Non Toxic Chlorine Dioxide treatments for Ringworm and health conditions in Pets
"Chlorine dioxide products that are the ideal solutions for an extensive list of animal health-related applications, including but not limited to:
* Treatment of fungal and yeast infections, including ringworm * Antiseptic shampoo cleans and deodorizes hair coat and skin, eliminates dandruff and skunk odors * Bacterial dermatitis and dermatological "hot spots" in animals * Gingivitis and periodontal disease, ear fungus and bacterial diseases. Some products can be sprayed or fogged for environmental cleaning."
How to use MMS as a skin spray | | RaccoonMedicine
.The use of activated MMS when further diluted in water on the skin could be beneficial in many cases. It could help many skin disorder, burns, wounds and scars
Interview with Howard Alliger, founder of Frontier Pharmaceuticals chlorine dioxide products ~ Adam Abraham, A Talk For Food Redux
(2008 originally published) Chlorine dioxide oxidizes and neutralizes free radicals and cytokines. Ingredients in some of Frontier's 20 CD products include catalysts that cause CD to release immediately, wetting agents, etc. Use high concentrations for: removing scars, tooth whitening, horse hoof fungal thrush, nail fungus (400 ppm). Fairly high: wart removal (200 ppm)--[Comment: Could possibly get FDA approval by listing salicylic acid as the active ingredient, & then also including sodium chlorite and lactic acid activator??] (****Includes urea as a wetting agent to help get into skin****). Medium: itchy scalp fungus. Low concentrations: gynegel against STDs (not FDA approved at that time), acne. Other uses: kill yeast in dogs' ears, canker sores, pet shampoo, exfoliant for women's faces, skin protectant including glycerin for men's hands (callouses, scratches), topical that removes pain of sunburn by oxidizing free radicals & cytokines; vaginal disinfectant, cosmesis, sinus flush that quickly relieves rhino colds and acts more slowly on flu; mouth rinse. Toothpaste kills bacteria faster & oxidizes their sulfur compounds & odors, treats periodontal disease, removes biofilm, & whitens enamel. *****!!!**** Treats Raynaud's Syndrome by opening up blood vessels in hands. Did some testing of intravenous injection of monkey for HIV, but dosed too high so killed too much of red blood cells."
"When *chlorine* oxidizes organic compounds, it adds a chlorine atom, making the compound carcinogenic and irritating. Chlorine dioxide doesn't."
A randomized controlled phase IIb wound healing trial of cutaneous leishmaniasis ulcers with 0.045% pharmaceutical chlorite (DAC N-055 [formerly known as TCDO]) with and without bipolar high frequency electro-cauterization versus intralesional antimony in Afghanistan
****!!!!**** "In case of clinically diagnosed wound infections, topical wound disinfection was allowed for 5 consecutive days with saline containing 970 ppm chlorine dioxide... wound cleansing and disinfection with gauzes soaked in physiological saline solution containing 320 ppm chlorine dioxide... for 15 minutes... In CL endemic regions with poor infrastructure, bipolar HF-EC is a robust technology to debride CL lesions under local anaesthesia. The combination with DAC N-055 MWT provides additional anti-parasitic, antimicrobial and wound healing effects."
Anti-inflammatory formulations for inflammatory diseases - Google Patents ~Alcide patent [expired] (Contains chlorine dioxide)
****!!!!****!!!** "There is disclosed a method for treating dermatologic diseases caused by microbial overgrowth or inflammation, such as psoriasis, fungal infections, eczema, dandruff, acne, genital herpes lesions, and leg ulcers. There is further disclosed an antiviral lubricating composition that is effective in preventing the transmission of the HIV virus and other sexually transmitted diseases. There is also disclosed systemic anti-inflammatory compositions and formulations and a method for reducing tissue inflammation in tissues such as the bowel, muscle, bone, tendon and joints (e.g., arthritis)." "composition which comprises a chlorine dioxide liberating compound and a protic acid." " Systemic formulations that are administered orally, or by injection into muscles, joint capsules, peritoneum, intralymphatically or directly into inflamed tissue." "The inhibition of PMN influx into a wound site can simultaneously reduce the formation of malondialdehyde and conjugated dienes, suggesting that most of the free radicals generated during the early stage of wound healing are mediated by PMNs"