OSR: A New Way to Detoxify
{Several statements may be inaccurate} OSR #1™, due to its solubility in lipids, has the ability to penetrate the membranes of cells and possibly the mitochondria, where toxins may be stored and where hydroxyl free radicals do their damage. Two -SH groups on OSR#1™ may scavenge hydroxyl free radicals. In the process, glutathione is salvaged, as it is the -SH group of glutathione that reacts with hydroxyl free radicals causing the oxidation and consumption of this vital antioxidant. Maintaining a healthy glutathione level, which OSR#1™ can accomplish, is vital to proper detoxification. Because OSR#1™ is not rapidly excreted, it remains in the body longer than water soluble antioxidants, and appears more effective at scavenging hydroxyl free radicals... Objective measures are healthy blood glutathione levels and improved porphyrin profiles.