Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification FCN 1804~Selective Micro Technologies
As chlorine dioxide gas is intended only for the uses specified...air releases are expected to be negligible. Using SMT’s method of chlorine dioxide production, the only potential release of chlorine dioxide to the atmosphere is by off-gassing from process water. As a result, air releases from the use of chlorine dioxide as proposed in this FCN are expected to be far below the 3 ppm residual. Small amounts of the FCS which were to volatilize out of solution would rapidly decompose. Unlike chlorine dioxide gas in-solution, which decomposes into various oxychloro species upon its exposure to water, ***gaseous chlorine dioxide will decompose into only chlorine and oxygen*** when released to the atmosphere... Chlorine dioxide undergoes a reduction to chloride, chlorite, and chlorate ions as it is exposed to organic matter. Additionally, chlorine dioxide often reduces to chlorine and oxygen when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and from there it is likely to degrade into chloride ions.