Indoor Air Unit Conversions ~EPA
Chemistry of Oxine presentation ~QIS PHILS., INC.
Ingredients: "3.35% purified sodium chlorite or 2.00-2.10% available chlorine dioxide + oxychloro species"
The multiple roles of chlorite on the concentrations of radicals and ozone and formation of chlorate during UV photolysis of free chlorine - ScienceDirect
***** 2020 "Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has emerged as a promising alternative to free chlorine for water disinfection and/or pre-oxidation due to its reduced yields of chlorinated disinfection byproducts...""ClO2− serves as a radical generator, a light competitor and a radical/ozone scavenger. ClO2− reduces the concentrations of radicals and ozone in the UV/chlorine process. UV photolysis of ClO2− only generates HO• under drinking water relevant conditions. ClO3− is mainly generated from oxidation of ClO2− by HO• in the UV/chlorine process."
The multiple roles of chlorite on the concentrations of radicals and ozone and formation of chlorate during UV photolysis of free chlorine - PubMed
***** 2020 "Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has emerged as a promising alternative to free chlorine for water disinfection and/or pre-oxidation due to its reduced yields of chlorinated disinfection byproducts. ClO2 decomposes to form chlorite (ClO2-), which influences the following advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for micropollutant abatement in drinking water. This study aims at investigating the effects of ClO2- on the concentrations of reactive species (e.g., radicals and ozone) and on the formation of chlorate in the UV/chlorine AOP. Results showed that the concentration of ClO· in the UV/chlorine process remarkably decreased by 98.20-100.00% in the presence of ClO2- at concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg·L-1 as NaClO2. The concentrations of HO· and ozone decreased by 42.71-65.42% and by 22.02-64.31%, respectively, while the concentration of Cl· was less affected (i.e., 31.00-36.21% reduction). The overall concentrations of the reactive species were differentially impacted by ClO2-'s multiple roles in the process. UV photolysis of ClO2- generated HO· but not Cl·, ClO· or ozone under the drinking water relevant conditions. ClO2- also competed with chlorine for UV photons but this effect was minor (< 1.0%). The radicals/ozone scavenging by ClO2- outcompeted the above two to lead to the overall decreasing concentrations of the reactive species, in consistency with the kinetic model predicted trends. ClO2- reacted with radicals and ozone to form chlorate (ClO3-) but not perchlorate (ClO4-). HO· played a dominant role in ClO3- formation."
Evaluation of chlorine dioxide gas release rates from dry precursors intended for applied technologies under disparate conditions and their effects on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes - ScienceDirect
***!!!!***!!!!** 2020. "Many of the innovations stop short of evaluating actual yield, practical feasibility, or basic chemistry of the technology. In this study, our aim was to evaluate ClO2 precursors, sodium chlorite and citric acid, under disparate but applicable conditions."
"low temperatures reduced ClO2 reported yield. Peak rates of production at 18 °C were estimated to be 3.51 mg/h, 3.83 mg/h, and 4.78 mg/h for sample ID 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Modeling the rate of production indicated that sample IDs had significantly different rates of production... Under 2 °C, these rates were 15 fold. We also determined that the reservoir placement could affect reported ClO2 concentrations. At the same time, ClO2 was able to reduce all three pathogens in 6-log10 CFU/carrier and performed significantly better at refrigeration temperature compared to room temperature."
Development of sustained release formulations of chlorine dioxide gas for inactivation of foodborne pathogens on produce - PubMed
***!!!!*** "Formulations for the sustained release of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas were developed, and their gas-producing profiles and antimicrobial effects... were evaluated" "Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and citric acid were used to generate ClO2 gas, and the generation rate and maximum ClO2 gas concentration were controlled using diatomaceous earth (DE) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). "
Application of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas treatment for inactivation of foodborne pathogens
"Its efficacy is largely not affected by pH and organic matter and it does no react with nitrogen compounds to form chloramines. The most widely accepted antimicrobial mechanism of ClO2 is damage to protein synthesis and increased permeability of the outer cell membrane. ClO2 gas may be more effective for inactivation of foodborne pathogens than aqueous ClO2 due to its penetration ability. Also, ClO2 gas could be applied for microbial control during transportation and storage of food." "The specific objectives of this study were, (ⅰ) to investigate the effect of relative humidity, surface characteristics of samples, and temperature on the antimicrobial efficacy of ClO2 gas... on produce and food contact surfaces, (ⅱ) evaluate the antimicrobial effects of the combination treatment of ClO2 gas with ultraviolet (UV) radiation, aerosolized sanitizer, and dry heat against foodborne pathogens on produce and seeds, (ⅲ) develop portable sustained release formulation of ClO2 gas for field application." "Combined treatment of ClO2 gas (10 ppmv) and aerosolized PAA (80 ppm) for 20 min caused 5.36, 5.06, and 4.06 log reductions of E. coli O157:H7, S. Typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, respectively."
