How to make MMS disinfecting spray | | RaccoonMedicine
MMS - 28% solution of sodium chlorite, can also be used to make a disinfectant spray. The spray may be considered as a "none wipe spray" because one does not
The Science of Chlorine Dioxide | Frontier Pharmaceutical, Inc.
****!!!**** "Because animal cells do not have cell "walls", as do microorganisms, human tissue is not affected by the same action" Chlorine dioxide is a friendly compound used to disinfect meat, seafood, fruit and surfaces, whiten teeth, eliminate Mouth odor, and treat wounds and infections" "The generation of chlorine dioxide is immediate, and the resulting product is highly suited for topical applications. The DioxiCare System separates Frontier's products from other chlorine dioxide preparations. " "Chlorine dioxide deactivates microorganisms by breaking the bacterial cell wall, or, in the case of viruses, by loosening the viral envelope. This action occurs immediately upon exposure." "Studies show that DioxiCare is an outstanding promoter of wound healing, and has successfully treated many skin diseases. In addition to antimicrobial properties, the DioxiCare System likely oxidizes and neutralizes free radicals and cytokines - the irritating compounds released by the body in response to injury or disease."
EPA approves 2 Lysol products as first to effectively kill novel coronavirus on surfaces - ABC7 Los Angeles
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved these two Lysol products as effective against the novel coronavirus when used on hard, non-porous surfaces.
Chlorate and Other Oxychlorine Contaminants Within the Dairy Supply Chain - McCarthy - 2018 - Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety - Wiley Online Library
Chlorite: Key oxychlorine BDPs their EU classification and their associated biological effect with established health‐based guidance (TDI, ADI, and ARfD) and regulatory MRL values
Treatment of Drinking Water With Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) ~Vulcan Chemicals
*****!!!**** {Includes graphs of bactericidal effects at different temperatures and pH} "Chlorine dioxide reacts primarily by oxidation; however, chlorine reacts by both oxidation and electrophilic substitution to yield volatile and nonvolatile chlorinated organic substances (THMs)." "1.34 lb of pure sodium chlorite will react with 0.5 lb of chlorine to produce 1.0 lb of chlorine dioxide. However, since dry technical sodium chlorite is 80% active, the reaction takes 1.68 lb of technical sodium chlorite. Usually a slight excess of chlorine should be used to insure that the reaction solution has a pH value between 2-4. This will produce chlorine dioxide more efficiently" "chlorine dioxidecan also be prepared by mixing sodium hypochlorite bleaching solution with sodium chlorite and an acid... The reaction with sulfuric acid as shown... produces the highest purity chlorine dioxide. Other inorganic and organic acids may be used and hydrochloric acid reportedly produces the most efficient generation of chlorine dioxide." "Sodium chlorite may cause anemia by oral exposure and has low toxicity by dermal exposure. Dry sodium chlorite has an oral LD50 (rat) of 165 mg/kg and sodium chlorite solutions have an oral LD50 (rat) of 350 mg/kg. Sodium chlorite dry and solution products have a dermal LD50 (rabbit) of greater than 2 g/kg." "Sodium chlorite, dry, is a fire or explosion hazard when contaminated with combustible material... Sodium chlorite, solution, also becomes a fire or explosion hazard if allowed to dry and can ignite... Continue to keep damp."
Enhanced bactericidal action of acidified sodium chlorite caused by the saturation of reactants - 2014 - Journal of Applied Microbiology
*******!!!!*****!!!!**** "The ASC prepared by premixing highly concentrated reactants (in particular > 40%) followed by dilution (dilution after reaction, DAR) was more effective in inactivating foodborne pathogens, and it produced higher antimicrobial compound (Cl2 and ClO2) yields than the other procedures. " "Thus, food manufacturers or researchers could prepare an ASC solution with a much higher bactericidal activity using the DAR procedure, with smaller amounts of reactants in the final ASC solution."
When chlorine dioxide gas is released into the environment, it readily dissociates into chlorine gas and oxygen.15Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)data includes 5.7 million pounds of chlorine per year released by facilities making and using chlorine,16and 1.7 million pounds of chlorine dioxide released by facilities making and using chlorine dioxide.17Most of the reported chlorine dioxide released goes into the atmosphere, where degradation products are chlorine gas, oxygen, and chlorine trioxide.
Oxidation of pharmaceuticals during water treatment with chlorine dioxide - ScienceDirect
The potential of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) for the oxidation of pharmaceuticals during water treatment was assessed by determining second-order rate con…
In Situ Formation of Free Chlorine During ClO2 Treatment: Implications on the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts | Environmental Science & Technology
Kinetics and Mechanisms of Chlorine Dioxide Oxidation of Tryptophan | Inorganic Chemistry
The reactions of aqueous ClO2• and tryptophan (Trp) are investigated by stopped-flow kinetics, and the products are identified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and by ion chromatography. The rates of ClO2• loss increase from pH 3 to 5, are essentially constant from pH 5 to 7, and increase from pH 7 to 10. The reactions are first-order in Trp with variable order in ClO2•. Below pH 5.0, the reactions are second- or mixed-order in [ClO2•], depending on the chlorite concentration. Above pH 5.0, the reactions are first-order ...
Oxidative removal of diclofenac by chlorine dioxide: Reaction kinetics and mechanism - ScienceDirect
Diclofenac (DCF) is one of the most widely used anti-inflammatory drugs, which has been frequently detected in the aquatic environment. In this work, …
Frontiers | Cross-Resistance of UV- or Chlorine Dioxide-Resistant Echovirus 11 to Other Disinfectants | Microbiology
The emergence of waterborne viruses with resistance to disinfection has been demonstrated in the laboratory and in the environment. Yet, the implications of such resistance for virus control remain obscure. In this study we investigate if viruses with resistance to a given disinfection method exhibit cross-resistance to other disinfectants. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2)- or UV-resistant populations of echovirus 11 were exposed to five inactivating treatments (free chlorine, ClO2, UV radiation, sunlight, and heat), and the extent of cross-resistance was determined. The ClO2-resistant population exhibited cross-resistance to free chlorine, but to none of the other inactivating treatments tested. ...Overall, our results indicate that viruses with resistance to multiple disinfectants exist, but that they can be controlled by inactivating methods that operate by a distinctly different mechanism.
Frontiers | Xenobiotic Effects of Chlorine Dioxide to Escherichia coli O157:H7 on Non-host Tomato Environment Revealed by Transcriptional Network Modeling: Implications to Adaptation and Selection | Microbiology
Although remarkable positive effects of low doses of ClO2 have been reported, the genetic regulatory machinery coordinating the mechanisms of xenobiotic effects and the potential bacterial adaptation remained unclear. ..A total of 810 genes were uniquely upregulated at the third hour at 10 μg ClO2, suggesting that the potency of xenobiotic effects had led to ****potential adaptation.**** This study provides important knowledge on the possible selection of target molecules for eliminating bacterial contamination on fresh produce without overlooking potential risks of adaptation.
Integrity of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 Cell Wall and Membranes After Chlorine Dioxide Treatment | Microbiology
****!!!!***!!!!" 2020 {This is 1 of at least 3 papers that derived differing theories on dynamics of E. coli after chlorine dioxide treatment} Bacterial log reductions after ClO2 treatment ranged from 0.2 to 5.5 and changes in relative fluorescence units after membrane permeability and glucose uptake assays were not consistent with viability, indicating membrane permeability and metabolism were not substantially altered. Depolarization was observed after NaOCl treatment, however, the polarity of cells treated with ClO2 were like those treated with water (P < 0.05). Accumulation of MDA was detected only after 10 mg/L ClO2 treatments, indicating that **membrane peroxidation occurred at higher concentrations.** Transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed that separation of the cell wall from the cytosol occurred after the 10 mg/L ClO2 treatment, but the cell wall itself appeared to be unbroken. These data suggest that ***ClO2 damage to E. coli O157:H7 is not primarily located at the cell wall and harms cells significantly different than NaOCl*** at comparable concentrations.
Chlorine Dioxide | Material Compatibility ~ClorDiSys
For most chlorine dioxide liquid solutions, it is these two acidic byproducts, acidified sodium chlorite and chlorous acid that give the solution its low pH (typically around 3) and corrosive properties. However, pure chlorine dioxide of the type generated by ClorDiSys has a non-corrosive neutral pH of 7 when dissolved in water and is gentle on materials. The table below shows common decontaminating agents and their oxidation (corrosion) potential. A higher oxidation potential means that the agent is a stronger oxidizer and thus more corrosive. As can be seen, chlorine dioxide is less corrosive than most of the common decontaminating agents. "chlorine dioxide has a relatively low oxidation (corrosion) potential, 1.9 times lower than hydrogen peroxide. Yet, due to the prevalent use of liquid chlorine dioxide and its corrosive properties, a stigma exists in which chlorine dioxide gas is also considered corrosive. Liquid chlorine dioxide’s corrosive properties stem from its generation chemistry in which multiple acidic components are involved. It is these acids that give the liquid its corrosive qualities, not the chlorine dioxide itself."
WO2016020755A2 - Systems and methods for releasing chlorine dioxide - Google Patents
The present invention provides for a composition, including: a sufficient first amount of a first active agent dispersion; where the first active agent dispersion has a pKa of 0.1 - 2.0, where the first active agent dispersion is selected from the group consisting of: an acid cation exchange resin, an acidic zeolite, an acidic clay, an organic acid, an inorganic acid, and any combination thereof, and where the first active agent dispersion includes a plurality of particles; where the plurality of particles has a median diameter of between 0.5 - 1000 micrometers; and a sufficient second amou...
This chapter contains two main sections-the first section describes the chemistry and reactions of chlorine dioxide, and the second describes the disinfection by-products (DBPs) of chlorine dioxide and their control. **A short section on Research Needs completes this chapter.** The section on chemistry and reactions is presented first because it lays the foundation for the reactions that are possible with chlorine dioxide, and in many cases, helps to explain some of the DBPs that have been reported. This chapter is intended to provide an overview of chemistry, reactions, and DBPs of chlorine dioxide and, as such, is not meant to be an exhaustive treatise. An extensive reference list is provided for additional details, especially with regard to the mechanisms of reaction.