Body--Internal Uses

Body--Internal Uses

A randomised single-blind comparison of the effectiveness of Tristel Fuse (chlorine dioxide) as an office-based fluid soak, with Cidex OPA (ortho-phthaldehyde) using an automated endoscopic reprocessor (AER) as high-level disinfection for flexible cystoscopes - PubMed
A randomised single-blind comparison of the effectiveness of Tristel Fuse (chlorine dioxide) as an office-based fluid soak, with Cidex OPA (ortho-phthaldehyde) using an automated endoscopic reprocessor (AER) as high-level disinfection for flexible cystoscopes - PubMed
Tristel Fuse appears to be as effective and more cost-effective than Cidex OPA for high-level disinfection of flexible cystoscopes. This has significant cost implications for the office urologist.
A randomised single-blind comparison of the effectiveness of Tristel Fuse (chlorine dioxide) as an office-based fluid soak, with Cidex OPA (ortho-phthaldehyde) using an automated endoscopic reprocessor (AER) as high-level disinfection for flexible cystoscopes - PubMed
The chlorite-based drug WF10 constantly reduces hemoglobin A1c values and improves glucose control in diabetes patients with severe foot syndrome
The chlorite-based drug WF10 constantly reduces hemoglobin A1c values and improves glucose control in diabetes patients with severe foot syndrome
*****!!!!***The chlorite-based drug WF10 improved healing of foot wounds in diabetic patients. Infusion with WF10 markedly reduced HbA1c values in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. After administration of WF10 HbA1c values remained low over at least 8 to 12 ...
The chlorite-based drug WF10 constantly reduces hemoglobin A1c values and improves glucose control in diabetes patients with severe foot syndrome
Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant administered in drinking water effectiveness against Duck Virus Enteritis ~2nd Conference of Scientific Association of Animal Health Research Institute, 2-6/2
Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant administered in drinking water effectiveness against Duck Virus Enteritis ~2nd Conference of Scientific Association of Animal Health Research Institute, 2-6/2
This study was aimed to clarify the immunopa- thological investigation of Duck Virus Enteritis (DVE) with special references to chlorine di- oxide disinfectant in mitigating the pathologi- cal effect of the virus.
Chlorine dioxide (clo2) is an effective bacteri-cide (Rice and Gomez, 1986 and Maw, et al.,2008), sporicide (Maw, et al., 2008), algicide(Junil, et al., 1994, Junil, et al., 1997 andMaw, et al., 2008), planktoncide (Chauret, etal., 2001 and Maw, et al., 2008) and virucide(Alvarez and Brien, 1982, Chen andVaughn, 1990, Junil et al., 1997 and Maw, etal., 2008), due to it’s strong oxidation with theviral ribonucleic acid (Alvarez and Brien,1982 and Maw, et al., 2008) or the other or-ganic compounds of microorganism (Kim, etal., 1999).
hypochlorite disinfectant
** Should be "chlorine dioxide", not hypochlorite!
sodium hypochlorite
* This should say "chlorine dioxide", not "sodium hypochlorite" !!
Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant administered in drinking water effectiveness against Duck Virus Enteritis ~2nd Conference of Scientific Association of Animal Health Research Institute, 2-6/2
Chlorine Dioxide Inhibits African Swine Fever Virus by Blocking Viral Attachment and Destroying Viral Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Chlorine Dioxide Inhibits African Swine Fever Virus by Blocking Viral Attachment and Destroying Viral Nucleic Acids and Proteins
ClO2 strongly inhibited ASFV replication in porcine alveolar macrophages (PAMs). The inhibitory effect of ClO2 occurred during viral attachment rather than entry, indicating that ClO2 suppressed the early stage of virus life cycle. ClO2 showed a potent anti-ASFV effect when added either before, simultaneously with, or after virus infection. Furthermore, ClO2 could destroy viral nucleic acids and proteins, which may contribute to its capacity of inactivating ASFV virions. The minimum concentration of degradation of ASFV nucleic acids by ClO2 is 1.2 μg/mL, and the degradation is a temperature-dependent manner.
Chlorine Dioxide Inhibits African Swine Fever Virus by Blocking Viral Attachment and Destroying Viral Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Chlorine Dioxide Inhibits African Swine Fever Virus by Blocking Viral Attachment and Destroying Viral Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Chlorine Dioxide Inhibits African Swine Fever Virus by Blocking Viral Attachment and Destroying Viral Nucleic Acids and Proteins
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious disease and provokes severe economic losses and health threats. At present no effective vaccine or treatment is available to prevent or cure ASF. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop effective drugs against ASF virus (ASFV). Chlorine dioxide (ClO2), an ideal biocide, has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and no drug resistance. Here, we found that ClO2 strongly inhibited ASFV replication in porcine alveolar macrophages (PAMs). The inhibitory effect of ClO2 occurred during viral attachment rather than entry, indicating that ClO2 suppressed the early stage of virus life cycle. ClO2 showed a potent anti-ASFV effect when added either before, simultaneously with, or after virus infection. Furthermore, ClO2 could destroy viral nucleic acids and proteins, which may contribute to its capacity of inactivating ASFV virions. The minimum concentration of degradation of ASFV nucleic acids by ClO2 is 1.2 μg/mL, and the degradation is a temperature-dependent manner. These have guiding significance for ClO2 prevention and control of ASFV infection in pig farms. In addition, ClO2 decreased the expression of ASFV-induced inflammatory cytokines. Overall, our findings suggest that ClO2 may be an ideal candidate for the development of novel anti-ASFV prophylactic and therapeutic drugs in swine industry.
Chlorine Dioxide Inhibits African Swine Fever Virus by Blocking Viral Attachment and Destroying Viral Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Use of Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide for COVID-19 Treatment and Prophylaxis in Peru: A Narrative Review
Use of Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide for COVID-19 Treatment and Prophylaxis in Peru: A Narrative Review
The spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, created a rapidly unfolding health crisis, especially in the initial phases of the pandemic. In the early stages of the pandemic, various strategies ...
Use of Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide for COVID-19 Treatment and Prophylaxis in Peru: A Narrative Review
Research Protocols And Precautions
Research Protocols And Precautions
"Elevated methemoglobin levels reflect overly oxidized blood. Elevated urea or creatinine levels reflect kidney damage. Whenever higher than usual doses are to be administered, special attention must be applied regarding kidney damage especially if the urine is acidic" "Acid renders the oxides of chlorine more reactive. Alkalinity stabilizes oxides of chlorine"
Research Protocols And Precautions
Conversion of 3 mg ClO2 to PPM at MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate, topic 1353243
Conversion of 3 mg ClO2 to PPM at MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate, topic 1353243
****!!!!****!!!! {Some calculations are inaccurate and vague, but some are reasonable.} Jim Humble mentioned in his book that when 15 drops of MMS is mixed with 5% acetic acid (vinegar), it produces about 3 mg of chlorine dioxide. I thought it might be good to take a look at this, and try to figure out how to go from 3 mg ClO2 to the concentration in PPM.
Conversion of 3 mg ClO2 to PPM at MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate, topic 1353243
After reviewing a lot of info on mms, I was wondering what ppm should be used in a treatment solution. I have some chlorine dioxide test strips to verify but I...
Autism can be Cured – How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives
Autism can be Cured – How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives
[***Note: Although article contains some info that may be correct, many statements are very inaccurate.] [Following is some clarifying information about a few foundational statements made in the article that are incorrect &/or inappropriately incomplete: *Research clearly shows chlorine dioxide at inappropriate concentrations for various uses and times and routes of exposure DOES harm healthy cells and tissues. *Chlorine dioxide is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral, anti-helminthic (parasites), and neutralizes heavy metals in concentrations appropriate for each SPECIFIC substance and purpose. Many types of applications are NOT EFFECTIVE except when done at concentration levels that ARE harmful to people. * When chlorine dioxide in a certain concentration kills 98% of strep in a petri dish in a lab, we can't conclude it will kill strep as well in saliva or the bloodstream. We also can't assume that chlorine dioxide will also destroy of all other types of pathogens. * Procedures that have proven to be erroneous should be acknowledged as incorrect rather than described as just "not working any more." *Doses used in a humidifier can't should be CAREFULLY ADAPTED based on size of room, size and flow speed of humidifier, breeze, amount of light in room, etc] *Pro-oxidants CAUSE oxidative stress in many situations. See section 19 at]
Autism can be Cured – How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives
The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy ~Stephanie Seneff
The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy ~Stephanie Seneff
****!!!!** [Note: These proposed theories need to be additionally analyzed by scientists with in-depth knowledge of chemical and biological fields. This author has studied a broad range of subjects and has some theories that may be of interest. However, her background is in very diverse subjects and her theories should also be analyzed by scientists with specialized knowledge of chemical and biological fields.] "it is possible that CD enhances the bioavailability of sulfate to the body" "CD enables the immune cells to be more effective in fighting pathogens in the gut. CD may also be a source of chloride to help the stomach maintain an acid pH." "An important thing to keep in mind is that it is necessary to administer small doses at fre­quent intervals throughout the day. In this way, the dose is never high enough to cause oxida­tive damage because antioxidant defenses can keep up with production of reactive molecules. CD’s ability to treat malaria suggests that it might also be of benefit in treating Covid-19. It is intriguing that hydroxychloroquine, another chlorine-containing molecule that is commonly used to treat malaria, has shown promise in treating Covid-19."
The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy ~Stephanie Seneff
Sawbones ep274 bleach
Sawbones ep274 bleach
[Note: This program contained a number of inaccurate statements]
Sawbones ep274 bleach
Surrogate testing suggests that chlorine dioxide gas exposure would not inactivate Ebola virus contained in environmental blood contamination
Surrogate testing suggests that chlorine dioxide gas exposure would not inactivate Ebola virus contained in environmental blood contamination
****!!!!****!!!!**** "The results of this study indicate ClO2 gas at exposure levels up to 1342 ppm with exposure times to 65 min were not adequate to reduce B. anthracis spores or vegetative cells of E. coli, E. faecalis and M. smegmatis contained in blood; however, this exposure is well above the 375 ppm-hrs ClO2 exposure levels that resulted in a greater than seven log reduction in these same microorganism outside of blood. This study provides evidence that gaseous ClO2 treated bacterial organisms in a carrier suspension of blood are able to remain viable following ClO2 exposure. Since the margin of safety utilized in the NBU requires that any decontamination method also be able to kill these hardier bacterial organisms, the use of ClO2 prior to the manual wiping of all surfaces with sodium hypochlorite would not be recommended. As such, this study adds caution on the use of ClO2 gas for inactivation of bacterial spores and vegetative cells in blood and suggests the need for alternative protocols for remediating blood potentially contaminated with microorganisms."
Surrogate testing suggests that chlorine dioxide gas exposure would not inactivate Ebola virus contained in environmental blood contamination
Factors associated with the consumption of chlorine dioxide to prevent and treat COVID-19 in the Peruvian population: a cross-sectional study - BMC Public Health
Factors associated with the consumption of chlorine dioxide to prevent and treat COVID-19 in the Peruvian population: a cross-sectional study - BMC Public Health
"The prevalence of chlorine dioxide consumption [of people aiming] to treat COVID-19 was higher than [of people aiming to] prevent."
Factors associated with the consumption of chlorine dioxide to prevent and treat COVID-19 in the Peruvian population: a cross-sectional study - BMC Public Health
The chlorine dioxide controversy: a deadly poison or a cure for covid-19? ~International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
The chlorine dioxide controversy: a deadly poison or a cure for covid-19? ~International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
[Note: Many statements in this article are accurate. However, this article includes some major deficits, based on assumptions of correlation between nonapplicable contexts, incomplete understanding of dosage units, relying on tests without substantial rigor and adequate reporting, etc.] " A dispassionate review of the evidence-based research literature finds preliminary evidence supporting the opinion that aqueous chlorine dioxide may be a safe and effective treatment of COVID-19, and likely for other viral illnesses as well."
The chlorine dioxide controversy: a deadly poison or a cure for covid-19? ~International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
General comments about the safe use of Chlorine Dioxide
General comments about the safe use of Chlorine Dioxide
{Note: Vinegar actually helps kill yeast, not feed it.} "MMS, contains sodium chlorite; which has been used in Alternative Medicine for more than 70 years to Prevent Colds and Flu." "Some activators that have been used with MMS are: citric acid, hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid), lemon juice, lime juice"
General comments about the safe use of Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide for the Prevention of Biomaterial-Associated Infections
Chlorine Dioxide for the Prevention of Biomaterial-Associated Infections
"the presence of albumin or fibronectin did not significantly (p 0.05) inhibit or enhance adhesion of Staphylococcus epidermidis 10-16 to control or ClO2-generating materials" "bacterial adhesion to the ClO2-generating material was significantly greater (p ≤ 0.05) than bacterial adhesion to the control material. " "The presence of protein adsorbed on the ClO2-generating material did not impede the antimicrobial effects of ClO2"
Chlorine Dioxide for the Prevention of Biomaterial-Associated Infections