Chlorine Dioxide-Search of Chinese Studies
Study on the law of photolysis of gaseous chlorine dioxide--Master's thesis of North University of China in 2011
****!!!!**** "The effect of the photodegradation rate under different light sources from fast to slow is 354nm ultraviolet light, natural light, 257nm ultraviolet light, fluorescence, and darkroom, indicating that the wavelength that acts on the photodegradation of gas ClO_2 is ultraviolet light near the visible light region and Visible light with a shorter wavelength; the concentration of ClO_2 in the darkroom is basically unchanged. In the range of 15~25℃, temperature has almost no effect on the degradation rate of ClO_2. Under natural light, when the gas ClO_2 is at a higher concentration (100-200mg/L), the time required for the gas ClO_2 to decay to half of the initial concentration is between 50-60min; when the concentration is low (≤20mg/L), only It takes 10 to 20 minutes to basically decompose. (2) The theoretical study of the spatial configuration of oxychloride is based on the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df) basis set. The spatial configuration of oxychloride is studied, and the bond length, bond angle and energy of the oxychloride molecule are calculated. And vibration frequency." "Cl-Cl bond is not found in the stable molecular structure of oxychloride compounds. The chemical bond between the two monochlorides that make up the dichloride is on its two reaction center atoms, and determines the structure of the dichloride. (3) Research on the decomposition products and decomposition mechanism of gas ClO_2 combined with experimental analysis and theoretical calculation results, it is found that the final products of the photodegradation process of gas ClO_2 are Cl_2, Cl_2O_4 and Cl_2O_6, and the intermediate product is Cl_2O_5, and the reaction mechanism is proposed."
Comparisons of the film peeling from the composite oxides of quartz sand filters using ozone, hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide - PubMed
"To solve the problem of shortened backwashing intervals in groundwater plants, several disinfectants including ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) were examined to peel off the film from the quartz sand surface in four pilot-scale columns."
Chlorine Dioxide | Disinfection Tablet - Imagine Care
***** {Very, very broad range of home uses for chlorine dioxide}
Chlorine Dioxide In Horticulture: A Technology Review - Greenhouse Grower
Horticultural operations are facing increasing pressure to solve sanitation issues related to water treatment. Some of the pressure is external
Competitive inter-species interactions underlie the increased antimicrobial tolerance in multispecies brewery biofilms
2020. ***!!!!**** {Includes specific reference to Chlorine Dioxide} "We show that antimicrobial treatment can reduce the level of competition and therefore cause a subset of species to bloom. The result is a lower percentage inhibition of these species and increased tolerance. In addition, we show that the presence of competing species can also directly enhance the inherent tolerance of microbes to antimicrobial treatment, either because species protect each other or because they induce specific tolerance phenotypes as a response to competitors (i.e. competition sensing)... The dominance of competitive interactions is central to the enhanced antimicrobial tolerance of the multispecies biofilms and that the activity of antimicrobials against multispecies biofilms cannot be predicted based on their effect against mono-cultures.
Microbial response to disinfectants - ScienceDirect
"The inhibition of the protein synthesis has been pointed out by Benarde et al. (1967), by using chlorine dioxide, and by Haas and Englebrecht (1980), who used free chlorine. At higher doses, ozone modifies the structure of nucleic acids." "The second type of disinfection mechanism focuses on the effect of chlorine dioxide on physiological functions. Although it has been suggested that the primary mechanism was the disruption of protein synthesis (Benarde et al., 1967), later studies reported that this might not be the primary inactivation mechanism (US EPA, 1999). As mentioned before, a more recent study reported that chlorine dioxide disrupted the permeability of the outer membrane (Aieta and Berg, 1986). ..."
Inactivation of bacteria by Purogene - PubMed
Purogene, a stabilized aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) was examined using bacteria of concern to public health. The organisms tested were: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Yersinia enterocolitica, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes Group … "Varying the pH of Purogene from 3.5 to 8.6 (pH of Purogene is 8.6)" *****"Purogene was most efficacious at the lowest pH tested (pH 3.5). ****as chlorine dioxide solutions were reduced to chlorite (which predominates at pH 8.6), their bacteriocidal efficacy was reduced, suggesting free chlorine dioxide as the active disinfecting species. "
On the cause of the tailing phenomenon during virus disinfection by chlorine dioxide - 190112119.pdf
2013 ***!!!!*** "Tailing occurs even at constant ClO2 concentrations. The chlorine dioxide solution’s disinfecting capacity, virus aggregation and the resistant subpopulation were ruled out as reasons for tailing. Instead,the cause for tailing is the deposition of an adduct onto the virus capsid over the course of the experiment, which protects the viruses. This adduct could easily be removed by washing, which restored the susceptibility of the viruses to ClO2." "Important shortcoming of ClO2, namely its self-limiting effect on virus disinfection. Important to take this effect into account in treatment application." "Working solution of 0.410.7 mg/L chlorine dioxide. To compensate for ClO2evaporation and consumption throughout the experiment,concentrated ClO2(16 mg/L) was added at a rate of 8e20mL/min by means of a peristaltic pump."
Reaction of chlorine dioxide with organic matter – formation of inorganic products - Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (RSC Publishing)
*****Recently it was shown that free available chlorine (FAC) is formed during the oxidation of organic compounds with ClO2. To investigate the moieties in natural organic matter..."
Patent: Solid compositions and methods for generating chlorine dioxide
{I believe this is PureVista by PureLine. John Thangaraj is co-inventor.}
Could the Superoxide Radical Anion Be Responsible for the Removal of Chlorine Dioxide Used to Treat Natural Waters? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
"chlorine dioxide consumption is related to the dissolved oxygen content (DOC) of the water and the reaction time." "Your municipal tap water should not contain larger amounts of transition metals, and sees no sunlight." "And yes, likely limited superoxide presence which is why ClO2 is likely employed (so called post-treatment) and remains largely effective."
"Tristel chlorine dioxide is effective against SARS-CoV-2" and "Destroy SARS-CoV-2 in 30 seconds with Tristel Chlorine Dioxide" ~Trilogy
****!!!!****** "Results demonstrate Tristel chlorine dioxide completely inactivates SARS-CoV-2 in 30 seconds in the presence of soiling in accordance with EN 14476:2013+A2:2019, at a concentration of 20 parts per million (ppm)."****!!!!*** {Tristel Chlorine Dioxide effectiveness against Coronaviruses in wipes, sprays, & foam products}
"Tristel chlorine dioxide is effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID – 19" [Downloadable PDF]
******* "Tristel chlorine dioxide has been tested by a United States Biosafety Category 3 laboratory. Results demonstrate Tristel chlorine dioxide completely inactivates SARS-CoV-2 in 30 seconds in the presence of soilingin accordance with EN 14476:2013+A2:2019, at a concentration of 20 parts per million (ppm)."
Inactivation of Enteric Adenovirus and Feline Calicivirus by Chlorine Dioxide
"The controlled disinfection reactions described in this paper provide baseline information necessary for understanding ClO2 efficacy against CCL viral pathogens in treated water under high- and low-pH and -temperature conditions. " "Further studies are needed to determine whether EPA guidance manual ClO2 Ct values are adequate for reducing viruses in an aggregated state, associated with particulate matter, and in natural waters."
Growth Inhibitory Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Bacteria
The Fate of Chlorine Dioxide under UV-LED Irradiation.pdf
Density of Chlorine dioxide, gas in 285 units and reference
{**************Extensive list of Chlorine Dioxide specs, with links to excellent calculators******} Chlorine dioxide, gas weighs 9.99 kg/m³ (0.00577459 oz/in³), melting and boiling points, molecular formula and weight, molar volume, CAS RN, description
WO2015136478A1 - Stable chlorine dioxide composition and method of preparation - Google Patents
The present invention relates to an aqueous composition comprising chlorine dioxide having a concentration of at least 4 g of chlorine dioxide per liter, to a method for producing such aqueous composition and to a kit comprising concentrated solutions of chlorite salt, and bisuiphate and persulphate salt. The composition according to the invention can advantageously be used in oil and gas industry, for the treatment of industrial waste water, for the treatment of household waste water, for the treatment of drinking water, for controlling odours, and/or for disinfection of food, goods, anima...
The Photoreactivity of Chlorine Dioxide on JSTOR
Sodium Chlorite - OnlineConversion Forums
What formula what one use to convert a 75% purity Sodium Chlorite powder to 25% solution? Thanks.
Chlorine Dioxide Generation and Dosing Systems ~Dioxide company
***!!!!*** {Includes table of pathogen effectiveness levels} "Chlorite is the major inorganic by-product of the reaction of chlorine dioxide in water. Usually, the amount of chlorite formed will be 40-60% of the amount of chlorine dioxide which has reacted. " "Chlorine dioxide systems: acid chlorite and electrochemical generators "Typical chlorite yield for an acid-chlorite generator varies between 65-68%. Overall conversion efficiency is much lower than this as much of the acid remains unreacted." "Chlorine Dioxide ClO2 will inactivate pathogenic micro-organisms at the same rate between pH 5 and 9. This makes it ideal for disinfection of potable water and process water where the pH is up around 8.0." "ClO2 is approximately 5 times more soluble than chlorine and 50 times more soluble than ozone." "Chlorine Dioxide Reaction with Inorganic Compounds--Ammonia Nitrogen... Iron... Manganese..." "Sulfur Compounds... Cyanide..." "Oil and Gas... frac water"
Chlorine Dioxide concentration chart for different disinfecting uses
how to efficiently prevent and control intestinal disease?