Chemical & Biological Dynamics

Chemical & Biological Dynamics

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Bacillus subtilis vegetative isolate surviving chlorine dioxide exposure: an elusive mechanism of resistance - PubMed
Bacillus subtilis vegetative isolate surviving chlorine dioxide exposure: an elusive mechanism of resistance - PubMed
The isolation of a highly resistant vegetative Gram-positive bacterium to a highly reactive oxidizing agent is worrying. Understanding the mechanisms conferring such resistance is essential to effectively control such bacterial isolates. Here, we postulate that there are still mechanisms of bacteria …
Bacillus subtilis vegetative isolate surviving chlorine dioxide exposure: an elusive mechanism of resistance - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide | ClO2 | ChemSpider
Chlorine dioxide | ClO2 | ChemSpider
Structure, properties, spectra, suppliers and links for: Chlorine dioxide, 10049-04-4.
Chlorine dioxide | ClO2 | ChemSpider
On the cause of the tailing phenomenon during virus disinfection by chlorine dioxide
On the cause of the tailing phenomenon during virus disinfection by chlorine dioxide
***Tailing occurs even at constant ClO2 concentrations. The cause for tailing is the deposition of an adduct onto the virus capsid over the course of the experiment, which protects the viruses. This adduct could easily be removed by washing, which restored the susceptibility of the viruses to ClO2. This finding highlights an important ***shortcoming of ClO2, namely its self-limiting effect on virus disinfection***. It is important to take this effect into account in treatment applications to ensure that the water is sufficiently disinfected before human consumption.
On the cause of the tailing phenomenon during virus disinfection by chlorine dioxide
Cross-Resistance of UV- or Chlorine Dioxide-Resistant Echovirus 11 to Other Disinfectants
Cross-Resistance of UV- or Chlorine Dioxide-Resistant Echovirus 11 to Other Disinfectants
The emergence of waterborne viruses with resistance to disinfection has been demonstrated in the laboratory and in the environment. Yet, the implications of such resistance for virus control remain obscure. In this study we investigate if viruses with ...
Cross-Resistance of UV- or Chlorine Dioxide-Resistant Echovirus 11 to Other Disinfectants
{Includes CD} Oxidation and reduction (redox) reactions are very important in drinking water. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) measurements reflect the redox state of water. Redox measurements are not widely made by drinking water utilities in part because they are not well understood. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of oxidant type and concentration on the ORP of carbonate buffered water as a function of pH. Oxidants that were studied included: chlorine, monochloramine, potassium permanganate, chlorine dioxide, and oxygen. ORP decreased with increasing pH, regardless of the ox...
Patent: Apparatus and method for producing chlorine dioxide
Patent: Apparatus and method for producing chlorine dioxide
Provided are apparatuses and methods for making chlorine dioxide on demand by converting a chlorine dioxide generating solution into chlorine dioxide by exposure to UV light.
Patent: Apparatus and method for producing chlorine dioxide
Chlorine dioxide (Gas) | Request PDF
Chlorine dioxide (Gas) | Request PDF
Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2002, S. Dobson and others published Chlorine dioxide (Gas) | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Chlorine dioxide (Gas) | Request PDF
TwinOxide: How Does It Work
TwinOxide: How Does It Work
The Science Behind the Formula Anti Bacterial Effectiveness General Detergent Cresol, Phenol Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) Ethanol (Alcohol) Virus Protect+ (Chlorine Dioxide) 99.99%
TwinOxide: How Does It Work
Patent: STABILIZED Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Patent: STABILIZED Chlorine Dioxide Solution
An aqueous stabilised chlorine dioxide solution for use as a universal biocide. The stabilized solution preferably, but not necessarily, includes: (A) an effective stabilising amount of ClO 2 − ions; (B) an effective biocidal amount of ClO 2 ; (C) an acidulator sufficient to release ClO 2 , in a safe manner, and (D) an amount of water qs. The solution may, but not necessarily, have a molar ratio of components (A):(B) that is from 20:1 to 1:20.
Patent: STABILIZED Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Benzalkonium Chlorides: Uses, Regulatory Status, and Microbial Resistance
Benzalkonium Chlorides: Uses, Regulatory Status, and Microbial Resistance
Benzalkonium chlorides (BACs) are chemicals with widespread applications due to their broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This review provides an overview of the market for BACs, as well as regulatory measures ...
Benzalkonium Chlorides: Uses, Regulatory Status, and Microbial Resistance
The organic precursors affecting the formation of disinfection by-products with chlorine dioxide
The organic precursors affecting the formation of disinfection by-products with chlorine dioxide
****"the unit consumption of disinfection agent per unit organic matters (represented by ClO2/DOC) is in the following sequence hydrophobic substance > hydrophilic substance > non-acid hydrophilics. It indicated that larger molecular organic precursors had larger consumption of disinfectant. We also discovered that after the reaction of the three different organic substances with chlorine dioxide, the largest amount of disinfection by-products were generated by the non-acid hydrophilics."
The organic precursors affecting the formation of disinfection by-products with chlorine dioxide
Role of ROS and RNS Sources in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
Role of ROS and RNS Sources in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
There is significant evidence that, in living systems, free radicals and other reactive oxygen and nitrogen species play a double role, because they can cause oxidative damage and tissue dysfunction and serve as molecular signals activating stress responses that are beneficial to the organism. Mitochondria have been thought to both play a major role in tissue oxidative damage and dysfunction and provide protection against excessive tissue dysfunction through several mechanisms, including stimulation of opening of permeability transition pores. Until recently, the functional significance of ROS sources different from mitochondria has received lesser attention. However, the most recent data, besides confirming the mitochondrial role in tissue oxidative stress and protection, show interplay between mitochondria and other ROS cellular sources, so that activation of one can lead to activation of other sources. Thus, it is currently accepted that in various conditions all cellular sources of ROS provide significant contribution to processes that oxidatively damage tissues and assure their survival, through mechanisms such as autophagy and apoptosis.
Role of ROS and RNS Sources in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
Antibiotics versus biofilm: an emerging battleground in microbial communities
Antibiotics versus biofilm: an emerging battleground in microbial communities
Biofilm is a complex structure of microbiome having different bacterial colonies or single type of cells in a group; adhere to the surface. These cells are embedded in extracellular polymeric substances, a matrix which is generally composed of eDNA, proteins and polysaccharides, showed high resistance to antibiotics. It is one of the major causes of infection persistence especially in nosocomial settings through indwelling devices. Quorum sensing plays an important role in regulating the biofilm formation. There are many approaches being used to control infections by suppressing its formation but CRISPR-CAS (gene editing technique) and photo dynamic therapy (PDT) are proposed to be used as therapeutic approaches to subside bacterial biofim infections, especially caused by deadly drug resistant bad bugs.
Antibiotics versus biofilm: an emerging battleground in microbial communities
Decontamination of Bacillus spores adhered to iron and cement-mortar drinking water infrastructure in a model system using disinfectants
Decontamination of Bacillus spores adhered to iron and cement-mortar drinking water infrastructure in a model system using disinfectants
Decontamination of Bacillus spores adhered to common drinking water infrastructure surfaces was evaluated using a variety of disinfectants. Corroded iron and cement-mortar lined iron represented the infrastructure surfaces, and were conditioned in a 23 ...
Decontamination of Bacillus spores adhered to iron and cement-mortar drinking water infrastructure in a model system using disinfectants