They ask not to block the research on chlorine dioxide as a treatment for Covid-19 -

Body--Internal Uses
UPEA produces chlorine dioxide to treat Covid-19 -
En su laboratorio, elaboraron siete mil unidades del producto. El laboratorio de ingeniería donde se desarrolló el estudio del dióxido del cloro. Foto: UPEA Fuente: La Universidad Pública de El Alto (UPEA) realizó esta
Despite a warning from PAHO, the Government publishes a law for the use of chlorine dioxide against Covid-19 -
En la gestión transitoria de Jeanine Áñez se había presentado una solicitud formal al Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional para la revisión previa de la normativa Miguel Angel Melendres Galvis 1/12/2020 21:30 Fuente: El Deber El Gobierno, a
Government supports the use of ivermectin and chlorine dioxide against Covid-19 -
Para aplicar la medida, el gobierno informará sobre el uso correcto de estas sustancias. Fuente: El gobierno central apoyará el uso de la ivermectina y el dióxido de cloro como medida de contención
***!!!!********"27 COVID-19 positive volunteer patients with mild symptoms, among males and females between the ages of 18 to 60 years." The research team made up of professors from the Faculty of Medicine, in coordination with the Departmental Health Service and the Municipal Health Directorate... In charge of the research, doctors José Mayora and Carolina Terán... "Present at the presentation of the research results were the highest authorities of San Francisco Xavier, of SEDES Chuquisaca, of the Municipal Health Directorate, directors and deans of the Faculties of Medicine and Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Sciences who pledged their institutional support to continue with the second phase of the study."
Andreas Kalcker's lab | Independent Researcher
Principal Investigator: Andreas Kalcker | Research of electrophysiologic effects of oxidants (ClO2) and frequencies on living cells. | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists
Full article: ALSUntangled No. 19: Sodium chlorite
****!!!!**** (2013). Sodium chlorite. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration. "Over-activation of immune cells called macrophages and microglia occurs prior to symptom onset in animal models of ALS... The intravenous agent NP001 modulates the activation of macrophages and is currently being studied in human ALS trials." "NP001 has been studied in the C57B1/6 G93A congenic SOD mouse model of ALS (16). Nineteen mice given NP001 every three weeks (five days on, 16 days off) starting at 65 days survived 13 days longer and had slower decline in blinded neuroscore evaluations compared to saline injected animals." "The intravenous agent NP001 modulates the activation of macrophages and is currently being studied in human ALS trials (9). Preliminary results are discussed further below (10,11). At the present time NP001 is not available outside of research trials."
View of A New Perspective for Prevention and to Cure COVID-19 Patients: Encouraging Medical Teams to Contact Healed People Treated with Chlorine Dioxide in Solution (CDS) | Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences
What makes Solonium completely different from MMS
****!!!*****!!!!**** "According to Jim Humble’s MMS recipe, after adding citric acid or acetic acid to sodium chlorite during the 3 minutes, a small amount of chlorine dioxide is formed, but the majority (at least 90%) is not transformed at all. According to Jim Humble the chorine dioxide forming process continues inside the body –but this is questionable... the swallowed sodium chlorite will be absorbed in the stomach and can thus become toxic." [Actually, other studies may have showed swallowed chlorine dioxide may distribute through some parts of the body] "Even swallowed chorine dioxide cannot get into the blood stream and reach other parts of the body because it is consumed up by reactive amino acids already in the stomach. Onthe contrary, MMS is applied internally, and the sodium chlorite ingredient of MMS is absorbed in the stomach, and can reach all organs of the body via the bloodstream." "chlorine dioxide penetrates tissues like a front, where it can be found only behind the moving reaction front and not in the tissues ahead. Sodium chlorite reacts much slower; therefore it practically enters the tissue without any reaction and becomes 'systemic'." "(per Jim Humble) 5% acetic acid or the citric acid in lime or lemon"
ALSUntangled No. 19: Sodium chlorite
(2013). ALSUntangled No. 19: Sodium chlorite. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration: Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 236-238.
Dr. Pedro Chavez: "My whole family takes chlorine dioxide... and no one has been infected with coronavirus"
IV amt is given w/non-acidic, 99.999% pure chlorine dioxide. "CDS (for drinking) is reaction of sodium chlorite and 4% hydrochloric acid." "LD50 is 292 mg/kg for 14 days. We use 10 mg or mL in a liter of water. The difference is overwhelming."
Sodium chlorite: uses & side-effects | PatientsLikeMe
(for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization of Oxygenators {for artificial organs} in an Industrial Scale Sterilizer: A Successful Model
****!!!!****!!!! {Includes IV safety dose info} "Bacillus subtilis var. niger ATCC 9372 biological indicators (BI) (10(6) spores/BI) planted in the artificial organs were reproducibly sterilized...with a 30-min dwell time with a chlorine dioxide gas concentration of approximately 30 mg/L in 80 to 85% relative humidity at 30 degrees C. The D value (time required for 90% spore inactivation under specific conditions) was estimated to be 4.4 min." "The intravenous median lethal dose (LD50) of chlorine dioxide derivatives, chlorite and chlorate, in rats was found to be 112.8 and 2,228.6 mg/kg, respectively. In an immediate hypersensitivity test, chlorine dioxide gas-treated ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin, unlike ethylene oxide gas-treated proteins, did not cause sterilant-specific IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions in rats." "Results of an Ames mutagenicity test on chlorine dioxide and on the extracts of the chlorine dioxide gas-exposed oxygenators were negative."
