Body--Internal Uses

Body--Internal Uses

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Pharmaceutical composition for treating infectious diseases - Andreas Kalcker, Google Patents
Pharmaceutical composition for treating infectious diseases - Andreas Kalcker, Google Patents
{Note: This treatment is for theoretical uses. Validations of effectiveness and safety for various uses are needed. Negative effects HAVE been experienced by some people ingesting chlorine dioxide or injecting intravenously} "pharmaceutical composition for systemic, particularly parenteral treatment of infectious diseases, based on an aqueous, sterile and pyrogen-free solution of chlorine dioxide, which contains 5 to 1000 mg/l (ppm) dissolved chlorine dioxide (CI02) and preferably 3 to 10 g/l of an ionic tonicity regulator, optionally in combination with a non-ionic tonicity regulator. The composition additionally preferably contains a pH regulator, particularly a pH buffer system, adjusted to pH 7.3-7.5, and can furthermore contain DMSO or MSM. In the ready-to-use state, the composition is free of chlorate ions, hydrochloric acid and gaseous chlorine, or contains said components in a concentration of 1 mg/L (1 ppm) at maximum each.
Pharmaceutical composition for treating infectious diseases - Andreas Kalcker, Google Patents
MMS and CD chemistry – the facts | the chronicle flask
MMS and CD chemistry – the facts | the chronicle flask
{Some of the statements in article about amounts and chemistry are incorrect. Some calculations are also incorrect.} "About a year ago I wrote a post on the subject of MMS and CD. Many people have since praised that post, but others have complained that it’s rather long (it is) and contains too much opinion.…"
MMS and CD chemistry – the facts | the chronicle flask
How conspiracy theorists who claim drinking 'MMS' bleach is a cure for autism reached millions of people on YouTube
How conspiracy theorists who claim drinking 'MMS' bleach is a cure for autism reached millions of people on YouTube
"In Humble's video, he says his substance is the product of three chemicals: MMS, or sodium chlorite, which Humble claims he discovered has curative properties. An ordinary household acid (even one as mild as orange juice). DMSO, a "carrier" substance which Humble says helps MMS take effect.
How conspiracy theorists who claim drinking 'MMS' bleach is a cure for autism reached millions of people on YouTube
Intravenous-to-oral conversion therapy for antimicrobials
Intravenous-to-oral conversion therapy for antimicrobials
"Although conversions from higher to lower dosages and from shorter to longer intervals have been used for many years, early conversion from intravenous to oral therapy in the hospitalized patient has never received much emphasis." '"Switch' therapy (5). or 'step-down' therapy (6) is not novel, but if utilized to its full extent represents a unique and exciting opportunity to reduce costs significantly while improving the quality of patient care. "
Intravenous-to-oral conversion therapy for antimicrobials
PAHO warns against use of chlorine products as treatments for COVID-19
PAHO warns against use of chlorine products as treatments for COVID-19
2020 Aug – "The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has issued a warning against the use of ** "chlorine" ** products as treatments for COVID-19." “PAHO does not recommend oral or parenteral use of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite-based products for patients with suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 or for anyone else. There is no evidence of their effectiveness and the ingestion or inhalation of such products could cause serious adverse effects,” the document said.
PAHO warns against use of chlorine products as treatments for COVID-19
FL "Church Leader" Took Credit for Trump’s Bleach Idea, Charged for Selling COVID "Cure" - 850 WFTL
FL "Church Leader" Took Credit for Trump’s Bleach Idea, Charged for Selling COVID "Cure" - 850 WFTL
A Florida “church leader” and three of his sons were charged in Miami federal court on Wednesday for selling toxic bleach as a fake miracle cure for coronavirus. The man had taken credit last April for President Trump making the public suggestion at a press conference that injecting disinfectants into the body may cure COVID-19. …
FL "Church Leader" Took Credit for Trump’s Bleach Idea, Charged for Selling COVID "Cure" - 850 WFTL
Dr. Guery | Facebook
Dr. Guery | Facebook
Dr. Guery. 2,379 likes · 489 talking about this. Médico especialista en tratamiento alternativos Homeopatía, Acupuntura, Terapia del dolor, Terapia neural, Respiraciones para bajar de peso,...
