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CD residuals & safety levels -Riding the Rocket— How a Perchlorate Standard May Affect Those for Chlorine Dioxide and Its DBPs
CD residuals & safety levels -Riding the Rocket— How a Perchlorate Standard May Affect Those for Chlorine Dioxide and Its DBPs
By Richard C. Pleus, Ph.D. Summary: Oftentimes, knowing the process for how a drinking water standard—or any policy—will be calculated is crucial to being able to have your voice heard in a timely manner to […]
CD residuals & safety levels -Riding the Rocket— How a Perchlorate Standard May Affect Those for Chlorine Dioxide and Its DBPs
Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide
Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide
{Testimony given before Congress for anthrax decontamination. CD History & level questions} "Improving computer resources are allowing investigators to simulate the transport processes within buildings. However little investigation on transport of reactive materials within the indoor environment has occurred. Furthermore, the analysis of such transport characteristics requires site specific model development. Ultimately it may be possible to develop empirical safety factors for the level of dosing based on building size and configuration, however a substantial experimental and modeling effort would be required to develop these relationships."
Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide
CD Rinse + Dry effects -Reduction of Salmonella Enterica on the Surface of Eggshells by Sequential Treatment With Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide and Drying
CD Rinse + Dry effects -Reduction of Salmonella Enterica on the Surface of Eggshells by Sequential Treatment With Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide and Drying
The synergistic effects of sequential treatments with chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and drying in killing Salmonella enterica on the surface of chicken eggshells were investigated. Initial experiments were focused on comparing lethalities of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ClO2. Eggs surface-inoculated wi …
CD Rinse + Dry effects -Reduction of Salmonella Enterica on the Surface of Eggshells by Sequential Treatment With Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide and Drying
CD disinfectant has lower/no NDMAs -Characterization of pharmaceuticals and personal care products as N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors during disinfection processes using free chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
CD disinfectant has lower/no NDMAs -Characterization of pharmaceuticals and personal care products as N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors during disinfection processes using free chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
The worldwide detection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic environment and drinking water has caused wide concern in recent years. The possibility for concurrent formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) during disinfection has become another significant concern for water quality. This study demonstrates that a group of PPCPs containing amine groups can serve as NDMA precursors during free chlorine or chlorine dioxide (ClO2) chlorination processes. Selected PPCPs after screening by NDMA yield were further investigated for NDMA formation conditions. High disinf...
CD disinfectant has lower/no NDMAs -Characterization of pharmaceuticals and personal care products as N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors during disinfection processes using free chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
CD for skin bumps
CD for skin bumps
Chlorine dioxide complex™ is a new molecule to dermatology that is a unique, non-toxic, broad spectrum anti-microbial and keratolytic compound. Chlorine dioxide has been used as an antiseptic in industrial settings for decades, primarily in water treatment facilities for municipal water supplies and food preparation. The compound has exceptional antiseptic properties with no known potential for development of resistance. It is a true keratolytic and anti-inflammatory, but is non-toxic to human tissue due to its unique mechanism of action. Chlorine dioxide’s use in consumer products was prev...
CD for skin bumps
Disinfecting capabilities of oxychlorine compounds.
Disinfecting capabilities of oxychlorine compounds.
The bacterial virus f2 was inactivated by chlorine dioxide at acidic, neutral, and alkaline pH values. The rate of inactivation increased with increasing pH. Chlorine dioxide disproportionation products, chlorite and chlorate, were not active disinfectants. As chlorine dioxide solutions were degraded under alkaline conditions, they displayed reduced viricidal effectiveness, thereby confirming the chlorine dioxide free radical as the active disinfecting species.
Disinfecting capabilities of oxychlorine compounds.
Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification FCN 1804~Selective Micro Technologies
Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification FCN 1804~Selective Micro Technologies
As chlorine dioxide gas is intended only for the uses specified...air releases are expected to be negligible. Using SMT’s method of chlorine dioxide production, the only potential release of chlorine dioxide to the atmosphere is by off-gassing from process water. As a result, air releases from the use of chlorine dioxide as proposed in this FCN are expected to be far below the 3 ppm residual. Small amounts of the FCS which were to volatilize out of solution would rapidly decompose. Unlike chlorine dioxide gas in-solution, which decomposes into various oxychloro species upon its exposure to water, ***gaseous chlorine dioxide will decompose into only chlorine and oxygen*** when released to the atmosphere... Chlorine dioxide undergoes a reduction to chloride, chlorite, and chlorate ions as it is exposed to organic matter. Additionally, chlorine dioxide often reduces to chlorine and oxygen when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and from there it is likely to degrade into chloride ions.
Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification FCN 1804~Selective Micro Technologies
Certified Products and Systems ~NSF
Certified Products and Systems ~NSF
National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF) database of registered products. NSF independently tests, audits, certifies, trains and consults for the food, water, health science, sustainability and consumer product sectors.
Certified Products and Systems ~NSF