Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

Air CD Disinf--High Concentration

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GermBlast | Disinfection formulations & coating
GermBlast | Disinfection formulations & coating
GermBlast specializes in disinfection and cleaning of homes and businesses. Our industry leading services kill viruses and bacteria.
GermBlast | Disinfection formulations & coating
School district disinfecting classrooms amidst coronavirus concerns
School district disinfecting classrooms amidst coronavirus concerns
SAN ANTONIO - School districts across the San Antonio area are responding to concerns over the coronavirus. East Central ISD is one of several school districts to send messages to parents saying it is preparing for the coronavirus. Local school districts address parents' concerns over coronavirus. “The students know that we are being proactive and so do the parents,” said Brandon Oliver, communications director for East Central ISD.
School district disinfecting classrooms amidst coronavirus concerns
National Guard Called in to Disinfect Nursing Homes - BirminghamWatch
National Guard Called in to Disinfect Nursing Homes - BirminghamWatch
UPDATE — A team of specially trained Alabama National Guard troops is expected Saturday at the Bill Nichols State Veterans Home as part of a mission to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus at nursing homes around the state. In a news release issued today, the state Department of Public Health said Guard troops will be disinfecting nursing homes where patients and employees have tested positive for COVID-19 and will train staff at the homes in the proper use of personal protective equipment. Read more.
National Guard Called in to Disinfect Nursing Homes - BirminghamWatch
Assessing the Biological Efficacy and Rate of Recontamination Following Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Decontamination
Assessing the Biological Efficacy and Rate of Recontamination Following Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Decontamination
The inanimate hospital environment can become contaminated with nosocomial pathogens. Hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) decontamination has proven effective for the eradication of persistent environmental contamination. We investigated the extent of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), va …
Assessing the Biological Efficacy and Rate of Recontamination Following Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Decontamination
Tackling Contamination of the Hospital Environment by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA): A Comparison Between Conventional Terminal Cleaning and Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Decontamination
Tackling Contamination of the Hospital Environment by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA): A Comparison Between Conventional Terminal Cleaning and Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Decontamination
The hospital environment can sometimes harbour methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) but is not generally regarded as a major source of MRSA infection. We conducted a prospective study in surgical wards of a London teaching hospital affected by MRSA, and compared the effectiveness of st …
Tackling Contamination of the Hospital Environment by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA): A Comparison Between Conventional Terminal Cleaning and Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Decontamination
Microbial Decontamination--Chlorine Dioxide Gas Equipment & Services, Life Science Industry brochure ~Clordisys
Microbial Decontamination--Chlorine Dioxide Gas Equipment & Services, Life Science Industry brochure ~Clordisys
****{Clordisys excellent CD info} Vapor disinfection: "CD concentration is typically only 360 ppm." "Acidic by-products generated by most other liquid methods can cause harm to equipment and surfaces. CD-TABS (TM) create a neutral pH solution and won't cause these issues" "Pinworm eggs require a chlorine dioxide dosage twice the normal sterilization level"
Microbial Decontamination--Chlorine Dioxide Gas Equipment & Services, Life Science Industry brochure ~Clordisys
The Portable Chemical Sterilizer (PCS), CD autoclave disinfection -D-FENS, and D-FEND ALL: Novel Chlorine Dioxide Decontamination Technologies for the Military
The Portable Chemical Sterilizer (PCS), CD autoclave disinfection -D-FENS, and D-FEND ALL: Novel Chlorine Dioxide Decontamination Technologies for the Military
There is a stated Army need for a field-portable, non-steam sterilizer technology that can be used by Forward Surgical Teams, Dental Companies, Veterinary Service Support Detachments, Combat Support Hospitals, and Area Medical Laboratories to sterilize ...
The Portable Chemical Sterilizer (PCS), CD autoclave disinfection -D-FENS, and D-FEND ALL: Novel Chlorine Dioxide Decontamination Technologies for the Military