Adverse Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Retina and Crystalline Lens - WJOVR.MS.ID.000571.pdf
****!!!!**** " Hemolysis and renal dysfunction have been reported at concentrations of 40 ppm. The patients,came to control their eye problems, but the findings differed significantly from those found before the intake of chlorine dioxide." "slowly absorbed through shaved skin with a half absorption time of 22 h." " more likely that
its derivatives can be absorbed [3]. Chlorine dioxide is metabolized to chlorite (ClO2), chlorate (ClO3), and mostly chloride (Cl). Most administered chlorine dioxide and its metabolites remain in plasma
followed by kidneys, lungs, stomach, intestine, liver, and spleen. About 43% of orally administered chlorine dioxide is eliminated in the urine and feces within 72 h. It is not excreted via the lungs."