Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

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Isolator Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas ~ClorDiSys
Isolator Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas ~ClorDiSys
"CD was highly efficacious in reducing B. subtillis spores onpaper, plastic, epoxy-coated stainless steel, and wood surfaces(7). In addition, no corrosion was observed when using pharmaceutical-type materials such as 316 and 304 series stain-less steel, Lexan, and other commonly used plastics includingDelrin, Teflon, UHMWPE, Viton, and PVC (8). In a separatestudy, postexposure rinses of 304 stainless steel coupons inwater-for-injection showed no residual CD when measuredwith a high-pressure liquid chromatographic method for chlo-ride detection"
Isolator Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas ~ClorDiSys
Room, Suite Scale, Class III Biological Safety Cabinet, and Sensitive Equipment Decontamination and Validation Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide - Donald J. Girouard, Mark A. Czarneski (ClorDiSys), 2016
Room, Suite Scale, Class III Biological Safety Cabinet, and Sensitive Equipment Decontamination and Validation Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide - Donald J. Girouard, Mark A. Czarneski (ClorDiSys), 2016
"Aeration time for this project was on average between 45 and 60 minutes, which matched the calculated and published aeration times. [18][19][20][21] CD gas is an oxidizer, but when it is produced with a dry gas and used as a gas, it is not corrosive as gases in solutions typically are. Solutions of CD gas are typically corrosive due to the acids and sodium chlorite involved."
Room, Suite Scale, Class III Biological Safety Cabinet, and Sensitive Equipment Decontamination and Validation Using Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide - Donald J. Girouard, Mark A. Czarneski (ClorDiSys), 2016
Gaseous Decontamination Methods in High-containment Laboratories
Gaseous Decontamination Methods in High-containment Laboratories
{includes ClorDiSys info} "Due to the selective oxidizing nature of chlorine dioxide it only reacts with molecules that are highly reduced (alcohols, alde-hydes, ketones, tertiary amines, and sulfur containing amino acids) which allows its activity to be much less influenced by organic soil loads" "Fumigation/ vapor: 360-1,800 ppm for 0.5-2 hours" "container of CD with fish tank bubbler to accelerate off gassing and a pump to circulate the gas. Although this method generated low levels of GCD--less than 500 ppm), with extended exposure times a successful decontamination" "Relative humidity of 80% increased efficacy, resulting in much shorter exposure time" "when GCD is generated by off gassing from liquid chlorine dioxide, corrosion of non-coated metal surfaces was observed after repeated exposure"
Gaseous Decontamination Methods in High-containment Laboratories
Chlorine dioxide as a building disinfectant: Surface consumption and by-product generation
Chlorine dioxide as a building disinfectant: Surface consumption and by-product generation
Small chamber experiments were used to study the consumption of gaseous chlorine dioxide and corresponding release of building disinfection by-products (BDBPs) for 24 common building materials. Test materials were exposed to a standard chlorine dioxide concentration of 700 ppm at a temperature of 24°C and RH of 75% for a 16 hour disinfection period. For most materials, the chlorine dioxide deposition velocity (vd) decreased significantly in the first 2 to 3 hours, indicating rapid consumption of reactive species on the surface of materials. The total BDBP mass released per unit area of material varied by over an order of magnitude between materials and did not correlate with chlorine dioxide deposition velocities.
Chlorine dioxide as a building disinfectant: Surface consumption and by-product generation
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants
********** "Both the total microscopic count and the PCR count obtained for air samples decreased significantly. This could be caused by direct reduction of spores in the air or reduction of spores on surfaces that would serve as the source for the airborne spores. However, no decrease was observed in the semiquantitative analysis of amount of spores and hyphae in the stickytape samples collected from surfaces."
Effect of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide on Indoor Microbial Contaminants
KR20150108106A - Polymer gel for release of chlorine dioxide gas and packaging method of food comprising the same - Google Patents
KR20150108106A - Polymer gel for release of chlorine dioxide gas and packaging method of food comprising the same - Google Patents
The present invention relates to polymer gel for releasing chlorine dioxide gas and a method for packaging food including the same. A chlorine dioxide solution, including a sodium chlorite solution and a buffer solution having a buffering range of pH 3-4, is absorbed into a polymer and therefore the chlorine dioxide gas of 0.2-5 ppm is continuously released for 14-18 days to prevent growth of harmful microorganisms during a distribution period. Consequently, the distribution period can be extended, when compared to an existing polymer gel, by maintaining freshness.
KR20150108106A - Polymer gel for release of chlorine dioxide gas and packaging method of food comprising the same - Google Patents
ClorDiSys Contamination Control Blog: Fogging with Liquid Chlorine Dioxide
ClorDiSys Contamination Control Blog: Fogging with Liquid Chlorine Dioxide
"Compared to gaseous chlorine dioxide, which spreads throughout an entire facility and penetrates into the smallest cracks, fogging has some limitations. Liquid fogging has many factors that reduce the ability of this agent to reach all the required areas for the required amount of time in order to achieve a successful decontamination cycle. Liquids have difficulty penetrating into crevices as they cannot overcome the surface tension." "Fogging with a liquid chlorine dioxide provides a more economical disinfection method compared to gaseous decontamination, offering a value proposition for less critical contamination control applications."
