Ultrasonic humidifier lung as a mimic of COVID‐19

Airborne Causes of Disease
Indoor Air and COVID-19 Key References and Publications | US EPA
" technical publications addressing the science related to transmission of SARS-Co-V-2 through aerosol in indoor environments."
Increase in humidifier lung cases owing to coronavirus disease 2019
High levels of ammonia do not raise fne particle pH sufciently to yield nitrogen oxide-dominated sulfate production
Confronting and mitigating the risk of COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis
Cases of COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) are being increasingly reported and physicians treating patients with COVID-19-related lung disease need to actively consider these fungal co-infections https://bit.ly/3feuGsQ
COVID-19-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis
A new report provides insight into the incidence of pulmonary aspergillosis among COVID-19 patients.
The Where, Why, & What of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) ~Vital Oxide [chlorine dioxide]
Is your home or workplace making you sick? If you’ve been experiencing unexplained symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and headaches that only occur when you spend time in a particular location – like inside your apartment or office building – you may be suffering from sick building syndrome (SBS). What exactly is SBS? Where and why does it occur? Can it be managed? We have the answers for you below. What is Sick Building Syndrome? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the term
About Mucormycosis | Mucormycosis | CDC
Where Mucormycosis Comes From | Mucormycosis | CDC
Zygomycetes in Human Disease
"There are two orders of Zygomycetes containing organisms that cause human disease, the Mucorales and the Entomophthorales. The majority of human illness is caused by the Mucorales. While disease is most commonly linked to Rhizopus spp., other organisms are also associated with human infection, including Mucor, Rhizomucor, Absidia, Apophysomyces, Saksenaea, Cunninghamella, Cokeromyces, and Syncephalastrum spp. Although Mortierella spp. do cause disease in animals, there is no longer sufficient evidence to suggest that they are true human pathogens. The spores from these molds are transmitted by inhalation, via a variety of percutaneous routes, or by ingestion of spores. Human zygomycosis caused by the Mucorales generally occurs in immunocompromised hosts as opportunistic infections. Host risk factors include diabetes mellitus, neutropenia, sustained immunosuppressive therapy, chronic prednisone use, iron chelation therapy, broad-spectrum antibiotic use, severe malnutrition, and primary breakdown in the integrity of the cutaneous barrier such as trauma, surgical wounds, needle sticks, or burns. Zygomycosis occurs only rarely in immunocompetent hosts. The disease manifestations reflect the mode of transmission, with rhinocerebral and pulmonary diseases being the most common manifestations. Cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and allergic diseases are also seen. The Mucorales are associated with angioinvasive disease, often leading to thrombosis, infarction of involved tissues, and tissue destruction mediated by a number of fungal proteases, lipases, and mycotoxins. If the diagnosis is not made early, dissemination often occurs"
Humidifiers for oxygen therapy: what risk for reusable and disposable devices?
Nosocomial pneumonia accounts for the vast majority of healthcare-associated infections (HAI). Although numerous medical devices have been discussed as potential vehicles for microorganisms, very little is known about the role played by oxygen humidifiers ...
Can spurt in black fungus cases be blamed on industrial oxygen cylinders, dirty water in humidifiers?
There has been a debate on whether unhygienic delivery of oxygen to Covid-19 patients could be a potential cause behind the rise in fungal cases, especially mucormycosis.
COVID-19 Scan for Feb 10, 2021 | CIDRAP
"Recirculation zones were found throughout the restaurant, such as one above one table created by the interaction between the walls and ceiling, the table, and the thermal differences between empty space and occupied space. Additionally, they found that particles from the HVAC units were projected laterally from the unit before sinking down to be carried by currents underneath the tables before being sucked up vertically into the units again. "Our work highlights the need for more preventive measures, such as shielding more properly underneath the table and improving the filtration efficiency of air conditioners,"
The coronavirus is airborne. Here’s how to know if you’re breathing other people’s breath.
"In a major new pandemic trend, people are turning to carbon dioxide monitoring devices to help assess ventilation quality and coronavirus transmission risk."
