Letter to the Editor about "Eradication of Bacillus licheniformis Contamination while Maintaining Employee Safety in a Gnotobiotic Mouse Colony"~Roger P. Orcutt
{Exspor & Clidox CD} "Chorine dioxide is not only a potent sporicide when used in aqueous solution, but has also been shown to be 1,075 times more sporicidal than ethylene oxide gas when used in the gaseous state1, a trait Dr. Trexler considers essential for any sporicide used in Gnotobiotics because air bubbles can become trapped below liquids" "0.007%. The stoichiometry of the reaction of the Clidox-S® base (sodium chlorite) with the Clidox-S® activator (hydroacetic acid) shows that even if every single molecule of the 0.85% sodium chlorite in the Clidox-S® base were converted completely to chlorine dioxide, it would still not generate the 3% (30,000 ppm) of chlorine dioxide cited." "the role of biological burden should have been given more consideration. What is the probability that a million spores would fall from the ambient air into an entry port during the brief time it is open? With an exposure time of mere minutes, one would undoubtedly be challenged with no more than 10 to a 40 viable dust particles and about 1 to 4 of them would be sporeforming species"