ClorDiSys Contamination Control Blog: Fogging with Liquid Chlorine Dioxide
Comparative antimicrobial activities of aerosolized sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and electrochemically activated solutions evaluated using a novel standardized assay
Comparative antimicrobial activities of aerosolized sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and electrochemically activated solutions evaluated using a novel standardized assay
{Chlorine dioxide application in air via humidifier} " The efficacy of a given aerosolized biocide when used within a specific application will be dependent on the design of the aerosolization device and, hence, standardization of output (fog rate and droplet size) as well as the volume and topography of the environment to be decontaminated."
Comparative antimicrobial activities of aerosolized sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and electrochemically activated solutions evaluated using a novel standardized assay
Scale‐up model of forced air‐integrated gaseous chlorine dioxide for the decontamination of lowbush blueberries - Lacombe - 2020 - Journal of Food Safety
Scale‐up model of forced air‐integrated gaseous chlorine dioxide for the decontamination of lowbush blueberries - Lacombe - 2020 - Journal of Food Safety
2020. Gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a promising sanitizer for frozen products because of its efficacy under nonthermal and waterless conditions. Our pilot‐scale treatment of blueberries demonstrated t...
Scale‐up model of forced air‐integrated gaseous chlorine dioxide for the decontamination of lowbush blueberries - Lacombe - 2020 - Journal of Food Safety
Chlorine Dioxide | Biological Indicators ~ClorDiSys
Chlorine Dioxide | Biological Indicators ~ClorDiSys
Spore strips used to verify decontamination cycle's efficacy in water bottles, closed cabinets, HEPA air filters, laboratory cage lids, packed storage rooms, and medical isolators; and underneath equipment and dust.
Chlorine Dioxide | Biological Indicators ~ClorDiSys
Fighting Ebola with novel [chlorine dioxide] spore decontamination technologies for the military - PubMed
Fighting Ebola with novel [chlorine dioxide] spore decontamination technologies for the military - PubMed
"...a novel, lightweight, compact, reusable decontamination technology to sterilize Ebola-contaminated medical devices at remote clinical sites lacking infra-structure in crisis-stricken regions of West Africa (medical waste materials are placed in bags and burned). The basis for effectuating sterilization with FDKs is chlorine dioxide (ClO2)" "NSRDEC research scientists developed an ensemble of ClO2 technologies designed for different applications in decontaminating fresh produce; food contact and handling surfaces; personal protective equipment; textiles used in clothing, uniforms, tents, and shelters; graywater recycling; airplanes; surgical instruments; and hard surfaces in latrines, laundries, and deployable medical facilities. These examples demonstrate the far-reaching impact, adaptability, and versatility of these innovative technologies."
Fighting Ebola with novel [chlorine dioxide] spore decontamination technologies for the military - PubMed
Natick plays key role in helping to fight spread of Ebola [using Chlorine Dioxide invention]
Natick plays key role in helping to fight spread of Ebola [using Chlorine Dioxide invention]
"Researchers at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center here, invented a next-generation disinfectant system that... is being used to sterilize medical equipment and electronic items used in the treatment of patients on the front lines of the war on Ebola in West Africa." "An important exponent of ClO2 is its versatility as a disinfectant suitable for any industry, ranging from textiles, medicine, wastewater treatment and public health, to food safety, personal hygiene, and household uses. ClO2 can be activated in small or large quantities and in varying strength levels from potent enough to sterilize medical instruments to mild enough to use in toothpaste to fight off germs in the mouth. " "Unlike other methods of preparing chlorine dioxide, no electricity or caustic acids are needed to activate the powdered ClO2, nor is clean water required, making it ideal for use in remote field locations."
Natick plays key role in helping to fight spread of Ebola [using Chlorine Dioxide invention]
Patent: Decontamination of enclosed space using gaseous chlorine dioxide ~Sabre Technology, Google Patents}
Patent: Decontamination of enclosed space using gaseous chlorine dioxide ~Sabre Technology, Google Patents}
{Applications at various Relative Humidity} Based on past remediation efforts, it is generally accepted that in order to achieve adequate kill, chlorine dioxide fumigation of a building requires a minimum relative humidity (RH) of about 65%, with a target ClO2 concentration and exposure time of 750 ppmv for 12 hours, for a total concentration of 9000 ppmv-hrs (CT). Other researchers have recommended a RH of greater than 70% for ClO2 concentrations between 125 and 10550 ppmv. Under current EPA guidelines, applications of ClO2 for building remediation require 75% relative humidity and an exposure of 9000 ppmv-hrs. {Includes info on corrosion mitigation.}
Patent: Decontamination of enclosed space using gaseous chlorine dioxide ~Sabre Technology, Google Patents}