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Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources. March 1991 Edition. ~National Technical Report Library
Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources. March 1991 Edition. ~National Technical Report Library
****!!!!**** {Data in tables is based on limited sources} "A review of data from Hoff (1986) indicates that the disinfection efficiency of chlorine dioxide for bacteria and viruses increases approximately 2 to 3 gold as pH increases from 7 to 9." "pg 378 Table of CT Values for Inactivation of Giardia Cysts by Chlorine Dioxide in pH 6-9" "[page 379] Table of CT Values for Inactivation of Viruses by Chlorine Dioxide in pH 6-9"
Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources. March 1991 Edition. ~National Technical Report Library
philippine clam purification technology research - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
philippine clam purification technology research - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
"purification process of purifying Philippine clams in the oxygenated state with 4 times of disinfected seawater...) was explored, and the water was changed once for 8 hours, and the purification time was 24 hours. The pilot test of the process can reduce the number of E. coli population in the Philippine Hazai intestine... and the sterilization rate reaches about 95%, the sand content is reduced from 65mg/100g to 23mg/100g, and the volatile salt-based nitrogen rises from 3.8mg/100g to 5.8mg/100g," "phenolic compounds denature proteins and make microorganisms inactive, and also different from chlorine biochlorination and inactivity. When it comes into contact with microorganisms, it releases new ecological oxygen and hypochlorous acid molecules and produces a powerful bactericidal and disinfection effect. This strong oxidation effect makes the amino acids in microorganisms oxidize and decompose, so as to inhibit their growth and kill them. Its residues water, trace chloride, carbon dioxide, organic sugar and other non-toxic and harmless substances." "According to the experimental results of Chen Youlin [2], the mass fraction of chlorine dioxide only needs to be 10× 10-6 action for 5 minutes to completely kill E. coli, mass fraction 10× 10-6 action to completely kill Staphylococcus aureus, mass fraction 100× 10-6 action 10min to kill spore bacteria, mass fraction 500× 10-6 for 2min to destroy hepatitis B virus (HBSAG); Chlorine dioxide can also have a special decomposition effect on cyanide, etc"
philippine clam purification technology research - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
chlorine dioxide reagent used in water treatment
chlorine dioxide reagent used in water treatment
****!!!!****!!!!**** " In practice, based on a 10% chlorine excess compared with the stoichiometry and a 95% efficiency, 1.41 g of pure sodium chlorite and 0.61 g of chlorine will be required to produce 1 g of CℓO2." "obtained by oxidizing a solution of sodium chlorite using chlorine or hydrochloric acid" "Sodium chlorite solutions can be prepared from sodium chlorite powder. Water that has first been softened will need to be used to prevent calcium carbonate from precipitating."
chlorine dioxide reagent used in water treatment
Taste and Odor Control with Chlorine Dioxide ~Evoqua
Taste and Odor Control with Chlorine Dioxide ~Evoqua
"Phenols... Below pH 10, a minimum of 1.5 mg/L of chlorine dioxide oxidizes 1 mg/L of phenol to benzoquinone." "Algae... adding chlorine dioxide to the reservoir at night (to prevent decomposition of chlorine dioxide by sunlight). The algae killing action is fast enough to be effective before the sun rises. A dosage of 1 mg/L " "Sulfides - it does rapidly oxidize hydrogen sulfide to sulfates in the pH range 5-9. Between pH 5-9, a minimum of 3.36 mg/L of chlorine dioxide should be used to instantly oxidize 1 mg/L of sulfide to sulfate."
Taste and Odor Control with Chlorine Dioxide ~Evoqua
Degradation of microcystin-RR in water by chlorine dioxide
Degradation of microcystin-RR in water by chlorine dioxide
"Our experimental results show that the oxidation process is a second order overall and a first order with respect to C1O2 and MC-RR. The activation energy of MC-RR degradation by C1O2 is 53.07 kJ/mol. The rate constant k of the action can be increased by increasing temperature and decreasing pH value and ranged from 6. 11x102 L/(mol.min) to 5.29x 102 L/(mol-min) at pH from 3.44 to 10.41 at 10 ℃. Reaction products were determined to be organic and volatile, because they could be almost removed from aqueous solution by heating for 15 min at 60 ℃. In addition, the main oxidation products have m/z values of 1072 and are identified as dihydroxy isomers of MC-RR."
