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The effect of Alcide, a new antimicrobial drug, on rat blood glutathione and erythrocyte osmotic fragility, in vitro - PubMed
The effect of Alcide, a new antimicrobial drug, on rat blood glutathione and erythrocyte osmotic fragility, in vitro - PubMed
*** "A dose-dependent decrease in glutathione content and erythrocyte osmotic fragility occurred after incubation of whole blood with Alcide chlorine dioxide. Glutathione concentration and erythrocyte osmotic fragility approached the control values after 240 min of incubation with Alcide containing 1 mM NaClO2. The addition of exogenous glutathione (50 mg 100 ml-1) or glutathione reductase and NADPH to rat blood in the presence of Alcide returned erythrocyte osmotic fragility to control values. Treatment of rat blood with Alcide did not change glutathione reductase or glutathione peroxidase activities after 1 h of incubation. "
The effect of Alcide, a new antimicrobial drug, on rat blood glutathione and erythrocyte osmotic fragility, in vitro - PubMed