{Contains some inaccuracies} {Includes MMS treatment in animals} "I have seen the fever and fatigue/muscle aches of flu disappear in 2-3 hours after using it. MMS works the same way as the white blood cells, kills bugs by oxidation. Remember that sodium chlorite is an electron stealer , so it should not be used for more than a week or two, but just to get ahead of an infection. Electron stealers cause damage, are acidic, are free radicals, are destructive" "*Chlorate** treatment reduced E. coli counts throughout the intestinal tract but ***did not alter total culturable *anaerobic bacterial* counts or the *ruminal fermentation pattern*." "I would avoid breathing the activated sodium chlorite. So do not put it in a nebulizer. Never put the full strength 28% sodium chlorite directly on skin. If this happens, immediately wash with water. It will burn and produce damage in that form! If full strength allowed to dry, it can be flammable! ...diluted activated solution in drop dosages can safely be orally given, sprayed on skin, etc! If for some reason, you find that you have overdosed a patient with Sodium Chlorite, immediately take 1-5 grams of vitamin C to deactivate the sodium chlorite along with plenty of water. "