Germicidal Activity and Chicken Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
*In drinking water & applied to skin. The bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal activity of chlorine dioxide (CIO2) against 79 bacteria, 31 yeasts and 4 viruses were evaluated under clean and dirty conditions. The safety of CIO2 to chickens given by drinking water or skin spraying was also evaluated. In clean diluent condition, the median lethal concentration (MLC50) of CIO2 against bacteria and yeast was 9.4 and 8.4 ppm, respectively. In dirty diluent condition, the MLC50 of CIO2 against bacteria and yeasts was 39.9 and 24.3 ppm, respectively. The virucidal activity of CIO2 against 100 median embryo lethal dose (100 ELD50) of Newcastle disease virus, avian influenza virus, infectious bronchitis virus and infectious bursal disease virus was 1.2, 1.2, 2.5 and 1.2 ppm, respectively. All the leghorn chickens continuously given with 10 mL of 500, 250, 125, 62.5 or 0 ppm of CIO2 in drinking water or on skin spraying for 7 days were not found showing any abnormality at 14 days post medication. Chlorine dioxide provides high bactericidal and virucidal activity ****without resulting any toxicity to the chickens."
Hydrochloric Acid Benefits, Uses, Supplements, Dosage, More - Dr. Axe
"HCL is a strong acid given that it has a low pH level, which helps to keep the stomach a very acidic environment. While normally we want to avoid having our bodies become overly acidic, preferring instead to remain slightly more alkaline, our stomach is an exception. The stomach should be a very acidic place (stomach acidity should remain between a pH of 1 and 2) because acid helps kill microbes and pathogenic bacteria that may be a threat to us. " This acid aids digestion, fights acid reflux, protects against leaky gut and candida, supports skin health, and helps with nutrient absorption.
Hemolysis and free hemoglobin revisited: exploring hemoglobin and hemin scavengers as a novel class of therapeutic proteins. - Abstract - Europe PMC
The effect of 'Alcide' on 4 strains of rodent coccidial oocysts - PubMed
The effect of 'Alcide' chlorine dioxide on oocysts of 2 species of Eimeria from rats and 2 from mice was investigated. E. pragensis oocysts survived 24 h contact with the chemical, but those of the other species were inactivated. Periods of exposure of less than 2 1/2 h did not inactivate oocysts of any Eimeria spec …
Use of Chlorine Dioxide for Antimicrobial Prophylactic Maintenance of Cephalic Recording Devices in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
[Chlorine dioxide (Clidox-s) is a broad spectrum, oxidizing disinfectant which is relatively non-irritating to skin and ocular tissues. The recommended chlorine dioxide solution used in this article was prepared as a 1:5:1 (base: tap water: activator) - the 1:18:1 strength was not recommended. Chlorine dioxide alone failed to control bacteria in vivo" noted at] "After use ofthe prophylactic regimen B for 1 year, these macaques did nothave any adverse clinical signs or pathologic alterations thatmight have been attributed to the use of chlorine dioxide. " "Chlorine dioxide may serve as a useful adjunct to antibioticsfor prophylactic maintenance of cephalic recording cylinders; however, it was beyond the scope of this study to determinewhether the corrosive nature of this agent might contraindi-cate its use on a long-term basis because of adverse effects ontissues or implant materials. We did find chlorine dioxide to behighly effective in resolving localized mycotic growth withincranial cylinder chambers in the 4 subject macaques. Decon-tamination was achieved after 1 or 2 applications and its usemay preclude the necessity of using systemically administeredantimycotic agents, making it potentially useful for short-termtreatment of mycotic infections."
Use of a chemically-stabilized chlorite matrix for the parenteral treatment of HIV infections
The present invention is concerned with the use of a chemically-stabilized chlorite matrix for the parenteral treatment of HIV infections. The chlorite matrix is an isotonic solution containing 5 to 100 mMol ClO 2- per liter of solution.
Patent: Method for *inactivating viruses in blood* [in bags] using chlorine dioxide
****!!!!*** "Blood transfusion products contain high concentrations of protein. Virus killing activity of chlorine dioxide is directly related to protein concentration. We have found that the removal of protein from erythrocyte and platelet products in a closed system prior to ClO2 addition is important for effective killing of the virus. The data obtained with both viruses show that a protein load of 0.5% requires a chlorine dioxide concentration of 50 ppm to effect complete viral inactivation. When the albumin level is reduced to 0.05% a chlorine dioxide concentration of 5 ppm is then capable of reducing VSV infectivity at least 5 Logs and HSV-1 at least 6 logs." "presence of chloride in our system greatly increases the liberation of ClO2 when used in our virus inactivation system. For example, 63.2% ClO2 was liberated with hydrochloric acid compared to only 6.1% with sulfuric acid. Further, addition of sodium chloride increased ClO2 liberation from 6.1% to 76.3%."