Dr. Guery | Facebook
{Contains some inaccuracies} {Includes MMS treatment in animals} "I have seen the fever and fatigue/muscle aches of flu disappear in 2-3 hours after using it. MMS works the same way as the white blood cells, kills bugs by oxidation. Remember that sodium chlorite is an electron stealer , so it should not be used for more than a week or two, but just to get ahead of an infection. Electron stealers cause damage, are acidic, are free radicals, are destructive" "*Chlorate** treatment reduced E. coli counts throughout the intestinal tract but ***did not alter total culturable *anaerobic bacterial* counts or the *ruminal fermentation pattern*." "I would avoid breathing the activated sodium chlorite. So do not put it in a nebulizer. Never put the full strength 28% sodium chlorite directly on skin. If this happens, immediately wash with water. It will burn and produce damage in that form! If full strength allowed to dry, it can be flammable! ...diluted activated solution in drop dosages can safely be orally given, sprayed on skin, etc! If for some reason, you find that you have overdosed a patient with Sodium Chlorite, immediately take 1-5 grams of vitamin C to deactivate the sodium chlorite along with plenty of water. "
MMS Research Protocols And Precautions
MMS Research Protocols And Precautions
"Elevated methemoglobin levels reflect overly oxidized blood. Elevated urea or creatinine levels reflect kidney damage. Whenever higher than usual doses are to be administered, special attention must be applied regarding kidney damage especially if the urine is acidic" "Acid renders the oxides of chlorine more reactive. Alkalinity stabilizes oxides of chlorine"
Elevated methemoglobin levels reflect overly oxidized blood. Elevated urea or creatinine levels reflect kidney damage. Whenever higher than usual doses are to be administered, special attention must be applied regarding kidney damage especially if the urine is acidic
Acid renders the oxides of chlorine more reactive. Alkalinity stabilizes oxides of chlorine
Examples of chlorine dioxide quenching compounds are: N-acetyl-L-cysteine, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, tocopherols, bioflavonoids, anthocyanidins, benzaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, juice concentrates and many herbal remedies. Most fruits especially grapes and berries are rich sources of polyphenolic antioxidants. Examples of herbs rich in antioxidant polyphenols are: chocolate, tea, coffee, turmeric, silymarin, licorice, ginkgo, olive. Sulfur rich foods also eliminate chlorine dioxide if present in the stomach at the time of treatment. Examples include: garlic, onion, leek, asparagus, beans, peas, egg, milk and even white potatoe (due to alpha-lipoic acid). Protein must also not be present in the stomach at the time of treatment. Proteins are made of amino acids which present an abundance of phenols, organic sulfides, thiols and secondary amines, which react with and eliminate chlorine dioxide on contact. L-tyrosine has a phenol group. L-methionine is a sulfide. L-cysteine is a thiol. L-tryptophan, L-proline and L-histidine have secondary amino groups. Certain B-complex vitamins are similarly reactive such as: thiamine, riboflavin, folate, pantothenate. Finally many drugs contain secondary amines, tertiary amines, thiols, sulfides or phenols.
Therefore, fruit, fruit juices, fruit concentrates, wines, green drinks, herbs, protein, most vitamins and most drugs should not be taken at the time of treatment and certainly not mixed with the acidified sodium chlorite solution.
for these successively reduced species of chlorine compounds to be successful in oxidizing the chlorite anion, they must remain in close proximity.
add sufficient acid to start the reaction but not overly increase the reacting volume.
MMS Research Protocols And Precautions
Senate deals with bill for the use of chlorine dioxide -
Senate deals with bill for the use of chlorine dioxide -
The president of the Upper House, Eva Copa, indicated that it is necessary to regulate the sale and consumption of the substance and avoid speculation. "The municipalities of Oruro, together with the Technical University of Oruro (UTO, phone: (591) (2) - 5250100), Beni and Pando will begin the distribution of chlorine dioxide"
Senate deals with bill for the use of chlorine dioxide -
MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) | FULL HEALTH SECRETS ~Jim Humble, Walter Last, others
MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) | FULL HEALTH SECRETS ~Jim Humble, Walter Last, others
{Includes some valid info, as well as some errors such as "No one ingests sodium chlorite from taking MMS", when actually it is very logical that only some of the sodium chlorite has been converted to chlorine dioxide prior to ingestion; etc}
MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) | FULL HEALTH SECRETS ~Jim Humble, Walter Last, others
Disclosed is an injection containing chlorine dioxide in therapeutic applications such as in-vivo stem cell regeneration, anti-tumor and anti-aging. The chlorine dioxide injection of the present inven
Injection containing chlorine dioxide and method for making same
Injection containing chlorine dioxide and method for making same
Disclosed is an injection containing chlorine dioxide in therapeutic applications such as in-vivo stem cell regeneration, anti-tumor and anti-aging. The chlorine dioxide injection of the present invention has a high pharmacological effect and a low toxic or side effect, enabling ablation of tumors and promotion of in-situ tissue regeneration. Particularly, the chlorine dioxide injection stimulates an immune response through the ablation of target tumors, causing the immune system to inhibit or eliminate distal tumors or metastatic tumors. A method for making the chlorine dioxide injection i...
Injection containing chlorine dioxide and method for making same
OSR: A New Way to Detoxify
OSR: A New Way to Detoxify
{Several statements may be inaccurate} OSR #1™, due to its solubility in lipids, has the ability to penetrate the membranes of cells and possibly the mitochondria, where toxins may be stored and where hydroxyl free radicals do their damage. Two -SH groups on OSR#1™ may scavenge hydroxyl free radicals. In the process, glutathione is salvaged, as it is the -SH group of glutathione that reacts with hydroxyl free radicals causing the oxidation and consumption of this vital antioxidant. Maintaining a healthy glutathione level, which OSR#1™ can accomplish, is vital to proper detoxification. Because OSR#1™ is not rapidly excreted, it remains in the body longer than water soluble antioxidants, and appears more effective at scavenging hydroxyl free radicals... Objective measures are healthy blood glutathione levels and improved porphyrin profiles.
OSR: A New Way to Detoxify
Your Healing In a Bottle (MMS) - JA Health Advocate
Your Healing In a Bottle (MMS) - JA Health Advocate
"The MMS Treatment Protocols are so inexpensive to do that they allow even the poorest individuals to have access to a tried and true, simple method to help their bodies heal from almost every disease known to mankind."
Your Healing In a Bottle (MMS) - JA Health Advocate