AOAC Germicidal Spray Test Modified for Fungi (NG6341) ~DioxiGuard 60FV for Fungus and Virus, Frontier Pharmaceutical
***!!!*** "The USEPA requires products making fungicidal claims to demonstrate disinfectant efficacy against Trychophyton mentagrophytes, also known as "T. ment". Trichophyton species are associated with public health related infections including ring worm and Athlete's Foot. Applied to tests as a spore, this fungi poses a formidable challenge for disinfectant products such that disinfectant products have an EPA stated maximum allowable contact time of 10 minutes to demonstrate total kill. The product tested in this study demonstrated total kill of the test microorganism at contact times of both 1 and 2 minutes."
****!!!!*** [Taiko] "chlorine dioxide, which can cure an intractable skin disease, such as skin disease caused by humanpapilloma virus, against which no effective therapeutic method had been developed" "sodium dihydrogenphosphate as the pH adjuster whose pH is 2.5 to 6.8 as a 5% aqueous solution at 25°C, ****remarkably enhances**** the preservation stability of the chlorine dioxide solution"
***!!!!*** {Includes photos of wound healing} "Three surgical case reports are presented to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of using an improved aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide complex (160 ppm) as a topical antiseptic in the post operative management of serious wounds in dogs"
Rapid Healing of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis [caused by parasites] by High-Frequency Electrocauterization and Hydrogel Wound Care with or without DAC N-055: A Randomized Controlled Phase IIa Trial in Kabul
{Similar to TCDO} "daily moist-wound-treatment (MWT) with polyacrylate hydrogel with (group I) or without (group II) pharmaceutical sodium chlorite (DAC N-055)."
Interview with Howard Alliger, founder of Frontier Pharmaceuticals chlorine dioxide products ~ Adam Abraham, A Talk For Food Redux
(2008 originally published) Chlorine dioxide oxidizes and neutralizes free radicals and cytokines. Ingredients in some of Frontier's 20 CD products include catalysts that cause CD to release immediately, wetting agents, etc. Use high concentrations for: removing scars, tooth whitening, horse hoof fungal thrush, nail fungus (400 ppm). Fairly high: wart removal (200 ppm)--[Comment: Could possibly get FDA approval by listing salicylic acid as the active ingredient, & then also including sodium chlorite and lactic acid activator??] (****Includes urea as a wetting agent to help get into skin****). Medium: itchy scalp fungus. Low concentrations: gynegel against STDs (not FDA approved at that time), acne. Other uses: kill yeast in dogs' ears, canker sores, pet shampoo, exfoliant for women's faces, skin protectant including glycerin for men's hands (callouses, scratches), topical that removes pain of sunburn by oxidizing free radicals & cytokines; vaginal disinfectant, cosmesis, sinus flush that quickly relieves rhino colds and acts more slowly on flu; mouth rinse. Toothpaste kills bacteria faster & oxidizes their sulfur compounds & odors, treats periodontal disease, removes biofilm, & whitens enamel. *****!!!**** Treats Raynaud's Syndrome by opening up blood vessels in hands. Did some testing of intravenous injection of monkey for HIV, but dosed too high so killed too much of red blood cells."
"When *chlorine* oxidizes organic compounds, it adds a chlorine atom, making the compound carcinogenic and irritating. Chlorine dioxide doesn't."
A randomized controlled phase IIb wound healing trial of cutaneous leishmaniasis ulcers with 0.045% pharmaceutical chlorite (DAC N-055 [formerly known as TCDO]) with and without bipolar high frequency electro-cauterization versus intralesional antimony in Afghanistan
****!!!!**** "In case of clinically diagnosed wound infections, topical wound disinfection was allowed for 5 consecutive days with saline containing 970 ppm chlorine dioxide... wound cleansing and disinfection with gauzes soaked in physiological saline solution containing 320 ppm chlorine dioxide... for 15 minutes... In CL endemic regions with poor infrastructure, bipolar HF-EC is a robust technology to debride CL lesions under local anaesthesia. The combination with DAC N-055 MWT provides additional anti-parasitic, antimicrobial and wound healing effects."
Fungal cream-Treatment for candidia infections ~Patent
****!!!!****{Doses & studies for skin (& maybe internal?) treatments} " treating fungal infections using a metal salt of chlorite alone or in combination with a conventional antifungal agent... topical or systemic."*****[? Statements need verification] "chlorite ions are many times less toxic than chlorine dioxide to animal cells and that maintaining it at a higher pH will allow for a higher concentrations to be used. Concentrations of up to 0.5% in internal fluids have been shown to be acceptable for internal use. Higher dosages are likely to be acceptable also. External use allows for considerably higher concentrations to be used, and even higher concentrations are acceptable for short-term contact." "A pattern observed indicates that sodium chlorite alone at a pH that does not create chlorine dioxide and in combination with conventional antifungal agents is a superior antifungal agent than the antifungal alone against 100% of fungi tested."