Chemical & Biological Dynamics

Chemical & Biological Dynamics

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PexUniverse - PEX, Plumbing, Heating, HVAC Supplies
PexUniverse - PEX, Plumbing, Heating, HVAC Supplies
{This statement likely is not actually very applicable for chlorine dioxide used separately: "Another study (4) indicates that exposure to water over-saturated with all (3) common disinfectants – chlorine, chloramine and chlorine dioxide significantly affected stability of PEX pipe during testing, making the pipe more brittle and prone to cracking. This is another important reason to assure that your PEX plumbing pipe meets ASTM F2023 standard for resistance of PEX to chlorine. There exist opinions that F2023 is not comprehensive since it does not include chloramine and chlorine dioxide testing, but the study evidence suggests it is not necessary since all (3) disinfectants affect the pipe in a similar manner. "
PexUniverse - PEX, Plumbing, Heating, HVAC Supplies
Chlorine dioxide gel and associated methods - Google Patents
Chlorine dioxide gel and associated methods - Google Patents
A method of making a composition having the property of being able to store chlorine dioxide includes mixing an aqueous chlorine dioxide solution with a superabsorbent, water-soluble polymer that is substantially unreactive with chlorine dioxide and permitting a mixture formed thereby to form one of a gel and a solid composition. A method of delivering chlorine dioxide includes providing a gel or solid composition as described and degelling the gel or dissolving the solid composition to dispense the chlorine dioxide therefrom. A method of disinfecting a target such as water, wastewater, or ...
Chlorine dioxide gel and associated methods - Google Patents
Loss of chlorine, chloramine or chlorine dioxide concentration following exposure to UV light
Loss of chlorine, chloramine or chlorine dioxide concentration following exposure to UV light
"It was confirmed that chemical disinfectants decay when samples are exposed to UV light. Specifically, for deionized water free chlorine was lowered to approximately 95% of initial concentration following UV treatment. In contrast, free chlorine was decreased to 89% and 84%, on average, in the tested groundwater and surface water, respectively. A similar range in decreased disinfectant concentration was also observed for chlorine dioxide and chloramines. However, no significant absorption of UV irradiation by chemical disinfectants was observed."
Loss of chlorine, chloramine or chlorine dioxide concentration following exposure to UV light
WO2010002974A1 - Uv-based production of chlorine dioxide from chlorate or chlorite - Google Patents
WO2010002974A1 - Uv-based production of chlorine dioxide from chlorate or chlorite - Google Patents
Chlorate including sodium chlorate is used to produce chlorine dioxide gas upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the presence of a suitable catalyst. Chlorine dioxide gas can be used to disinfect, bleach and for a variety of industrial and commercial purposes. A Teflon®-coated UV lamp is optionally used to irradiate a solution of chlorate.
WO2010002974A1 - Uv-based production of chlorine dioxide from chlorate or chlorite - Google Patents
Disinfection of Poultry Chiller Water with Chlorine Dioxide: Consumption and Byproduct Formation | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Disinfection of Poultry Chiller Water with Chlorine Dioxide: Consumption and Byproduct Formation | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Chlorine dioxide is effective in controlling the natural flora occurring in poultry chiller water (PCW). However, it is not approved for use as a disinfectant because of the lack of information pertinent to its human health risks. In PCW, most added chlorine dioxide was rapidly reduced to chlorite and chlorate. The formation of chlorite was dependent on both chlorine dioxide dose and treatment time. The chlorine dioxide demand by PCW, the consumption at a given treatment time, was found to be independent of treatment dose. When used at the demand level, half of the added chlorine dioxide was reduced to a mixture of chlorite (90%) and chlorate (10%). On the basis of the acceptable daily intake of chlorite, 0.075 mg/kg, disinfecting PCW at the level of chlorine dioxide demand, 0.30 mM (20 mg/L), is not only effective but also has a low health risk from the standpoint of chlorite and chlorate contamination.
Disinfection of Poultry Chiller Water with Chlorine Dioxide: Consumption and Byproduct Formation | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Experience With Chlorine Dioxide in Brussels: Generation of Chlorine Dioxide - Masschelein - 1984 - Journal AWWA - Wiley Online Library
Experience With Chlorine Dioxide in Brussels: Generation of Chlorine Dioxide - Masschelein - 1984 - Journal AWWA - Wiley Online Library
The yield of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is influenced by chemical conditions (e.g., initial chlorine concentration, alkalinity) and by reactor design (e.g., detention time, method for mixing chemicals)....
Experience With Chlorine Dioxide in Brussels: Generation of Chlorine Dioxide - Masschelein - 1984 - Journal AWWA - Wiley Online Library
Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection in the Use of Individual Water Purification Devices ~Military/gov-related
Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection in the Use of Individual Water Purification Devices ~Military/gov-related
****{Summary of specific characteristics***a 35 mg/L chlorine dioxide solution stored in a high-density Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE) container for 45 days resulted in a 3% loss.. In contrast, the same study stored chlorine dioxide in a clear glass container for 31 days which resulted in a 12% gain, possibly due to continuing formation of chlorine dioxide from chlorite. Another study showed a 6.2% overall gain in chlorine dioxide concentration after 252 days of storage in a PETE container... Chlorite and chlorate show no disinfection capabilities and may cause adverse health effects in children... CTs required for a 2-log virus inactivation were 13 – 20 times higher at a pH of approximately 6 compared to a pH of 9 and 10... two to three-fold increase in inactivation rates per 10° C water temperature increase... bentonite appeared to offer protection or shield the viruses from chlorine dioxide... disinfection capability decreases in more turbid waters since microorganisms are protected by solid particles in water, protected by aggregation or clumping, and protected by loss of chlorine dioxide residual from oxidation of organic matter... Chlorine dioxide should easily achieve a 6-log *bacteria* inactivation at low temperatures and low pHs if chlorine dioxide is used for disinfection of more resistant viruses and cysts." "Colder water temperatures require higher CT values. Use a two-fold increase in CT for every 10° C decrease. Use longer contact time instead of higher dosages to achieve higher CT values. "
Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection in the Use of Individual Water Purification Devices ~Military/gov-related
Chlorine dioxide Wiki
Chlorine dioxide Wiki
Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2. This yellowish-green gas crystallizes as bright orange crystals at −59 °C. As one of several oxides of chlorine, it is a potent and useful oxidizing agent used in water treatment and in bleaching.
Chlorine dioxide Wiki
Chlorine Dioxide [especially Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide] overview - Lenntech
Chlorine Dioxide [especially Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide] overview - Lenntech
*****"[Note: Some statements about corrosion, reaction with phenols, Cl also released during some specific reactions, etc may have some inaccuracies] Like ozone and chlorine, chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing biocide and not a metabolic toxin. This means that chlorine dioxide kills microorganisms by disruption of the transport of nutrients across the cell wall, not by disruption of a metabolic process." "Unlike chlorine, Chlorine dioxide is effective at pH between 4 and 10. No dumping and filling with fresh water required;" "Chlorine dioxide can be used as a spray. All parts therefore, can easily be reached;" In scrubbers: "In scrubbers, Usually, a very low chlorine dioxide residual, around 0.2-ppm, is sufficient to ensure odour control." {includes effects on specific foods when rinsed}
Chlorine Dioxide [especially Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide] overview - Lenntech
What is the equivalent weight of citric acid? - Quora
What is the equivalent weight of citric acid? - Quora
"equivalent weight = molecular weight/ basicity Citric acid could be anyhydrous as well as monohydrous, and so the molecular weight varies accordingly. anhydrous : C6H8O7 = 192.12 mg/mol hydrous: C6H8O7.H2O = 210 mg/mol also, cirtic acid is a weak acid and doesn't oxidize completely when added to a base; it donates only a few (about 3) protons (H+). This is the basicity of the acid. Therefore, equivalent weight of citric acid= 210/3= 70 (when it is monohydrous) or 192.12/3=64.4 ( when it is anyhydrous)"
What is the equivalent weight of citric acid? - Quora
OxyChem Sodium Chlorite handbook ~OxyChem
OxyChem Sodium Chlorite handbook ~OxyChem
{ists references to all Gov regulatory info sources re. SC and CD}{includes % & ingredients of tech-grade and various other SC products} "Sodium chlorite is available in both dry and liquid forms. The dry forms contain approximately 80% Sodium chlorite and the solutions range from 7.5% to 40% sodium chlorite."
OxyChem Sodium Chlorite handbook ~OxyChem
How sodium chlorite is made - material, production process, manufacture, making, history, used, processing, composition
How sodium chlorite is made - material, production process, manufacture, making, history, used, processing, composition
****{Components of Sodium Chlorite} "Other materials are typically added to sodium chlorite powders or solutions before they are sold. Commercial sodium chlorite bleaching solutions contain special ingredients including anticorrosive agents, buffering agents, chlorine dioxide fume controllers, and surfactants. Anticorrosive agents are used to prevent the corrosion of stainless steel bleaching equipment. Buffer salts help liberate the chlorine dioxide that is produced during the bleaching process. Surfactants help stabilize solutions and allow for cleaning and penetration effects. Stabilized sodium chlorite solution can be stored for long periods without loss of activity. When the sodium chlorite is sold as a solid, sodium chloride is often included to make it safer to handle and store."
How sodium chlorite is made - material, production process, manufacture, making, history, used, processing, composition
High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Control in Commercial Poultry Operations ~APHIS, USDA
High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Control in Commercial Poultry Operations ~APHIS, USDA
Includes CD op. "APHIS uses antimicrobial products registered by EPA for use against influenza A viruses, and also uses the sterilant, chlorine dioxide, for disinfection of premises." "Chlorine dioxide, a frequently used gaseous sterilant for clean-up following an HPAI outbreak is a powerful oxidizer and unstable in light (HHS, 2004). Therefore, it is not expected to significantly impact air quality. When using chlorine dioxide and other disinfectants, label instructions should be followed to ensure proper use of the chemical and to minimize impacts to the environment"
High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Control in Commercial Poultry Operations ~APHIS, USDA
Comparative antibacterial activities of neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water and other chlorine-based sanitizers
Comparative antibacterial activities of neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water and other chlorine-based sanitizers
There is increasing demand for safe and effective sanitizers for irrigation water disinfection to prevent transmission of foodborne pathogens to fresh produce. Here we compared the efficacy of pH-neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW), sodium hypochlorite ...
Comparative antibacterial activities of neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water and other chlorine-based sanitizers
Chlorine Dioxide - RAPID-OX
Chlorine Dioxide - RAPID-OX
{Includes several links to}
Chlorine Dioxide - RAPID-OX