Chemical disinfectant safety comparisons

Chemical & Biological Dynamics
Oxidation comparison -ClO2 - ProKure®
General CD info + some prodDisinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation
Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Fifth Edition, this volume is a comprehensive, practical reference on contemporary methods of disinfection, sterilization, and preservation and their medical, surgical, and public health applications. More than a third of this edition's chapters cover subjects never addressed in previous editions. New topics covered include recently identified pathogens, microbial biofilms, use of antibiotics as antiseptics, synergism between chemical microbicides, pulsed-light sterilization of pharmaceuticals, and new methods for medical waste management. Close attent...
COVID disinfectants & affected pathogens
WHO -Disinfectant concentration needed to kill pathogens
*Also, sickness vs water disinfect chems risks
CD best in settled vs thickened waste sludge. However, hypochlorite is superior.
Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature.
CD didn't kill Norovirus in stool -Measurement of the virolysis of human GII.4 norovirus in response to disinfectants and sanitisers. | Semantic Scholar
The aim of this study was to develop a method for investigating the stability of the human NoV capsid in response to disinfectants and sanitisers (virucides) as an indirect method for determining virus infectivity. Capsid destruction or "virolysis" was measured using the reverse transcribed quantitative PCR (RT-QPCR) reaction in conjunction with RNase treatment (in order to destroy any exposed RNA). Two commercially available alcohol based handwashes, alcohols (75% (v/v) ethanol or isopropanol), quaternary ammonium compounds (0.14% BAC or 0.07% DIDAC), and chlorine dioxide (200 ppm) were all ineffective at promoting virolysis of human norovirus present in dilute clinical samples at the concentrations tested. GII.4 NoVs were sensitive to a combination of heat and alkali. These data show that NoVs present in dilute stool samples are resistant to virolysis using virucides that are used commonly.
(PDF) Mycobactericidal activity of chlorine dioxide wipes in a modified prEN 14563 test
PDF | Tristel Sporicidal Wipes are chlorine dioxide-based disinfectant wipes for disinfecting non-lumened semi-critical medical devices. In this study,... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
chlorine dioxide oxidation: Topics by
Chlorine dioxide vs. chlorine bleach: A battle of misconceptions | NEOGEN
**Includes pathogens resistant to Chlorine. Chlorine bleach: It's convenient to purchase. It's cheap. It's a well-known household cleaner and disinfectant. But is it best to use as a water sanitizer in the poultry house?
Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) ~American Chemistry Council
2004. Chlorine Compound of the Month: 8663. "by fogging (spraying) library stacks and floors with a very dilute solution of ClO2 (and controlling humidity and temperature), they have been able to prevent a mold outbreak for at least five years."
EPA Decontamination w/CD of Indoor & Outdoor materials -P100 kjlu
Photodecomposition of Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite in Aqueous Solution by Irradiation with Ultraviolet Light
(PDF) Ocular preservatives: Associated risks and newer
PDF | Presence of a preservative in an ocular medication has often been considered a culprit in damaging the epithelium. However, the inclusion of a... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection: Part 1
This first of a two part video series on on Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection discusses the advantages and disadvantages of five current disinfection technologie...
CD chem & water dosages -5 4 Chlorine dioxide disinfection
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Balancing redox equation | Acidic & Basic | (Cl2 = Cl^- + ClO2-) - Dr K
In this video, we're going to write a balanced equation for the redox equation: Cl2 = Cl^- + ClO2- We'll go through balancing redox equation in acidic and ba...
CD residuals & safety levels -Riding the Rocket— How a Perchlorate Standard May Affect Those for Chlorine Dioxide and Its DBPs
By Richard C. Pleus, Ph.D. Summary: Oftentimes, knowing the process for how a drinking water standard—or any policy—will be calculated is crucial to being able to have your voice heard in a timely manner to […]
Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide
{Testimony given before Congress for anthrax decontamination. CD History & level questions} "Improving computer resources are allowing investigators to simulate
the transport processes within buildings. However little investigation on transport of reactive materials within the indoor
environment has occurred. Furthermore, the analysis of such transport characteristics requires site specific model
development. Ultimately it may be possible to develop empirical safety factors for the level of dosing based on building
size and configuration, however a substantial experimental and modeling effort would be required to develop these
CD Rinse + Dry effects -Reduction of Salmonella Enterica on the Surface of Eggshells by Sequential Treatment With Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide and Drying
The synergistic effects of sequential treatments with chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and drying in killing Salmonella enterica on the surface of chicken eggshells were investigated. Initial experiments were focused on comparing lethalities of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ClO2. Eggs surface-inoculated wi …
CD disinfectant has lower/no NDMAs -Characterization of pharmaceuticals and personal care products as N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors during disinfection processes using free chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
The worldwide detection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic environment and drinking water has caused wide concern in recent years. The possibility for concurrent formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) during disinfection has become another significant concern for water quality. This study demonstrates that a group of PPCPs containing amine groups can serve as NDMA precursors during free chlorine or chlorine dioxide (ClO2) chlorination processes. Selected PPCPs after screening by NDMA yield were further investigated for NDMA formation conditions. High disinf...
CD for skin bumps
Chlorine dioxide complex™ is a new molecule to dermatology that is a unique, non-toxic, broad spectrum anti-microbial and keratolytic compound. Chlorine dioxide has been used as an antiseptic in industrial settings for decades, primarily in water treatment facilities for municipal water supplies and food preparation. The compound has exceptional antiseptic properties with no known potential for development of resistance. It is a true keratolytic and anti-inflammatory, but is non-toxic to human tissue due to its unique mechanism of action. Chlorine dioxide’s use in consumer products was prev...
Alternative Disinfects & Oxid
Why Chlorine Dioxide should be your choice for water sanitation ~BVS Poultry Talk newsletter, Best Veterinary Solutions
2014-2015. Technical chemical processes of Oxine for poultry
Disinfectants comparison chart -Choosing the proper sanitizer2011
Electrochem potential (volts) of chemicals
Advanced oxidation provides an all-in-one solution that supports the complete eradication of Legionella in a water system, while also preventing its regrowth.
Effects of UV light
Risk Assessment for Chlorine Dioxide Systems
{Dangers and calcs at paper plant}
*Slideshow on chemistry for business -Pres07 walter schajnoha chorine dioxide
*residuals -PDF) Inorganic Reactions in Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching of Softwood Kraft Pulp
PDF | A softwood kraft pulp (27 kappa) was bleached with chlorine dioxide to various end pH values. The formation of chlorite, chlorate, and chloride... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate