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Germicidal Activity and Chicken Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
Germicidal Activity and Chicken Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
*In drinking water & applied to skin. The bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal activity of chlorine dioxide (CIO2) against 79 bacteria, 31 yeasts and 4 viruses were evaluated under clean and dirty conditions. The safety of CIO2 to chickens given by drinking water or skin spraying was also evaluated. In clean diluent condition, the median lethal concentration (MLC50) of CIO2 against bacteria and yeast was 9.4 and 8.4 ppm, respectively. In dirty diluent condition, the MLC50 of CIO2 against bacteria and yeasts was 39.9 and 24.3 ppm, respectively. The virucidal activity of CIO2 against 100 median embryo lethal dose (100 ELD50) of Newcastle disease virus, avian influenza virus, infectious bronchitis virus and infectious bursal disease virus was 1.2, 1.2, 2.5 and 1.2 ppm, respectively. All the leghorn chickens continuously given with 10 mL of 500, 250, 125, 62.5 or 0 ppm of CIO2 in drinking water or on skin spraying for 7 days were not found showing any abnormality at 14 days post medication. Chlorine dioxide provides high bactericidal and virucidal activity ****without resulting any toxicity to the chickens."
Germicidal Activity and Chicken Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization of Oxygenators {for artificial organs} in an Industrial Scale Sterilizer: A Successful Model
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization of Oxygenators {for artificial organs} in an Industrial Scale Sterilizer: A Successful Model
****!!!!****!!!! {Includes IV safety dose info} "Bacillus subtilis var. niger ATCC 9372 biological indicators (BI) (10(6) spores/BI) planted in the artificial organs were reproducibly sterilized...with a 30-min dwell time with a chlorine dioxide gas concentration of approximately 30 mg/L in 80 to 85% relative humidity at 30 degrees C. The D value (time required for 90% spore inactivation under specific conditions) was estimated to be 4.4 min." "The intravenous median lethal dose (LD50) of chlorine dioxide derivatives, chlorite and chlorate, in rats was found to be 112.8 and 2,228.6 mg/kg, respectively. In an immediate hypersensitivity test, chlorine dioxide gas-treated ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin, unlike ethylene oxide gas-treated proteins, did not cause sterilant-specific IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions in rats." "Results of an Ames mutagenicity test on chlorine dioxide and on the extracts of the chlorine dioxide gas-exposed oxygenators were negative."
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization of Oxygenators {for artificial organs} in an Industrial Scale Sterilizer: A Successful Model
Patent -Composition and procedure for disinfecting blood and blood components ~(Ecolab, Alcide)
Patent -Composition and procedure for disinfecting blood and blood components ~(Ecolab, Alcide)
"Composition is formed by adding a chlorine dioxide liberating compound with a weak organic acid and a heat activated saccharide." "The reaction of heat-sterilized CPD or ACD and sodium chlorite maximally liberates chlorine dioxide and minimizes the toxic effect of sodium chlorite on blood cells or blood components. The resulting solution can effectively inactivate viruses, ... can eliminate small inocula of bacteria, yeast or fungi from growing in a blood fraction, such as platelets during storage." "No adverse effects were noted when Factor VIII and Factor IX activities were measured, nor were any changes noted in hemoglobin or red blood cell survival. Accordingly, in vitro treatment according to the inventive process of baboon whole blood resulted in no detectable toxic effects." "Moreover, ****while sodium chlorite is known to have an adverse effect on blood cell integrity and functionality, blood factors or platelet viability are not significantly affected by treatment with sodium chlorite using [these specific patented] inventive compositions and processes.**** It is believed this is because the chlorite is converted by the inventive composition and process to chlorine dioxide, which is better tolerated by the cells."
Patent -Composition and procedure for disinfecting blood and blood components ~(Ecolab, Alcide)
Patent: Method for *inactivating viruses in blood* [in bags] using chlorine dioxide
Patent: Method for *inactivating viruses in blood* [in bags] using chlorine dioxide
****!!!!*** "Blood transfusion products contain high concentrations of protein. Virus killing activity of chlorine dioxide is directly related to protein concentration. We have found that the removal of protein from erythrocyte and platelet products in a closed system prior to ClO2 addition is important for effective killing of the virus. The data obtained with both viruses show that a protein load of 0.5% requires a chlorine dioxide concentration of 50 ppm to effect complete viral inactivation. When the albumin level is reduced to 0.05% a chlorine dioxide concentration of 5 ppm is then capable of reducing VSV infectivity at least 5 Logs and HSV-1 at least 6 logs." "presence of chloride in our system greatly increases the liberation of ClO2 when used in our virus inactivation system. For example, 63.2% ClO2 was liberated with hydrochloric acid compared to only 6.1% with sulfuric acid. Further, addition of sodium chloride increased ClO2 liberation from 6.1% to 76.3%."
Patent: Method for *inactivating viruses in blood* [in bags] using chlorine dioxide