Quantification, qualification, and microbial killing efficiencies of antimicrobial chlorine-based substances produced by iontophoresis.
The dependence of microbial killing on chloride ions present in solutions undergoing iontophoresis is addressed. A 400-microA current was applied to vials containing synthetic urine or saline, and the production of chlorine-based substances (CBSs) was ...
Hypochlorous acid is considered nature's germ killer. Learn the history of generating hypochlorous acid through electrolysis and how it can be used in fields such as medicine, food safety and water treatment.
Decontamination of Microorganisms and Pesticides from Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: A Comprehensive Review from Common Household Processes to Modern Techniques
{ppm, time, pesticide & pathogen reduction levels} "chlorine dioxide gas was reported to successfully remove 35% to 60% pesticide residues such as azoxystrobin, tebuconazole, dimethomorph (Z), and dimethomorph (E) from table grapes" "The presence of unstable phosphoric acid ester linkage in organophosphorus pesticides make it more susceptible to oxidation, and it is easy to breakdown using ClO2"
Use of chlorine dioxide at paper mills -The Control of Microbiological Problems
Methods used to control microbiological problems are discussed. Good housekeeping and regular inspection of all areas, effective boilouts, and regularly scheduled washups reduce slime development. Conventional slime control methods generally employ combinations ...
Decontamination Efficacy of Three Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Sporicidal Disinfectants on Medium-Sized Panels Contaminated with Surrogate Spores of Bacillus anthracis
In the event of a wide area release and contamination of a biological agent in an outdoor environment and to building exteriors, decontamination is likely to consume the Nation’s remediation capacity, requiring years to cleanup, and leading to incalculable economic losses. This is in part due to scant body of efficacy data on surface areas larger than those studied in a typical laboratory (5×10-cm), resulting in low confidence for operational considerations in sampling and quantitative measurements of prospective technologies recruited in effective cleanup and restoration response. In addition to well-documented fumigation-based cleanup efforts, agencies responsible for mitigation of contaminated sites are exploring alternative methods for decontamination including combinations of disposal of contaminated items, source reduction by vacuuming, mechanical scrubbing, and low-technology alternatives such as pH-adjusted bleach pressure wash. If proven effective, a pressure wash-based removal of Bacillus anthracis spores from building surfaces with readily available equipment will significantly increase the readiness of Federal agencies to meet the daunting challenge of restoration and cleanup effort following a wide-area biological release. In this inter-agency study, the efficacy of commercial-of-the-shelf sporicidal disinfectants applied using backpack sprayers was evaluated in decontamination of spores on the surfaces of medium-sized (∼1.2 m2) panels of steel, pressure-treated (PT) lumber, and brick veneer. Of the three disinfectants, pH-amended bleach, Peridox, and CASCAD evaluated; CASCAD was found to be the most effective in decontamination of spores from all three panel surface types.
Gaseous chlorine dioxide increases energy status and energy metabolism-related enzyme activities leading to reduction in pericarp browning of longan fruit during storage
{CD increases energy & enzyme activity.} Senescence in plants is governed by intrinsic developmental programs which is often under the regulation of their cellular energy status. Changes in e…
Chlorine dioxide inhibits the replication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by blocking viral attachment
In vitro -Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes a great economic loss to the swine industry globally. Current prevention and treatm…
Comparison of inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes within a biofilm matrix using chlorine dioxide gas, aqueous chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite treatments
The present research compared the effect of chlorine dioxide (CD) gas, aqueous CD and aqueous sodium hypochlorite (SHC) treatments on the inactivation…
Reactions of tetracycline antibiotics with chlorine dioxide and free chlorine
Tetracyclines (TCs) are a group of widely used antibiotics that have been frequently found in the aquatic environment. The potential reactions of TCs …
Oxidation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and structurally related amines by chlorine dioxide: Reaction kinetics, product and pathway evaluation
Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are a group of widely prescribed antibiotics and have been frequently detected in the aquatic environment. The reaction kinetic…
Chlorine, Chloramine, Chlorine Dioxide, and Ozone Susceptibility of Mycobacterium avium
Environmental and patient isolates of Mycobacterium avium were resistant to chlorine, monochloramine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone. For chlorine, the product of the disinfectant concentration (in parts per million) and the time (in minutes) to 99.9% ...
Effect of organic matter, temperature, etc on CD effectiveness -The Use of Chlorine Dioxide for the Inactivation of Copepod Zooplankton in Drinking Water Treatment
"The presence of organic matter resulted in a lower available dose as well as a shorter available exposure time"
Common Applications of Chlorine Dioxide - Sensorex
Easy clear explanation of CD's chemical action -Chlorine dioxide is a common chemical compound that is composed of two atoms of oxygen and one atom of chlorine. At room temperature, chlorine dioxide is
Evaluation of the Antiviral Activity of Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Hypochlorite against Feline Cilicivirus, Human Influenza Virus, Measles Virus, Danine Distemper, Human Herpesvirus, Human Adenovirus, Canine Adenovirus and Canine Parvovirus
We evaluated the antiviral activity of a chlorine dioxide gas solution (CD) and sodium hypochlorite (SH) against feline calicivirus, human influenza virus, measles virus, canine distemper virus, human herpesvirus, human adenovirus, canine adenovirus and canine parvovirus. CD at concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 ppm produced potent antiviral activity, inactivating >or= 99.9% of the viruses with a 15 sec treatment for sensitization. The antiviral activity of CD was approximately 10 times higher than that of SH.
Technical, Safety & Regulatory Expertise - International Dioxide
Technical and Analytical Capabilities
Chlorine dioxide generators are designed to be highly efficient and reliable systems that are easy to maintain. The ClO2 business of International Dioxcide provides the technological and analytical capabilities required to assess and design specific ClO2 treatment needs. We also offer the total ongoing customer assistance necessary to support new applications. Our chlorine
Anthium Dixocide disinfection FAQs {Bleaching effect on clothes} "To transport use solution from one job site to another the remaining solution should be placed in a smaller container that is liquid full or with minimal headspace and placed in a cool temperature-controlled environment. ClO2 will leave solution and accumulate in the available headspace with agitation during transport. Transporting use solution could lower the concentration of the solution below the effective concentration required for disinfection. We do not recommend storing use solution. "
{Includes acid type as relates to pH and chlorine dioxide solution final concentration} "ClO2 will leave solution with agitation during transport. It is important to minimize headspace" "pH may be low and it may cause browning of the foliage if left to dry." "Can I break the product into smaller containers for application? If you are an Applicator with a simple label, SDS, and an emergency number, you can activate any quantity required utilizing the formulation 1 part Anthium™ Dioxcide, 5 part 10% acid activator, wait 15 minutes, dilute with 56 parts water."
Chlorine better than Chlorine Dioxide (in wastewater at least for SARS) Study on the Resistance of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus
In this study, the persistence of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was observed in feces, urine and water. In addition, the inactivation of SARS-CoV in wastewater with sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide was also studied. In vitro experiments demonstrated that …