PURATE Chemistry for chlorine dioxide product | Nalco Water, EcoLab
{High efficiency, on-site generation} "PURATE is a blend of 40% sodium chlorate (active ingredient) and 8% hydrogen peroxide (stabilizer) with the balance being water. The reduction of sodium chlorate with hydrogen peroxide under acidic conditions produces chlorine dioxide (ClO2). It’s made easy with our pre-blended PURATE solution."
"Competitors - Low Efficiency: Some chlorite-based generators can achieve 95% efficiency when properly calibrated. However, three-chemical generators (sodium chlorite + hypochlorite + HCl) quickly lose performance and require frequent adjustments and calibrations. As a result, they typically operate with lower efficiency.
One particular chlorite technology (sodium chlorite + HCl) can operate with high efficiency but with a low yield. Inherent in the chemistry is the need to use 5 molecules of sodium chlorite to produce 4 molecules of ClO2, making 80% the maximum possible yield. Because of low yields, this technology is economically limited to small accounts, typically less than 1 kg/hr."
*****"PURATE and sulfuric acid are NOT covered chemicals under Process Safety Management (PSM). Even though ClO2 is a covered chemical, it is generated on site and used immediately, so the threshold quantity (TQ) is never even approached. "