An 8-month-old baby girl was rushed to hospital after taking chlorine dioxide

Body--Internal Uses
Chlorine Dioxide for the Prevention of Biomaterial-Associated Infections
****!!!!****!!!**** {301 pages} "Given the small percentage of viable spores that remained in the low humidity studies, increasing either the concentration of ClO2 or the exposure time could result in successful sterilization under these conditions" "Unlike ethylene oxide, sterilization with ClO2 can be achieved at ambient temperature and pressure. When at the same relative humidity and temperature (30°C), ClO2 is 1075 times more efficient" **** "results from the cytotoxicity experiments suggest that post-sterilization processing for materials sterilized with ClO2 is warranted. [to minimize residuals, etc]" "bacterial adhesion is the first step towards the development of infection" "[pg 245] possibilities explaining the difference in bacterial adhesion... including differences in the physicochemical properties of the material and the more rapid development of an accumulating substratum of bacteria (nonviable) on the surface" "the presence of proteins adsorbed to the material did not affect the bactericidal activity of the ClO2 produced by the material" "suggests... the influence of fibronectin, not necessarily on promoting bacterial adhesion, but maintaining it" "the presence of proteins adsorbed to the material did not affect the bactericidal activity of the ClO2" "presence of albumin and fibronectin did impact the viability of bacteria" "coating, such as a hydrogel (Changez et al. 2004) or a thin polymer film (Kwok et al. 1999a), could be used to control the release of ClO2 from the material, thereby extending the duration of bactericidal activity" "An alternative... would be the development of a delivery system that is activated by ultrasound" "a molecule that was affording it protection... While initial studies suggested that the molecule was extracellular, further investigation determined that it was not." "oxidization of GSH may serve as a protective mechanism for other more vital cell components" "An alternative hypothesis for the mechanism of resistance is that SP030724 is over expressing a transmembrane molecule that is either inactivating or inhibiting the bactericidal effects of ClO2." "Calculating ClO2 generator parameters"
Total Radioactive Residues and Residues of [36Cl] Chlorate in Market Size Broilers
The oral administration of chlorate salts reduces "the numbers of Gram-negative pathogens in gastrointestinal tracts of live food animals." "these data indicate that broilers rapidly convert chlorate residues to an innocuous metabolite, chloride ion, and that chlorate residues in excreta remain fairly high during the time around slaughter. Because the target tissue of chlorate is the lower gastrointestinal tract, the relatively high distribution of parent chlorate to inedible gastrointestinal tissues and low distribution to edible tissues is favorable for the biological activity and for food safety considerations."
***!!!*** "In order to prevent biofilm formation and improve sanitation prescribed was the use of stabilized liquid chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in the 4‰ concentration for so-called night "shock" treatments, and 2‰ concentration for prophylactic daily disinfection of drinking water. With the improvement of the flocks’ health status, the "shock" treatments with ClO2 were repeated in the upcoming months. As an add-on therapy, 40 mg per bird of vitamin C through drinking water for three days was prescribed. The use of non-resorptive antibiotics, AD3E vitamins and amino acid supplements was excluded because they had failed to improve the flocks’ health status in the acute phase. ...on the use of stabilized liquid ClO2 in the water supply system of the laying flocks affected by severe colisepticemia resulted in radical decrease of mortality during the next three months."
Miraculous Mineral Solution
"Composition of the MMS, 2 Threats, 2.1 Described cases of intoxication by MMS
3 Legality
3.1 Court cases
4 History
4.1 Presumed curative effect"
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 19.6.2013 relating to the designation of "Sodium chlorite" as an orphan medicinal product ~European Parliament and of the Council
"The medicinal product “Sodium chlorite” is designated as an orphan medicinal product for the indication: Treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. "
Patent -Composition and procedure for disinfecting blood and blood components ~(Ecolab, Alcide)
"Composition is formed by adding a chlorine dioxide liberating compound with a weak organic acid and a heat activated saccharide." "The reaction of heat-sterilized CPD or ACD and sodium chlorite maximally liberates chlorine dioxide and minimizes the toxic effect of sodium chlorite on blood cells or blood components. The resulting solution can effectively inactivate viruses, ... can eliminate small inocula of bacteria, yeast or fungi from growing in a blood fraction, such as platelets during storage." "No adverse effects were noted when Factor VIII and Factor IX activities were measured, nor were any changes noted in hemoglobin or red blood cell survival. Accordingly, in vitro treatment according to the inventive process of baboon whole blood resulted in no detectable toxic effects." "Moreover, ****while sodium chlorite is known to have an adverse effect on blood cell integrity and functionality, blood factors or platelet viability are not significantly affected by treatment with sodium chlorite using [these specific patented] inventive compositions and processes.**** It is believed this is because the chlorite is converted by the inventive composition and process to chlorine dioxide, which is better tolerated by the cells."