"Owing to our interest in the coumarin-based prodrug system, a novel prodrug of 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and 5,7-dimethoxy-4-phenylcoumarin was..."
Design, Synthesis and Kinetic Study of Coumarin-Based Triple Mutual Prodrug for Lung Cancer
"The allylic carboxylic group resulted from aldehyde oxidation by ***sodium chlorite*** was coupled with 5-flourouracil using dicyclohexyl carbodiimide to form the target prodrug." "The results of in-vitro kinetic study indicated that the prodrug was significantly stable in both buffers with half-lives of about 36hr and 20hr respectively, and was hydrolyzed in human serum followed pseudo first order kinetics with half-life of about 8hr. Consequently, it is believed that the synthesized prodrug may be a potential candidate as oral prodrug for treatment of lung cancer, and is a first agent belongs to a new prodrug strategy, which is a coumarin-based triple mutual prodrug."
The chlorite-based drug WF10 constantly reduces hemoglobin A1c values and improves glucose control in diabetes patients with severe foot syndrome
The intravenous application of the chlorite-based drug solution WF10 is known to improve wound healing in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. In this retrospective study, we addressed the question, which effects are caused by this drug in patients with ...
Reduced incidence and severity of acute radiation mucositis by WF10 (IMMUNOKINE) as adjunct to standard of cure in the management of head & neck cancer patients - PubMed
WF10 (chlorite-related) appears to reduce severity of oro-pharyngeal complications associated with standard chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer.
Anticancer and antiviral activity of chlorine dioxide by its induction of the reactive oxygen species
"Chlorine dioxide exhibited significant cytotoxicity against two breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) and three colorectal cancer cell lines (LoVo, HCT-116, SW-480). This cytotoxicity appeared to be associated with the capacity of chlorine dioxide to induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Compared to control insect cell lines, the cancer cell lines possessed much higher levels of ROS. On the other hand, a treatment of an antioxidant, vitamin E, significantly reduced the cytotoxicity, suggesting that the cytotoxicity was induced by high levels of ROS production." "a dsDNA insect virus and lost its viral activity to form polyhedral viral particles in response to chlorine dioxide. The antiviral activity against AcNPV was dependent on the incubation time with chlorine dioxide. Tobacco mosaic virus is a ssRNA plant virus and was reduced in its population after exposure to chlorine dioxide along with significant decrease of viral symptoms. These results indicate that chlorine dioxide possesses anticancer and antiviral activities probably due to its inducing activity of ROS production."
Reactive Oxygen Species in Inflammation and Tissue Injury
"The current review compiles the past and current research in the area of inflammation with particular emphasis on oxidative stress-mediated signaling mechanisms that are involved in inflammation and tissue injury."
Effect of intravenous or oral sodium chlorate administration on the fecal shedding of Escherichia coli in sheep - PubMed
The effect of gavage or intravenous (i.v.) administration of sodium chlorate salts on the fecal shedding of generic Escherichia coli in wether lambs was studied. To this end, 9 lambs (27 ± 2.5 kg) were administered 150 mg NaClO3/kg BW by gavage or i.v. infusion in a crossover design with saline-dose …
US5709992A - Method for disinfecting red blood cells - Google Patents
A process to disinfect units of red blood cells by adding an oxidizing agent, for instance ozone generating compounds, in solution to a unit of RBC's (RBC's) or compounds generating ClO2, the RBC reducing enzymes such as cytochrome b5 reductase will prevent or reverse oxidative changes, however, the viruses or other microorganisms do not have such enzymes. By adding RBC reducing enzymes to the RBC's before sterilization, the RBC's are further protected from the oxidizing sterilizing solution.
Patent - Novel method for disinfecting red blood cells, blood platelets, blood plasma, and optical corneas and sclerae ~Univ of Southern California
Application was granted. "This disclosure describes a method of disinfecting certain blood constituents--particularly the red cells, platelets and proteins--or disinfecting corneal and scleral tissues, to make them safer for human transfusion or transplantation, while respectively maintaining their biologic or optical function. A sterilizing solution is prepared from, e.g., a commercially available disinfectant (such as LD® of Alcide Corporation) containing primarily lactic acid and sodium chlorite. Normal saline solution is used as diluent instead of distilled water. The blood constituent or cornea or sclera is exposed to the disinfectant for a time sufficient to inactivate or reduce the infectivity of disease agents. The normal-saline environment prevents or deters hemolysis of the red blood cells or damage to the corneal or scleral epithelium or endothelium, disruption of the platelets, or ****denaturation of the proteins.****"
Chlorine dioxide as a possible adjunct to metabolic treatment - Journal of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis