Petition to update TMC RP and use ClO2 to combat coronavirus
Maverick Transportation's Greg Johnsen is petitioning TMC to update their recommended practices for truck cab sanitizing in hopes to help combat COVID-19.
CD concentrations & air method for food produce fumigation ~Selective Micro Technologies
"...Though the perchlorate ion has been identified as a degradation product in the treatment of fruits and vegetables with gaseous ClO2, Smith et al. confirmed “in the presence of a chlorine dioxide sink and in the absence of light, perchlorate formation from chlorine dioxide is nil” and “the formation of chlorate and perchlorate can be minimized or essentially eliminated ... if chlorine dioxide sanitation processes are protected from light” "As it comes into contact with food surfaces, chlorine dioxide gas will be consumed by the oxidation of organic matter and micro-organisms present on food. Unlike chlorine dioxide gas in-solution, which decomposes into various oxychloro species upon its exposure to water, gaseous chlorine dioxide will decompose into only chlorine and oxygen when released to the atmosphere." "In-line with the results of Lee, we conservatively estimate that the residual chlorite concentration is approximately 70% of chlorine dioxide consumed in-reaction and that residual chlorate concentration is approximately 15% of chlorine dioxide consumed in-reaction. The reaction’s remaining 15% can be categorized as minor reaction products." "Chlorine, however, will rapidly be broken down in reactions with ultraviolet light or other atmospheric particles to form the chloride particle. "
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PureVista ClO2Stix
{Gives doses for air applications in ppm and grams of PureVista tablets for fumigation and other uses} "Placing (1) PureVista 100 (100 g/3.53 oz.) into 4 liters/1 gallon of water provides 2,000 ppm solution. "
Effect of Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Fungi and Mycotoxins Associated with Sick Building Syndrome
{This study seems to actually report the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the liquid solution used, rather than the air in the gas chamber} "Chlorine dioxide gas at either 500 ppm or 1,000 ppm was created according to the instructions of the manufacturer in the gas chamber through the use of 6 g Aseptrol S10-Tab tablets (Engelhard Corporation, Iselin, New Jersey) dissolved in distilled water. The gas chamber was then sealed for 24 h at room temperature under a fume hood."
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Decontamination of Large Animal Hospital Intensive and Neonatal Care Units
The facility was appropriately sealed, supplied with gas distribution mechanisms and demonstrated to have met the specification for humidity before introduction of ClO2. The total exposure for this ***4800 cubic meters structure was approximately 400 ppm-hr. *** "Most of the sealing was performed on exterior surfaces.
All vents or potentially leaky seams along the roof, which included vents adjacent to roof gutters and ridge vents, were sealed using combinations of caulk, expanding foam, duct tape and adhesive films. The exhaust and air
supply units for the building were deactivated and their associated vents on the exterior walls and roof were sealed."
Comparison of multiple chemical sanitizers for reducing Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on spinach leaves
**** "Spinach samples exposed to ClO2 gas for 30 min actually achieved less reduction than did the water wash, and 1 h exposure reduced Salmonella only 0.6 CFU/g, somewhat but not significantly less than water.**** When chlorine dioxide was used on tomatoes inoculated with Salmonella, reductions of 2.94 and 3.86 log were obtained with 8 mg/L for 60 s or 10 mg/L for 120s, respectively... similar results, achieving a more than 5 log reduction in
Salmonella on innoculated tomato skin surfaces after treatment with 0.5 mg/L ClO2 gas for 12 min."
Use of superabsorbent polymer gels for surface decontamination of Bacillus anthracis spores - Rogers - 2009
"Incorporation of three commercially available decontaminant technologies [including chlorine dioxide] into a SAP gel promotes inactivation of B. anthracis spores without observable physical damage to the test surface."
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization under Square-Wave Conditions
Experiments were designed to study chlorine dioxide (CD) gas sterilization under square-wave conditions. By using controlled humidity, gas concentration, and temperature at atmospheric pressure, standard biological indicators (BIs) and spore disks of environmental isolates were exposed to CD gas. The sporicidal activity of CD gas was found to be concentration dependent. *Prehumidification enhanced the CD activity.* The D values (time required for 90% inactivation) of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger ATCC 9372 BIs were estimated to be 1.5, 2.5, and 4.2 min when exposed to CD concentrations of 30, 15, and 7 mg/liter, respectively, at 23°C and ambient (20 to 40%) relative humidity (RH). Survivor tailings were observed. Prehumidification of BIs to 70 to 75% RH in an environmental chamber for 30 min resulted in a D value of 1.6 min after exposure to a concentration of 6 to 7 mg of CD per liter at 23°C and eliminated survivor tailing. Prolonging prehumidification at 70 to 75% RH for up to 16 h did not further improve the inactivation rate. Prehumidification by ultrasonic nebulization was found to be more effective than prehumidification in the environmental chamber. Based on the current observations, CD gas is estimated, on a molar concentration basis, to be 1,075 times more potent than ethylene oxide as a sterilant at 30°C.
Whole facility decontamination with Chlorine Dioxide
Mists & foggers not as effective as gas because need line-of-sight contact; 5-100 micron size can't get as good of penetration where 0.5-2 micron organisms can. Ionized foggers has issues with positively charged surfaces such as glass & aluminum. Disinfection requires complete distribution, good penetration, and sufficient contact time at the required concentration.
Microbial Decontamination with Chlorine Dioxide of a 65-Room New Pharmaceutical Research Facility | Semantic Scholar
The following article describes a case study about decontamination of a 65-room new animal research facility located in the Northeast. The decontamination took place during the cold winter month of January, and all equipment used to run the facility was in place prior to beginning the decontamination. This facility had an essential need for complete decontamination because a lot of its equipment was procured from other facilities and cross-contamination was a concern. Chlorine dioxide gas was used due to the inherent properties of a gas, such as excellent distribution and penetration which were required due to the numerous rooms in the facility. The target concentration was not reached, but since photometric measurement was utilized, the exposure was extended accordingly and the end result was successful. All biological indicators were eradicated, and no residues and no material degradation were observed.
Chlorine Dioxide Cup Odor Removal System releases 15 to 20 ppm (parts per million) for the first two hours, and 5 ppm for another hour. After 5-6 hours, there will be zero ppm in your vehicle.
Determination of the Efficacy of Two Building Decontamination Strategies by Surface Sampling with Culture and Quantitative PCR Analysis {including Chlorine Dioxide fumigation}
After decontamination with chlorine dioxide gas, no culturable B. atrophaeus was detected in 24 of 27 samples (89%). However, QPCR analysis showed that B. atrophaeus DNA was still present after decontamination with both methods. Environmental background material had no apparent effect on decontamination
Inactivation Kinetics and Mechanism of a Human Norovirus Surrogate on Stainless Steel Coupons via Chlorine Dioxide Gas.
Acute gastroenteritis caused by human norovirus is a significant public health issue. Fresh produce and seafood are examples of high-risk foods associated with norovirus outbreaks. Food contact surfaces also have the potential to harbor noroviruses if exposed to fecal contamination, aerosolized vomitus, or infected food handlers. Currently, there is no effective measure to decontaminate norovirus on food contact surfaces. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas is a strong oxidizer and is used as a decontaminating agent in food processing plants. The objective of this study was to determine the kinetic...
Evaluation of chlorine dioxide gas release rates from dry precursors intended for applied technologies under disparate conditions and their effects on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes
The diverse food safety issues facing developed countries require innovations to current food safety intervention technologies and chemistries. Severa…
Separate and *Combined* Treatments of Chlorine Dioxide Gas and Aerosolized Peracetic Acid Sanitizer for Inactivating Foodborne Pathogens on Spinach Leaves and Tomatoes
"...Antimicrobial effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas (5 or 10 ppmv) and aerosolized sanitizer, when applied alone or in combination, on the survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes"
Sanitizing radish seeds by simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide, high relative humidity, and mild heat
"Greater amounts of gaseous ClO2 were measured at 23% RH than at 100% RH; however, the lethal activity of gaseous ClO2 against naturally occurring mesophilic aerobic bacteria was significantly enhanced at 100% RH." "Gaseous ClO2 was produced in higher amounts at 55 °C than at 25 °C, but decreased more rapidly over time. The lethal activity of gaseous ClO2 against MAB on radish seeds was greater at 55 °C than at 25 °C."
Kinetics of Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger Spores and Staphylococcus albus on Paper by Chlorine Dioxide Gas in an Enclosed Space
Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger spore and Staphylococcus albus are typical biological indicators for the inactivation of airborne pathogens. The present study characterized and compared the behaviors of B. subtilis subsp. niger spores and S. albus in regard ...
Inactivation of Salmonella enterica in chicken feces on eggshells by CD gas and mild wet heat
The aim of this study was to investigate the lethal effects of simultaneous treatments with gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and mild wet heat (55 °C a…
Efficacy of aerosolized chlorine dioxide in reducing pathogenic bacteria on washed carrots - PubMed
{300-400 ppm aerosolized CD for up to 30 mins} This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of aerosolized chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on washed carrots at various time durations and conditions. Populations of the bacteria on ca …
Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes - PubMed
This study reported on the correlation between the amount of ClO2 residues on produce surfaces and the level of inactivation of pathogens after ClO2 gas treatment. Variations in RH have great effect on the solubilization of ClO2 gas on tomato surfaces considering tha …
Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of Aerosolized Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorine Dioxide, and (ECAS) Electrochemically Activated Solutions Evaluated Using a Novel Standardized Assay
{Includes choosing fogger.} Selectrocide at 100 ppm. Makes Chlorine-matched comparative assessment of the antimicrobial activities ...
Combination treatment of chlorine dioxide gas and aerosolized sanitizer for inactivating foodborne pathogens on spinach leaves and tomatoes. - PubMed - NCBI
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
CD liquid in air: Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes
"Variations in RH [relative humidity] have great effect on the solubilization of ClO2 gas on tomato surfaces considering that ClO2 residues on tomatoes increased with increasing RH. Also, the amount of ClO2 residues on tomatoes is positively correlated with the level of inactivation of pathogens."
A study of the properties of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigant
******Purogene brand. "ClO2 gas is easily generated by mixing 3.35% sodium chlorite solution (Purogene) and 85% phosphoric acid at a 10:1 volume ratio without using an expensive machine. In a test room (87 m3), experiments were carried out using various amounts of sodium chlorite solution (0.25 ml/m3 to 20.0 ml/m3). The gas concentration increased in a sodium chlorite volume-dependent manner and reached peak values of from 0.8 ppm to 40.8 ppm at 2 h–3 h" "without humidification, the efficacy of ClO2 gas was apparently attenuated" "No differences in gas concentrations were observed between 0.1 and 2.5 m above the floor" "Delicate electronic devices (computer, camera, etc.) operated normally, even after being subjected to more than 20 times of fumigation."
Use of cl02 in chicken hatcheries - Slide presentation
2000-G chlorine dioxide slow-release gas sachets used. "Generally, embryos are negatively affected by early continuous exposure to ClO2. The adverse effect decreases at later stages of development of embryo. Treatment of hatching eggs in the Treatment of hatching eggs in the hatcher (18-21 days) proven to be safe. Short (12 hour) treatment of eggs in the setter, every time a new batch of eggs is moved in, seems to be also safe. Treatment with the levels of ClO2 safe for eggs seems to be effective in control of Aspergillus contamination."