US5252343A - Method and composition for prevention and treatment of bacterial infections - Google Patents
"treating bacterial infections, including mastitis, in the udder of a mammal. The compositions include chlorine dioxide in an amount ranging from 5 ppm to 1000 ppm, and have a chlorine dioxide to chlorite ratio of at least 5:1."
An alternative health advocate who popularized drinking bleach as a COVID-19 cure in South America is under investigation after 2 deaths
A complaint was filed in Argentina against Kalcker after the death of a boy, 5, and a man, 50, who took a bleach then died.
Taking toxic bleach MMS has killed 7 people in the US, Colombian prosecutors say — far more than previously known
Medical experts have long warned the substance can be fatal, but evidence of fatalities was not known.
Study on the disinfection law and genomic damage effect of chlorine and chlorine dioxide on human rotavirus
****!!!!**** 2013. "there have been few reports of the effects of commonly used disinfectants (e.g. chlorine and chlorine dioxide) on human rotavirus (Human Rotavirus, HRV)" "in most previous studies, researchers have tended to ignore the important fact that different regions of the viral genome may have different resistance to disinfectants, and only PCR testing of a gene fragment of the virus, and then using the results of that part to reflect the effect of disinfectant on the entire genome of the virus, using part instead of the whole, and therefore the conclusion is unreliable. In this study, E.coli25922 and MS2 phages were used as indicative microorganisms of gut bacteria and enteroviruses in water" "The current chlorine disinfection method may be inadequate in the effective prevention and control of HRV mesohide transmission. "
Chlorine dioxide: universal treatment or dangerous deception?
{In Spanish}
Chlorine Dioxide Truth (Further Light & Knowledge) ~Telegram account
Pure chlorine dioxide solution is for the method treating helicobacter pylori infections [which can cause ulcers] - Google Patents
{Note: Some statements in this document contain errors. Some dose amounts are also hazardous.} "The chlorine dioxide dissolving in water, the photodissociation quantum rate at 436nm is 0.20mol/E, rises to 1.0mol/E at 405nm"
Anticancer and Antiviral Activity of Chlorine Dioxide by Its Induction of the Reactive Oxygen Species
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Warns Seller Marketing Dangerous Chlorine Dioxide Products that Claim to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
2020 April. FDA issues warning letter for chlorine dioxide products to Genesis II Church of Health and Healing
WO2001012205A2 - Chemically-stabilized chlorite solutions for treating cancer - Google Patents
"Methods of using a stabilized chlorite matrix to modulate immune responses and treat cancer are disclosed. The stabilized chlorite matrix, when administered to a mammal in need thereof, can activate immune cells in a manner similar to interferon gamma but does not effect the production of inflammatory and shock related cytokines like tumor necrosis alpha. The stabilized chlorite matrix also upregulates the expression of the DCC protein in macrophages, a protein whose expression is related to neoplastic transformation. By activating macrophages, the stabilized chlorite matrix therefore is useful as an immunomodulatory agent and in treating cancer."
The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy - The Weston A. Price Foundation
****!!!!****!!!!*** "An important thing to keep in mind is that it is necessary to administer small doses at frequent intervals throughout the day. In this way, the dose is never high enough to cause oxidative damage because antioxidant defenses can keep up with production of reactive molecules. CD’s ability to treat malaria suggests that it might also be of benefit in treating Covid-19. It is intriguing that hydroxychloroquine, another chlorine-containing molecule that is commonly used to treat malaria, has shown promise in treating Covid-19."