Degradation of microcystin-RR in water by chlorine dioxide
Water Handbook - Chlorine & Chlorine Alternatives | SUEZ
Water Handbook - Chlorine & Chlorine Alternatives | SUEZ
"[To generate chlorine dioxide:] Theoretically, 1 lb of chlorine gas is required for each 2.6 lb of sodium chlorite. However, an excess of chlorine is often used to lower the pH to the required minimum of 3.5 and to drive the reaction to completion. Sodium hypochlorite can be used in place of the gaseous chlorine to generate chlorine dioxide. This process requires the addition of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid for pH control." "The chemical behavior and oxidation characteristics of aqueous chlorine dioxide are not well understood because of the difficulty in differentiating aqueous chlorine-containing species."
Water Handbook - Chlorine & Chlorine Alternatives | SUEZ
Corrosivity of Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration System
Corrosivity of Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration System
"applications in which soil residues are frequent." "One sanitizer was an acidified solution of dilute sodium chlorite at pH 2.7; the other sanitizer was dilute chlorine dioxide (about 15 ppm) in tap water. Stainless steel types 304 and 316 corroded rapidly when exposed to the acidified chlorite solution. Chlorine dioxide near neutral pH 7.2 was noncorrosive to both type 304 and 316 stainless steels at a concentration of 100 ppm during 10 d of continuous exposure. This concentration is well above the typical use Concentration of 15 ppm; typical use time span is 15 min." "chlorine dioxide is of equal bactericidal activ- ity to sodium hypochlorite at one-seventh the concentration of hypochlorite, when used for sanitation of poultry processing water"
Corrosivity of Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration System
Oxidation of pharmaceuticals by chlorine dioxide in biologically treated wastewater
Oxidation of pharmaceuticals by chlorine dioxide in biologically treated wastewater
***!!!!** {Includes chlorine dioxide concentration levels that oxidize various medicines} "The formation of undesirable by-products can be controlled by minimizing the dose of ClO2 and applying post-treatment using, for example, ferrous iron (Fe2+) or sulfite (SO3 2-), which reduces ClO2 and chlorite residuals to chloride [22,23]. The removal of ClO2 and chlorite residuals allows higher levels of ClO2 to be used for treatment providing effective micropollutant removal. " "Wastewater effluents were collected from two wastewater treatment plants in Sweden, one with extended nitrogen removal (low COD) and one without (high COD). "
Oxidation of pharmaceuticals by chlorine dioxide in biologically treated wastewater
Chemical Reactivity of CIO2 | Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry | Scotmas
Chemical Reactivity of CIO2 | Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry | Scotmas
****!!!!**** "Chlorine dioxide chemistry works by selective oxidation, targeting the biocide where it is needed most." "Generally Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) rapidly oxidises phenol type compounds, secondary and tertiary amines, organic sulphides and certain hydrocarbon polycyclic aromatics such as benzopyrene, anthracene and benzoathracene. In general, Chlorine Dioxide will not react on double carbon bonds, aromatic cores, quinionic and carboxylic structures as well as primary amines and urea. Commercial applications have shown that Chlorine Dioxide can effectively oxidise many compounds considered to be waste and water pollutants. The table below lists a selection of pollutants found in various industries from our files, and demonstrates the wide range of possible applications for Chlorine Dioxide... Aldehydes... Amines and Mercaptans" "Chlorine Dioxide, however reacts with THM precursors primarily by oxidation to make them non-reactive or unavailable for THM production."
Chemical Reactivity of CIO2 | Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry | Scotmas
Chlorite removal with ferrous ions
Chlorite removal with ferrous ions
****!!!!**** "the reaction between the ferrous ion and chlorite is very fast (5–15 s) over a range of pH 6.5–8.0; in this condition a ferrous ion dose of 3.31 mg Fe/mg ClO2 completely reduced chlorite to chloride, producing minimal residual soluble iron. For pH higher than 8.0–8.5, chlorite removal is lower due to the natural transformation of the ferrou ions to ferric hydroxide. Within these pH values, chlorite can be removed completely with ferrous ion concentrations higher than the stoichiometric value. Moreover, the application of ferrous salts for chlorite removal during the coagulation process enhances the performance of the coagulation and flocculation treatment"
Chlorite removal with ferrous ions
Chlorine Dioxide - Greenhouse and Nursery Water Treatment Information System, University of Guelph
Chlorine Dioxide - Greenhouse and Nursery Water Treatment Information System, University of Guelph
{Includes chart of critical levels for pathogens in water} "Shock treatment is recommended twice a year and usually requires a concentration of 20-50ppm chlorine dioxide be maintained for 12 hours, and then the irrigation system thoroughly rinsed before irrigation begins again, due to risk of phytotoxic effects with high concentrations. After shock treatment, a continuous treatment of 0.25ppm residual chlorine dioxide is usually sufficient to prevent regrowth of biofilm. " "The optimum chlorine dioxide range to treat biofilms and common plant pathogens is 0.25 to 3.3 ppm"
Chlorine Dioxide - Greenhouse and Nursery Water Treatment Information System, University of Guelph
Water Handbook - Chlorine & Chlorine Alternatives | SUEZ Water Technologies
Water Handbook - Chlorine & Chlorine Alternatives | SUEZ Water Technologies
****** "The most common method of generating ClO2 is through the reaction of chlorine gas with a solution of sodium chlorite. Theoretically, 1 lb of chlorine gas is required for each 2.6 lb of sodium chlorite. However, an excess of chlorine is often used to lower the pH to the required minimum of 3.5 and to drive the reaction to completion. Sodium hypochlorite can be used in place of the gaseous chlorine to generate chlorine dioxide. This process requires the addition of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid for pH control. Other methods used for chlorine dioxide generation include:..." "Complex organic molecules and ammonia are traditional chlorine-demand materials that do not react with chlorine dioxide. " "The chemical behavior and oxidation characteristics of aqueous chlorine dioxide are not well understood because of the difficulty in differentiating aqueous chlorine-containing species." "Chlorine dioxide consumed in water treatment reactions reverts to chlorite ions (ClO2-), chlorate ions (ClO3- ), and chloride ions (Cl -)." "As a gas, chlorine dioxide is more irritating and toxic than chlorine. Chlorine dioxide in air is detectable by odor at 14-17 ppm, irritating at 45 ppm, fatal in 44 min at 150 ppm, and rapidly fatal at 350 ppm. Concentrations greater than 14% in air can sustain a decomposition wave set off by an electric spark. The most common precursor for on-site generation of chlorine dioxide is also a hazardous material: liquid sodium chlorite. If allowed to dry, this powerful oxidizing agent forms a powdered residue that can ignite or explode if contacted by oxidizable materials. The hazardous nature of chlorine dioxide vapor and its precursor, and the volatility of aqueous solutions of chlorine dioxide, require caution in the design and operation of solution and feeding equipment."
Water Handbook - Chlorine & Chlorine Alternatives | SUEZ Water Technologies
Formation of chlorite and chlorate from chlorine dioxide with Han river water
Formation of chlorite and chlorate from chlorine dioxide with Han river water
****!!!!****** {Includes equations for predicting impact of variables in determining quantity of byproducts} "At 20oC, pH 7, 70-80% of chlorine dioxideinjected was converted to chlorite and 0-10% of that was transformed into chlorate within 120 min with 2.91 mg/Lof DOC. The amount of chlorite formed also increased when pH and temperature increased. As DOC content increased,the residual chlorine dioxide decreased but the amount of chlorite and chlorate were increased. These experimentsrevealed that chlorate was a dominant by-product under UV irradiation."
Formation of chlorite and chlorate from chlorine dioxide with Han river water
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SELECTROCIDE 5G ~EPA
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SELECTROCIDE 5G ~EPA
****!!!!****!!!! {Materials suitable for Chlorine Dioxide containers} "Construction should be of dark or opaque/UV-blocking (preferred) oxidation-resistant plastic or glass. Some materials recommended include: -High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)- Polypropylene (PP)- Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) (PETE)- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)- Polycarbonate (PC)- Glass (UV-blocking preferred)- Gasket materials; silicone, viton or EPDM" "DECORATIVE AND ORNAMENTAL FOUNTAINS 5 ppm residual chlorine dioxide level. Circulate water in normal operation of the system.... Repeat daily until desired results are achieved." "Selective Micro® Chlorine Dioxide Test Strips"
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SELECTROCIDE 5G ~EPA
