Body--Internal Uses

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The pro-oxidative drug WF-10 inhibits serial killing by primary human cytotoxic T-cells | Cell Death Discovery
The pro-oxidative drug WF-10 inhibits serial killing by primary human cytotoxic T-cells | Cell Death Discovery
"Cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) play an important role in many immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Targeting cytotoxicity of CTLs would allow to interfere with immune-mediated tissue destruction. Here we demonstrate that WF-10, a pro-oxidative compound, inhibits CTL-mediated cytotoxicity. "WF-10 - either alone or in combination with conventional immunosuppressive drugs - may be efficient to control progression of diseases, in which CTLs are crucially involved. ""
The pro-oxidative drug WF-10 inhibits serial killing by primary human cytotoxic T-cells | Cell Death Discovery
****!!!!** "WF 10 [Immunokine™, Macrokine™] is a 1 : 10 dilution of tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO)" "WF 10 specifically targets macrophages. WF10 potentially modulates disease-related up-regulation of immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. Thus immune response is influenced in a way that inappropriate inflammatory reactions are downregulated.[3]. WF10 is currently being studied in the US, Europe and Asia for treatment of late-stage HIV disease, as well as recurrent prostate cancer, late post-radiation cystitis, autoimmune disease and chronic active hepatitis C disease."
Nuvo Research to Discontinue all WF10 [TCDO] Development | BioSpace
Nuvo Research to Discontinue all WF10 [TCDO] Development | BioSpace
***!!!!****"WF10 is an infusion therapy currently approved only in Thailand under the name ****IMMUNOKINE for the treatment of post-radiation-therapy syndromes and adjunctive therapy of diabetic foot ulcers." "Company believes that the results are not sufficient to justify the further development of WF10 for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and plans to discontinue all WF10 development. " "Crescita Therapeutics Inc. (Crescita), will own the Company's existing drug development business"
Nuvo Research to Discontinue all WF10 [TCDO] Development | BioSpace
Tetrachlorodecaoxide - Wikipedia
Tetrachlorodecaoxide - Wikipedia
chlorite-containing, immunomodulatory, macrophage-activating drug
Tetrachlorodecaoxide - Wikipedia
ChemIDplus - Chlorine dioxide generated from tetrachlorodecaoxide complex (tcdo) by acidification - Tetrachlorodecaoxide -
ChemIDplus - Chlorine dioxide generated from tetrachlorodecaoxide complex (tcdo) by acidification - Tetrachlorodecaoxide -
{***BROAD, valuable range of scientific resources***}Chlorine dioxide generated from tetrachlorodecaoxide complex (tcdo) by acidification - Tetrachlorodecaoxide - Similar structures search, synonyms, formulas, resource links, and other chemical information.
ChemIDplus - Chlorine dioxide generated from tetrachlorodecaoxide complex (tcdo) by acidification - Tetrachlorodecaoxide -
Assembly of Cochabamba approves use and free distribution of chlorine dioxide - Cochabamba - Opinion Bolivia
Assembly of Cochabamba approves use and free distribution of chlorine dioxide - Cochabamba - Opinion Bolivia
La ley recibió el visto bueno de los asambleístas ayer miércoles y aguardarán la elaboración de la reglamentación y protocolo por parte de la Gobernación y el SEDES respectivamente. Serán beneficiados tanto los contagiados como quienes tuvieron contacto con infectados del COVID-19.
