Chemical & Biological Dynamics

Chemical & Biological Dynamics

"#Food Use" #water
philippine clam purification technology research - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
philippine clam purification technology research - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
"purification process of purifying Philippine clams in the oxygenated state with 4 times of disinfected seawater...) was explored, and the water was changed once for 8 hours, and the purification time was 24 hours. The pilot test of the process can reduce the number of E. coli population in the Philippine Hazai intestine... and the sterilization rate reaches about 95%, the sand content is reduced from 65mg/100g to 23mg/100g, and the volatile salt-based nitrogen rises from 3.8mg/100g to 5.8mg/100g," "phenolic compounds denature proteins and make microorganisms inactive, and also different from chlorine biochlorination and inactivity. When it comes into contact with microorganisms, it releases new ecological oxygen and hypochlorous acid molecules and produces a powerful bactericidal and disinfection effect. This strong oxidation effect makes the amino acids in microorganisms oxidize and decompose, so as to inhibit their growth and kill them. Its residues water, trace chloride, carbon dioxide, organic sugar and other non-toxic and harmless substances." "According to the experimental results of Chen Youlin [2], the mass fraction of chlorine dioxide only needs to be 10× 10-6 action for 5 minutes to completely kill E. coli, mass fraction 10× 10-6 action to completely kill Staphylococcus aureus, mass fraction 100× 10-6 action 10min to kill spore bacteria, mass fraction 500× 10-6 for 2min to destroy hepatitis B virus (HBSAG); Chlorine dioxide can also have a special decomposition effect on cyanide, etc"
philippine clam purification technology research - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
Corrosivity of Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration System
Corrosivity of Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration System
"applications in which soil residues are frequent." "One sanitizer was an acidified solution of dilute sodium chlorite at pH 2.7; the other sanitizer was dilute chlorine dioxide (about 15 ppm) in tap water. Stainless steel types 304 and 316 corroded rapidly when exposed to the acidified chlorite solution. Chlorine dioxide near neutral pH 7.2 was noncorrosive to both type 304 and 316 stainless steels at a concentration of 100 ppm during 10 d of continuous exposure. This concentration is well above the typical use Concentration of 15 ppm; typical use time span is 15 min." "chlorine dioxide is of equal bactericidal activ- ity to sodium hypochlorite at one-seventh the concentration of hypochlorite, when used for sanitation of poultry processing water"
Corrosivity of Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration System
Press/News - Bio-Cide
Press/News - Bio-Cide
"ProOxine®AH Now Claims Efficacy Against PED" "OXINE® Approved for Horticulture Applications... eliminates most microbial issues at grower facilities at doses as low as 1 ppm to 5 ppm." "Keeper® Technology Now Certified Organic" "anti-microbial agent for the Red Meat, Poultry and Post Harvest Industries" “The issuance of Organic Certification now allows the organic producer the same level of protection employed by traditional producers.” “The active component in Keeper is Acidified Sodium Chlorite (ASC) – a powerful antimicrobial with adequate residual effect. After its intended technical effect, ASC breaks down into table salt. This is the fundamental premise of Keeper® approval as an organic material,”
Press/News - Bio-Cide
Chlorine Dioxide [especially Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide] overview - Lenntech
Chlorine Dioxide [especially Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide] overview - Lenntech
*****"[Note: Some statements about corrosion, reaction with phenols, Cl also released during some specific reactions, etc may have some inaccuracies] Like ozone and chlorine, chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing biocide and not a metabolic toxin. This means that chlorine dioxide kills microorganisms by disruption of the transport of nutrients across the cell wall, not by disruption of a metabolic process." "Unlike chlorine, Chlorine dioxide is effective at pH between 4 and 10. No dumping and filling with fresh water required;" "Chlorine dioxide can be used as a spray. All parts therefore, can easily be reached;" In scrubbers: "In scrubbers, Usually, a very low chlorine dioxide residual, around 0.2-ppm, is sufficient to ensure odour control." {includes effects on specific foods when rinsed}
Chlorine Dioxide [especially Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide] overview - Lenntech