Why Chlorine Dioxide should be your Choice for Water Sanitation ~Best Vet Solutions, ross.thoreson@bestvetsolutions.com
{Includes chart of acids' effectiveness in adjusting pH} "If you buy a 2% CLO2 product (Oxine), you are actually getting a 3.35% Sodium Chlorite in that jug or drum. It is essentially a 1.67 multiplier from the percentage of CLO2 that product claims...." "When using 5% stabilized CLO2 products like Pro Oxine after you achieve proper activation you will convert about 25% to 30% of that solution to CLO2. 70 to 75% of that solution will remain chlorite and be a part of your TOTAL working solution." "Pro Oxine’s product is buffered to an 8 to 8.5 pH solution while most tech grade products are buffered between a 9 to 10 pH solution, therefore the higher pKa acids perform poorly with tech grade chlorites. That is why you generally need more chlorite and more acid to generate FREE CLO2 with tech grade chlorites." "Around 2 to 2.5 pH for it to be effective at generating FREE CLO2." "Tech grade chlorites call for at least 15 minutes of contact with your acid or ‘activator’ before being administered into the water system. With Pro Oxine it calls for 10 minutes. This means it was able to generate the FREE component of the solution (actual CLO2) quicker. Pro Oxine was also able to get a FREE component at a lower TOTAL solution. "
***Other topic: "dropping the pH of the litter to below 4.0 will convert the litter into a medium hostile to the growth and survival of pathogenic bacteria. Normal gut flora, on the other hand, prefer a low pH environment so while dropping the litter pH to 4.0 or less will reduce pathogenic bacteria, it will actually create a favorable environment for healthy bacteria" "acidifying drinking water... assists in the establishment of normal flora, the exclusion of pathogens such as salmonella and the prevention of necrotic enteritis. The use of a mineral acid such as sodium bisulfate..."