and GII.4 NoV genome copies, and a 4.3 ± 0.1 log10 reduction in infectious FCV within 5 min. At the same disinfectant formulation concentration, chlorine dioxide-surfactant-based product resulted in a respective 1.7 ± 0.2, 0.6 ± 0.0, and 2.4 ± 0.2 log10 reduction in GI.6, GII.4, and FCV within 10 min; however, increasing the disinfectant formulation concentration to 15.9 ml/m3 negatively impacted its efficacy. Fogging uniformly delivered the disinfectants throughout the room, and effectively decontaminated viruses on hard-to-reach surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide delivered by fog showed promising virucidal activity against FCV by meeting the United States EPA 4-log10 reduction criteria for an anti-noroviral disinfectant; however, fogged chlorine dioxide-surfactant-based product did not achieve a 4-log10 inactivation. Future investigation aimed at optimizing decontamination practices is warranted
Virucidal Activity of Fogged Chlorine Dioxide- and Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Disinfectants against Human Norovirus and Its Surrogate, Feline Calicivirus, on Hard-to-Reach Surfaces