Assembly of Cochabamba approves use and free distribution of chlorine dioxide - Cochabamba - Opinion Bolivia
Inhibition of the heme-induced hemolysis of red blood cells by thechlorite-based drug WF10 - PubMed
Inhibition of the heme-induced hemolysis of red blood cells by thechlorite-based drug WF10 - PubMed
Excessive release of hemoglobin from red blood cells markedly disturbs the health status of patients due to cytotoxic effects of free hemoglobin and heme. The latter component is able to initiate novel hemolytic events in unperturbed red blood cells. We modeled this process by incubation of ferric p …
Inhibition of the heme-induced hemolysis of red blood cells by thechlorite-based drug WF10 - PubMed
Oxoferin® und Natriumchlorit — Ein Vergleich | SpringerLink
Oxoferin® und Natriumchlorit — Ein Vergleich | SpringerLink
Oxoferin®, a preparation approved for wound treatment, has been subjected to an in vitro analysis. 1. Oxoferin® produces methaemoglobin even if diluted 500fold, and leads to additional alterations if added in high concentrations to red cells. Sodium chlorite (NaClO2, 15 mM) is equivalent to undiluted Oxoferin®. 2. Oxoferin® in fiftyfold dilution damages fibroblasts in cell culture slowly and persistently. This dilution is equieffective with a 200 µM solution of sodium chlorite. Oxoferin® and sodium chlorite also damage vascular endothelial cells. 3. The oxidation equivalent of Oxyoferin® is...
Oxoferin® und Natriumchlorit — Ein Vergleich | SpringerLink
Engineer who produced chlorine dioxide for the Government of Potosí dies of Covid-19
Engineer who produced chlorine dioxide for the Government of Potosí dies of Covid-19
Hugo Arando Zambrana, director of the Chemistry Career at the Tomás Frías Autonomous University (UATF) {Chem Dept phone (591) 2 6223280}, died of COVID-19, reported Omar Veliz (Ramos?), head of this entity. He had been in charge of producing chlorine dioxide on behalf of the Government.
Engineer who produced chlorine dioxide for the Government of Potosí dies of Covid-19
Chlorine dioxide is not for just any patient, a doctor and a biochemist warn - Cochabamba - Opinion Bolivia
Chlorine dioxide is not for just any patient, a doctor and a biochemist warn - Cochabamba - Opinion Bolivia
"people think that if they take the dioxed they will be healthy and it is not like that. We must assess the calcification of the bones, the use of magnesium, whether or not you use vitamin C, zinc. There I agree with the Ministry of Health, it is that if it is not being consumed properly, it is causing greater damage ” "If it passes 0.8 milligrams per liter it can even be lethal ”.
Chlorine dioxide is not for just any patient, a doctor and a biochemist warn - Cochabamba - Opinion Bolivia
EMI announces that it will "certify" the production of chlorine dioxide -
EMI announces that it will "certify" the production of chlorine dioxide -
Dec 2020. The Army Military School (El rector de la universidad militar del Ejército , EMI) announced yesterday that it will "certify" the production of chlorine dioxide from any company . Rector of the EMI, Colonel Iván Omonte (Tel: (591) 4-4521844, ). "The guest was Dr. Patricia Callisperis, who was one of the promoters." "Dr. Elizabeth Sánchez (EMI) affirmed chlorine dioxide "does not generate carcinogens or adverse reactions.""
EMI announces that it will "certify" the production of chlorine dioxide -
Local Scientific Committee and WHO say chlorine dioxide is harmful; Product use grows and SEDES analyzes including it - El País - Opinion Bolivia
Local Scientific Committee and WHO say chlorine dioxide is harmful; Product use grows and SEDES analyzes including it - El País - Opinion Bolivia
July 2020 "Immunologist Roger Carvajal, who advises the Ministry of Health, maintains that the substance is harmful. Dr Fernando Liendo, who chairs the Alcos group, and Dr. Patricia Callisperis, who heads a commission of specialists that travels through Bolivia, uses it in patients for COVID-19." " Immunologist Roger Carvajal, a member of el Comité Científico COVID-19, said "People are asking people for the Scientific Committee to do the research. " "The epidemiologist doctor Juan José Villena, of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) of Tarija, recognized "good results" in five patients with coronavirus." "The Bolivian Online Doctors Network (la Red de Médicos Bolivianos en Línea) warned that the product not only does not cure the virus, but could be harmful."
Local Scientific Committee and WHO say chlorine dioxide is harmful; Product use grows and SEDES analyzes including it - El País - Opinion Bolivia