Formation and evolution of aqueous organic aerosols via concurrent condensation and chemical aging - ScienceDirect
We review recent results on the formation and evolution of aqueous organic aerosols via concurrent nucleation/condensation and chemical aging processe…
Organic films on atmospheric aerosol particles, fog droplets, cloud droplets, raindrops, and snowflakes
****!!!!*** {Also see citing documents at agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/RG021i004p00903} "organic films... If present, they will increase the lifetimes of aerosol particles... both by inhibiting water vapor evaporation and by reducing the efficiency with which these atmospheric components are scavenged. The presence of the films will not cause a significant reduction of solar radiation within the aqueous solution. It appears likely, however, that the transport of gaseous molecules into and out of the aqueous solution will be impeded by factors of several hundred or more when organic films are present. Since incorporated gas molecules provide much of the oxidizing potential of atmospheric water droplets, the organic films will play a major role in droplet chemistry by strongly inhibiting solution oxidation"
Microbiological Quality of Indoor Air in University Libraries
PDF | Objective: To evaluate the concentration of bacteria and fungi in the indoor environment of Jimma University libraries, so as to estimate the... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
High humidity can extend the lifetime of virus-laden droplets
Researchers find that while almost 70 per cent of the virus exhaled through cough would be deposited on a surface, high humidity can extend its lifetime
Modelling aerosol transport and virus exposure with numerical simulations in relation to SARS-CoV-2 transmission by inhalation indoors - ScienceDirect
"The critical exposure can be accumulated through various paths; a person can be exposed to high concentrations for a short time, or to low concentrations for a long time, or to any combination of situations that eventually lead to the accumulation of the critical exposure. The exposure paths which individual persons present may encounter depend not only on the dispersion of the aerosol cloud but also on the behaviour of those people"
Summary of the Evidence For and Against the Routes of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 - Google Slides
Superspreading drives the COVID pandemic — and could help to tame it
Uneven transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has had tragic consequences — but also offers clues for how best to target control measures.
Isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from the air in a car driven by a COVID patient with mild illness | medRxiv
We used a Sioutas personal cascade impactor sampler (PCIS) to screen for SARS-CoV-2 in a car driven by a COVID-19 patient. SARS-CoV-2 was detectable at all PCIS stages by PCR and was cultured from the section of the sampler collecting particles in the 0.25 to 0.50 □μm size range. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. ### Funding Statement No external funding was obtained ### Author Declarations I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained. Yes The details o...
Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Heneghan and colleagues' systematic review, funded by WHO, published in March, 2021, as a preprint, states: “The lack of recoverable viral culture samples of SARS-CoV-2 prevents firm conclusions to be drawn about airborne transmission”.1 This conclusion, and the wide circulation of the review's findings, is concerning because of the public health implications.
Summary of the Evidence For and Against the Routes of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 - Google Slides
2021 April
Microbial Biofilms in Pulmonary and Critical Care Diseases
Microbial biofilms can colonize medical devices and human tissues, and their role in microbial pathogenesis is now well established. Not only are biofilms ubiquitous in natural and human-made environments, but they are also estimated to be associated ...
Indoor Model Simulation for COVID-19 Transport and Exposure
Transmission of respiratory viruses is a complex process involving emission, deposition in the airways, and infection. Inhalation is often the most relevant transmission mode in indoor environments. For severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ...
Aerosol Transmission of COVID-19 Virus: What Is, and Isn't, up for Debate - The Wire Science
For historical reasons, epidemiologists and aerosol scientists have evolved different definitions of 'droplet' and 'aerosol'.
Transmission of COVID-19 virus by droplets and aerosols: A critical review on the unresolved dichotomy - PubMed
The practice of social distancing and wearing masks has been popular worldwide in combating the contraction of COVID-19. Undeniably, although such practices help control the COVID-19 pandemic to a greater extent, the complete control of virus-laden droplet and aerosol transmission by such practices …
Simulation-based study of COVID-19 outbreak associated with air-conditioning in a restaurant
"We employed an advanced in-house large eddy simulation solver and other cutting-edge numerical methods to resolve complex indoor processes simultaneously, including turbulence, flow–aerosol interplay, thermal effect, and the filtration effect by air conditioners. Using the aerosol exposure index derived from the simulation, we are able to provide a spatial map of the airborne infection risk under different settings. Our results have shown a remarkable direct linkage between regions of high aerosol exposure index and the reported infection patterns in the restaurant, providing strong support to the airborne transmission occurring in this widely reported incident. Using flow structure analysis and reverse-time tracing of aerosol trajectories, we are able to further pinpoint the influence of environmental parameters on the infection risks and highlight the need for more effective preventive measures, e.g., placement of shielding according to the local flow patterns. "
How much will be the human breathing, CO2 emission factor?
Hello, I know that Scientist do not consider human respiration for calculating CO2 concentration becuase CO2 from the human are from the food. However, when we consider CO2 flux, we cannot ignore...