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Biophysics of Chlorine Dioxide / Biofisica del Dioxido de Cloro
Biophysics of Chlorine Dioxide / Biofisica del Dioxido de Cloro
[This statement needs refinement: "RESULT: we can breathe the Chlorine Dioxide released by 5. 357 cm3/ d de CDS 0.3% in the room, airing it once a day"] [This statement needs verification: "The distribution dynamics of Chlorine Dioxide in the organism has to be through of blood, which is never separated by more than 20 microns from any cell and the liquid intercell"] [Statement needs validation: "it seems to indicate that in the areas especify where the dissociated Chlorine Dioxide, pI would like to generate a very basic Ph"] [This approach may not be appropriate because correlation actually may be different: "To see the distribution of Chlorine Dioxide, in veins, arteries, kidneys, lungs, etc. radioactive isotope of 35 Cl has been used"] [Graph seems to contradict statement: "maximum that we know empirically, that it is reached after one hour:"] [Rate constant differs significantly in various areas of body, so this statement can't be applied: "Chlorine Dioxide, with a half-life of 1 hour,"] [Graph on page 16 doesn't seem to illustrate patterns described] [How was this determined? "after their biochemical activity they will transform into approximately 0.5 millimoles of sodium chloride"] [How was assumption reached since absorption rate not deduced? "absorption by the vessels blood would transfer Chlorine Dioxide, more quickly", particularly when document says "with the use of CDI there is no discussion that how it enters the circulatory system"?] [Actually, amount safe to inhale differs from amount safe to ingest, since absorption routes and rates are different "usual daily dose of 30 mg...evaporating... throughout a day"] [Current US EPA standards specify acute oral LD50 (which applies for a single day & may not for consecutive days} to be 292 mg/kg. This conflicts with "six hundredth part, at day, from LD 50, which would be taking 30 mg / day"] [Incorrect: "after 2 hours, it has been eliminated from the body." See study 'Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics of Alternate Drinking Water Disinfectants,' 1982] ["10 ml of CDS would provide 10 ml of extra molecular oxygen." However, 2015 'First case of methemoglovinemia caused by a ClO2-based housefold product' reported effect of profound hypoxia]
Biophysics of Chlorine Dioxide / Biofisica del Dioxido de Cloro