Chlorine Dioxide Generation and Dosing Systems ~Dioxide company
Chlorine Dioxide Generation and Dosing Systems ~Dioxide company
***!!!!*** {Includes table of pathogen effectiveness levels} "Chlorite is the major inorganic by-product of the reaction of chlorine dioxide in water. Usually, the amount of chlorite formed will be 40-60% of the amount of chlorine dioxide which has reacted. " "Chlorine dioxide systems: acid chlorite and electrochemical generators "Typical chlorite yield for an acid-chlorite generator varies between 65-68%. Overall conversion efficiency is much lower than this as much of the acid remains unreacted." "Chlorine Dioxide ClO2 will inactivate pathogenic micro-organisms at the same rate between pH 5 and 9. This makes it ideal for disinfection of potable water and process water where the pH is up around 8.0." "ClO2 is approximately 5 times more soluble than chlorine and 50 times more soluble than ozone." "Chlorine Dioxide Reaction with Inorganic Compounds--Ammonia Nitrogen... Iron... Manganese..." "Sulfur Compounds... Cyanide..." "Oil and Gas... frac water"
Chlorine Dioxide Generation and Dosing Systems ~Dioxide company
Treatment of Drinking Water With Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) ~Vulcan Chemicals
Treatment of Drinking Water With Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) ~Vulcan Chemicals
*****!!!**** {Includes graphs of bactericidal effects at different temperatures and pH} "Chlorine dioxide reacts primarily by oxidation; however, chlorine reacts by both oxidation and electrophilic substitution to yield volatile and nonvolatile chlorinated organic substances (THMs)." "1.34 lb of pure sodium chlorite will react with 0.5 lb of chlorine to produce 1.0 lb of chlorine dioxide. However, since dry technical sodium chlorite is 80% active, the reaction takes 1.68 lb of technical sodium chlorite. Usually a slight excess of chlorine should be used to insure that the reaction solution has a pH value between 2-4. This will produce chlorine dioxide more efficiently" "chlorine dioxidecan also be prepared by mixing sodium hypochlorite bleaching solution with sodium chlorite and an acid... The reaction with sulfuric acid as shown... produces the highest purity chlorine dioxide. Other inorganic and organic acids may be used and hydrochloric acid reportedly produces the most efficient generation of chlorine dioxide." "Sodium chlorite may cause anemia by oral exposure and has low toxicity by dermal exposure. Dry sodium chlorite has an oral LD50 (rat) of 165 mg/kg and sodium chlorite solutions have an oral LD50 (rat) of 350 mg/kg. Sodium chlorite dry and solution products have a dermal LD50 (rabbit) of greater than 2 g/kg." "Sodium chlorite, dry, is a fire or explosion hazard when contaminated with combustible material... Sodium chlorite, solution, also becomes a fire or explosion hazard if allowed to dry and can ignite... Continue to keep damp."
Treatment of Drinking Water With Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) ~Vulcan Chemicals
Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances. | Semantic Scholar
Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances. | Semantic Scholar
" this study investigated the reactions of ClO2 with 30 model compounds, 10 humic substances and 2 surface waters. ClO2- yields were found to be dependent on the distribution of functional groups. ClO2 oxidation of amines, di- and tri-hydroxybenzenes at pH 7.0 had ClO2- yields 50%, while oxidation of olefins, thiols and benzoquinones had ClO2- yields..."
Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances. | Semantic Scholar
****!!!!****"If you buy a 2% CLO2 product (Oxine), you are actually getting a 3.35% Sodium Chlorite in that jug or drum. It is essentially a 1.67 multiplier from the percentage of CLO2 that product claims." "Sodium Chlorite is widely used as a sanitizer and can be effective at inhibiting bacteria. It is important to know that chlorite solutions can carry anti-microbial claims listed as static or stasis by the EPA. That means chlorite solutions can inhibit or prevent bacteria growth of present organisms" [without necessarily destroying them] "we have found the liquid inorganic acids like LpH 100 work best and allow for less acid to be used with higher conversion to CLO2." "Contact time with your acid or ‘activator’ and pH of the working solution your acid is creating. Those two dynamics will determine how much Chlorine Dioxide you actually generate." "When using 5% stabilized CLO2 products like Pro Oxine after you achieve proper activation you will convert about 25% to 30% of that solution to CLO2. 70 to 75% of that solution will remain chlorite and be a part of your TOTAL working solution. The remaining sodium chlorite is important and will play a critical role in how well your product works over time." "Bio-Cide’s AANE [Automatic Activation Non Electric] system... to deliver product without ever having to mix products but allows for proper contact time and pH in your working solution to generate FREE CLO2 in your water system. The system is very easy to set up and can be used with any pump system you already have" "So you can essentially have 1.8 ppm TOTAL and .8 ppm FREE under the potable water claim approved by the EPA." " you never have to turn off your system to run other supportive care products or water soluble antibiotics. Since CLO2 is a ‘selective’ oxidizer it doesn’t seem to negatively affect these other products"