Growth, ruminal measurements, and health characteristics of Holstein bull calves fed an Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract - ScienceDirect
"Drinking water was treated with 1 mg/L of OxyMer (Oxxion, Eden Prairie, MN), which is a chlorine dioxide solution. It was used here for water sanitation in the same way that municipal water is treated. Furthermore, in efforts to minimize risk of developing and spreading bacterial pneumonia, OxyMer (25 ppm) was also included in the initial feeding of oral electrolytes given to the calves upon arrival as a prophylactic."
Trump Disinfectant Remarks Echo Claims by Miracle-Cure Quacks (Published 2020)
Doctors and public health officials fear the attention could boost purveyors of dangerous elixirs who push ‘miracle cures’ with no basis in science.
Neither Chlorine Dioxide nor Sodium Chlorite are Effective Against COVID-19, Health Officials Emphasize ⋆ The Costa Rica News
Carbon dioxide and Sodium chlorite are recognized as drugs by international health agency can not be used to combat SARS-CoV-2
No, no hay evidencias de que el dióxido de cloro cure la COVID-19, ni ninguna otra enfermedad y su uso puede ser peligroso - Chequeado
Circula en Facebook una nota publicada en el sitio web de radio Facundo Quiroga, de Resistencia, Chaco, en donde se replica una entrevista realizada a Isidro Fuentes, quien dice ser biólogo molecular. En la misma, Fuentes asegura que la ingesta de dióxido de cloro puede “curar” el cáncer, la COVID-19 y hasta podría generar que […]
Florida Family Indicted for Selling Toxic Bleach as Fake “Miracle”
Miami, Florida -- A federal grand jury in Miami has returned an indictment charging a Florida man -- Mark Grenon, 62 -- and his three sons -- Jonathan Grenon, 34, Jordan Grenon, 26, and Joseph Grenon, 32 -- with fraudulently marketing and selling “Miracle Mineral Solution,” a toxic industrial bleach, as a cure for COVID-19, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, autism, malaria, hepatitis, Parkinson’s, herpes, HIV/AIDS, and other serious medical conditions, and with defying federal court orders.
Family Accused of Selling Bleach as COVID-19 Cure
A family in Florida has been accused of selling tens of thousands of bottles of bleach as a “miracle cure” for the coronavirus and other diseases.
Bolivia's biggest political party promised to legalize a toxic bleach to treat COVID-19. After winning a landslide victory, there is nothing to stop it
The triumph of Bolivia's MAS party was hailed by socialists worldwide, but it also marked a triumph for advocates of a toxic bleach miracle cure.
With Officials’ Backing, Dubious Virus Remedies Surge in Latin America
"particularly popular in Bolivia, is just one of several unproven treatments gaining ground in a region desperate for hope.
Effects of dietary chlorine dioxide on growth performance, intestinal and excreta microbiology, and odorous gas emissions from broiler excreta
****!!!!**** {Includes effects on digestive flora} "Dietary ClO2 (0.05 and 0.1%) did not affect the Lactobacillus, Bacillus, and Salmonella concentrations in the ileal digesta; however, it significantly increased the level of yeast and mold. In contrast, dietary ClO2 at 0.1% significantly decreased the number of ileal E. coli."
Evaluation of the antiviral effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) using a vertebrate model inoculated with avian coronavirus
****!!!!*** "The ClO2 treatment had a marked impact on IBV infection. Namely, viral titres were 2.4-fold lower and mortality was reduced by half in infected embryos that were treated with ClO2. Infection led to developmental abnormalities regardless of treatment. Lesions typical of IBV infections were observed in all inoculated embryos, but severity tended to be significantly lower in ClO2-treated embryos. We found no gross or microscopic evidence of toxicity caused by ClO2 at the doses used herein." "Our study shows that ClO2 could be a safe and viable way of treating and mitigating the effects of avian coronavirus infections, and raises the possibility that similar effects could be observed in other organisms."
Man dies after judge forces clinic to use unproven COVID treatment
{Patient was already severely ill} "The 92-year-old patient's family went to court to insist that a clinic give him chlorine dioxide"