Chemical & Biological Dynamics

Chemical & Biological Dynamics

"#Food Use" #air
The Role of Water Solubility and Diffusion Coefficient in Air of Chlorine Dioxide Gas during Surface Decontamination and Compatibility of Selected Plastics and Elastomers
The Role of Water Solubility and Diffusion Coefficient in Air of Chlorine Dioxide Gas during Surface Decontamination and Compatibility of Selected Plastics and Elastomers
****!!!!****!!!!**** {Includes data table of studies of gas and liquid against specific pathogens on food} "ClO2 disinfects by oxidation through the one-electron transfer mechanism, resulting in a reduction to ClO2–...The inactivation may be reached by allowing permeability of the cell membrane by changing the configuration of lipids and protein which involve the oxidation of amino acids by the gas. The second option is due to the reaction with nucleic acid and/or protein structures... However, some research showed degradation in viral RNA, inducing genotoxicity or discontinuing replication of genome information." "At higher relative humidity, a greater reduction of pathogen population was reported. This might be explained due to the increment of the pores’ sizes in the bacteria due to swelling at high humidity, which allow penetration of the ClO2 molecule into the bacteria." "Gaseous ClO2 showed a negative impact on treated fruits and vegetables through enzymatic browning formation... is related to the deterioration of nutritional quality. However, additional treatments can be added to the gas exposure to inhibit browning..." "negative color change in spinach leaves, which occurred during storage after being exposed even to 50 ppm of gaseous ClO2. Also, treatments with higher concentrations may lead to bleaching of fruits and vegetables" "reaction rate was estimated to be... which is significantly higher than the reaction rate reported by previous researchers ... the chamber used here was stainless steel... likely increased the reaction with the walls, and created minor corrosion" "larger exposure surface area for the water in contact with the gas increased the overall decay rate" "some crevices in equipment could impact the effectiveness of the ClO2 gas treatment due to the time for gas to diffuse into the crevice" "the ClO2 gas concentration is surface area- and water volume-dependent" "Results showed an increase in the reaction rate due to water presence at different water volume and exposure surface area. After 7 days’ exposure at 3000 ppm of ClO2 gas, none of the selected plastics or elastomers showed a significance difference (p0.05) in the hardness value." "excitation wavelengths of ClO2 are near the ultraviolet and visible light... leads to dissociation into ClO + O or Cl + O2" " Further research can also be extended to determine the rate of ClO2 molecules dissolving into water, and the residuals form."
The Role of Water Solubility and Diffusion Coefficient in Air of Chlorine Dioxide Gas during Surface Decontamination and Compatibility of Selected Plastics and Elastomers
Application of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas treatment for inactivation of foodborne pathogens
Application of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas treatment for inactivation of foodborne pathogens
"Its efficacy is largely not affected by pH and organic matter and it does no react with nitrogen compounds to form chloramines. The most widely accepted antimicrobial mechanism of ClO2 is damage to protein synthesis and increased permeability of the outer cell membrane. ClO2 gas may be more effective for inactivation of foodborne pathogens than aqueous ClO2 due to its penetration ability. Also, ClO2 gas could be applied for microbial control during transportation and storage of food." "The specific objectives of this study were, (ⅰ) to investigate the effect of relative humidity, surface characteristics of samples, and temperature on the antimicrobial efficacy of ClO2 gas... on produce and food contact surfaces, (ⅱ) evaluate the antimicrobial effects of the combination treatment of ClO2 gas with ultraviolet (UV) radiation, aerosolized sanitizer, and dry heat against foodborne pathogens on produce and seeds, (ⅲ) develop portable sustained release formulation of ClO2 gas for field application." "Combined treatment of ClO2 gas (10 ppmv) and aerosolized PAA (80 ppm) for 20 min caused 5.36, 5.06, and 4.06 log reductions of E. coli O157:H7, S. Typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, respectively."
Application of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas treatment for inactivation of foodborne pathogens
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Petition for organic food production ~ICA Tri-Nova
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Petition for organic food production ~ICA Tri-Nova
*** Lists several studies on dynamics of CHLORINE DIOXIDE DECOMPOSITION. *** Includes "Distribution and Chemical Fate of 36Cl-Chlorine Dioxide Gas during the Fumigation of Tomatoes and Cantaloupe" AND "Chloroxyanion Residues in Cantaloupe and Tomatoes after Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sanitation" "laboratory illumination being the major influence on the composition of residues. Oxidized products of chlorine dioxide present in tank rinsewater from trial A represented a major amount of residue (95.3% of tank rinse residue), but for trial C (dark) the major residue was chloride (78.1% of tank rinse activity) with only 13.9% of the radioactivity being present as chlorate or perchlorate" "...even in the presence of water vapor..., light must be present to catalyze the formation of chlorate (and perchlorate)."
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Petition for organic food production ~ICA Tri-Nova
Biocides and Novel Antimicrobial Agents for the Mitigation of Coronaviruses (especially against SARS-CoV-2 in food industry environments)
Biocides and Novel Antimicrobial Agents for the Mitigation of Coronaviruses (especially against SARS-CoV-2 in food industry environments)
*****!!!!**** {This article only mentions chlorine dioxide effectiveness against SARS-CoV-1, not SARS-CoV-2, against which it has greater effectiveness} "The exposure of SARS-CoV-2 (7.8 of log10 (TCID50/ml) to 1:49 (~150 ppm) and 1:99 (~75 ppm) *household bleach* resulted in the virus titer being reduced below levels of detection after 5 min" "The aim of this review is to provide information, primarily to the food industry, regarding a range of biocides effective in eliminating or reducing the presence of coronaviruses from fomites, skin, oral/nasal mucosa, air, and food contact surfaces. As several EPA approved sanitizers against SARS-CoV-2 are commonly used by food processors, these compounds are primarily discussed as much of the industry already has them on site and is familiar with their application and use. Specifically, we focused on the effects of alcohols, povidone iodine, quaternary ammonium compounds, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), peroxyacetic acid (PAA), chlorine dioxide, ozone, ultraviolet light, metals, and plant-based antimicrobials. This review highlights the differences in the resistance or susceptibility of different strains of coronaviruses, or similar viruses, to these antimicrobial agents."
Biocides and Novel Antimicrobial Agents for the Mitigation of Coronaviruses (especially against SARS-CoV-2 in food industry environments)