Chemical & Biological Dynamics

Chemical & Biological Dynamics

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Mode of Action of Disinfection Chemicals on the Bacterial Spore Structure and Their Raman Spectra
Mode of Action of Disinfection Chemicals on the Bacterial Spore Structure and Their Raman Spectra
"We found that over 30 min, chlorine dioxide did not change the Raman spectrum or the spore structure" "We conclude that vibrational spectroscopy provides powerful means to detect changes in spores but it might be problematic to identify if spores are live or dead after a decontamination procedure."
Mode of Action of Disinfection Chemicals on the Bacterial Spore Structure and Their Raman Spectra
****!!!!****!!!!****!!!! "Novel Technology to Reduce Risk of Viral Transmission in Enclosed Occupied Environments and Room Disinfection in Unoccupied Spaces, METSS Corporation: ... development of a novel chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas dispersion system under a current EPA-sponsored Phase II SBIR project...). The system design offers a safe and effective means to rapidly generate ClO2 vapor for on-site room decontamination in hospital and non-hospital settings. This technology is intended to meet the demands of health care markets committed to decontaminate porous materials and sensitive equipment in rooms or vehicles used for care or transport of Ebola-exposed patients... current COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated a clear need for technologies aimed at occupied spaces to reduce or prevent the spread of transmissible diseases through air or contact with surfaces contaminated with infectious microdroplets." "y. During repeated trials, METSS demonstrated the efficacy of low level ClO2 against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Additional efficacy testing was performed using MS2 (non-enveloped) and Phi6 bacteriophage (enveloped) as surrogates to SARS-CoV-2 and other human viruses...." "Decontamination of Covid-19 Vaccine Production Facility: ...a study completed within the United States Pharmaceutical Industry alongside ClorDiSys Solutions, Inc established evidence that chlorine dioxide gas has the capacity to inactivate beta-lactams" "t to achieve a 3-log reduction of beta-lactams, an inactivation cycle consisting of a 30-minute conditioning phase at 75% relative humidity, followed by an exposure to chlorine dioxide gas of at least 7,240 ppm-hours, is required. Chlorine dioxide destroys the beta-lactam ring and inactivates the compound, in similar fashion to the manner in which penicillin-resistant organisms act" "exposing the target beta-lactam to Chlorine dioxide gas at a concentration of 5mg/L" "Outdoor Systems Trial Using Full-Scale Agricultural Equipment for Wide Area Decontamination of Bacillus anthracis Surrogate Spores": ...we exploited state-of-the-art spray application technologies and formulation chemistry used in the agricultural industry, spore germination techniques and a novel decontaminant based on the targeted release of chlorine dioxide. Spores of B. thuringiensis HD-1 cry- were employed as a surrogate for virulent B. anthracis. However, key performance attributes were validated against a range of virulent B. anthracis. Preferred formulations for decontamination were developed through laboratory, environmental chamber, windtunnel and finally full-scale outdoor trials. During outdoor trials we achieved all essential success criteria on all surface types (4-Log10 reduction on wood, steel and cement). Results using steel surfaces approached that required for desirable performance (6-Log10 reduction). Significant loss of spore viability was found by environmental exposure alone (up to 3-Log10 over 72 h). However, active decontamination was more effective (up to a further 3.6-Log10 reduction in viable spores). Pre-germination before decontamination with chlorine dioxide was not found to have a benefit." "Use of Innovative Packaging to Facilitate On-Site Treatment of Waste from a Bacillus anthracis Release Incident: ...These semi-permeable materials would allow gaseous fumigants such as chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to pass into the bags but would not allow residual spores to penetrate the walls of the bags and exit into the atmosphere. Testing is currently occurring... to assess the ability of the materials to allow ClO2 to penetrate through the bag material and... to provide sufficient concentration-time exposure of the waste inside the permeation chamber"
Photodissociation of OCIO: REMPI study of primary photofragments
Photodissociation of OCIO: REMPI study of primary photofragments
"Due to its large absorption cross section at near-UV wavelengths, stratospheric OClO photolyzes rapidly during the sunlit portion of the day. However, photodissociation of this molecule is not believed to be important in regard to ozone depletion as it produces chlorine oxide and odd oxygen which may re-form ozone in an overall null cycle.""
Photodissociation of OCIO: REMPI study of primary photofragments
a review of the basic properties and influencing factors related to the stability of chlorine dioxide
a review of the basic properties and influencing factors related to the stability of chlorine dioxide
"effects of pH, light, temperature and other co-existing substances were reviewed. It is pointed out that chlorine dioxide cannot be stable in water, and can only slow down the decomposition and disproportionation process by adjusting environmental conditions, and can also use the equilibrium principle to maintain concentration stability. This provides a theoretical basis for the development of high-purity ready-to-use stable chlorine dioxide product"
a review of the basic properties and influencing factors related to the stability of chlorine dioxide
New pathways for chlorine dioxide decomposition in basic solution
New pathways for chlorine dioxide decomposition in basic solution
"The product distribution from the decay of chlorine dioxide in basic solution changes as the ClO2 concentration decreases. While disproportionation reactions that give equal amounts of ClO2- and ClO3- dominate the stoichiometry at millimolar or higher levels of ClO2, the ratio of ClO2- to ClO3- form..."
New pathways for chlorine dioxide decomposition in basic solution
The photochemical decomposition of gaseous OClO at 436 nm: Dependence of products distribution on total pressure
The photochemical decomposition of gaseous OClO at 436 nm: Dependence of products distribution on total pressure
A systematic experimental study of the photochemical decomposition of 5-80 Torr gaseous OClO at 293 and 303 K has been performed. The photolysis was also investigated in the presence of the added inert gases He, Ar, N-2, O-2, CO2 and SF6 at pressures ranging from 10 to 600 Torr. The final products C
The photochemical decomposition of gaseous OClO at 436 nm: Dependence of products distribution on total pressure
study on the light degradation law of gas chlorine dioxide
study on the light degradation law of gas chlorine dioxide
****!!!!****!!!!*** (2011) "degradation rate of chlorine dioxide with the same initial mass concentration decreased gradually under uv, sunlight, 254 nm uv and 400-700 nm fluorescence, respectively, and the degradation rate of chlorine dioxide with the same initial mass concentration increased with the increase of gas mass concentration when the temperature varied from 15 to 25°c. therefore, the wavelength that plays a major role in the photodegradation of chlorine dioxide is ultraviolet light near 365 nm; the temperature has little effect on its degradation rate; under sunlight exposure, the degradation rate of chlorine dioxide is proportional to the first square of mass concentration, which belongs to the primary reaction, and its half-life is not related to the initial mass concentration, only related to the reaction rate constant k, and the half-life is about 63 min."
study on the light degradation law of gas chlorine dioxide
Degradation of microcystin-RR in water by chlorine dioxide
Degradation of microcystin-RR in water by chlorine dioxide
"Our experimental results show that the oxidation process is a second order overall and a first order with respect to C1O2 and MC-RR. The activation energy of MC-RR degradation by C1O2 is 53.07 kJ/mol. The rate constant k of the action can be increased by increasing temperature and decreasing pH value and ranged from 6. 11x102 L/(mol.min) to 5.29x 102 L/(mol-min) at pH from 3.44 to 10.41 at 10 ℃. Reaction products were determined to be organic and volatile, because they could be almost removed from aqueous solution by heating for 15 min at 60 ℃. In addition, the main oxidation products have m/z values of 1072 and are identified as dihydroxy isomers of MC-RR."
Degradation of microcystin-RR in water by chlorine dioxide
study on the degradation effect of chlorine dioxide on several major mycotoxins
study on the degradation effect of chlorine dioxide on several major mycotoxins
"four major fungal toxins of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), zearalenone (ZEN), vomitoxin (DON) and vormatoxin B1 (FB1) were studied, and the degradation effect of ZE in corn flour and its by-products in liquid and gaseous states was evaluated in combination with grain processing technology and cl02 use."
study on the degradation effect of chlorine dioxide on several major mycotoxins
Basic research on clO2 preparation process and application of single-stage R5 method
Basic research on clO2 preparation process and application of single-stage R5 method
"Aiming at the low efficiency of the single-stage R5 ClO2 generator in China and some urgent problems that need to be solved in the disinfection application process, the optimization and reaction kinetics of the single-stage R5 method ClO2 preparation process, the composition and toxicity of clO2 generator, the influencing factors of ClO2 addition process, the decay law of ClO2 in water, and the characteristics of PAC and AsA removal of ClO2- are studied in this paper, in order to improve the process of single-stage R5 method ClO2 generator. "
Basic research on clO2 preparation process and application of single-stage R5 method
Effect of hot acid hydrolysis and hot chlorine dioxide stage on bleaching effluent biodegradability - PubMed
Effect of hot acid hydrolysis and hot chlorine dioxide stage on bleaching effluent biodegradability - PubMed
The hot acid hydrolysis followed by chlorine dioxide (A/D*) and hot chlorine dioxide (D*) technologies have proven very useful for bleaching of eucalyptus kraft pulp. Although the characteristics and biodegradability of effluents from conventional chlorine dioxide bleaching are well known, such info …
Effect of hot acid hydrolysis and hot chlorine dioxide stage on bleaching effluent biodegradability - PubMed
Disinfection By-products Formation after Coagulation of Algal Extracellular and Intracellular Organic Matters
Disinfection By-products Formation after Coagulation of Algal Extracellular and Intracellular Organic Matters
"HAAs [haloacetic acids] from chlorine dioxide disinfection process are mainly DCAA, CBAA and DBAA" "ClO2 is a strong oxidant rather than chlorinating agent, which means during disinfection, small amounts of THMs are generated compared to chlorine or chloramine disinfection. However, ClO2 disinfection process produces more HAAs (primarily DCAA, CBAA and DBAA). ClO2 inorganic disinfection byproducts ClO-2, ClO-3 and BrO-3 have high potential toxicity at high-dose or high concentrations, wherein ClO-2 can cause hemolytic anemia"
Disinfection By-products Formation after Coagulation of Algal Extracellular and Intracellular Organic Matters
Photochemical Generation of a Viable Oxidizing Agent and Aplication to Dye Photobleaching ~Sulafa Jamal Mohammed Nassar
Photochemical Generation of a Viable Oxidizing Agent and Aplication to Dye Photobleaching ~Sulafa Jamal Mohammed Nassar
In principle, it should be possible to generate chlorine dioxide by photochemical means. This could provide access to a powerful antiseptic reagent in remote locations using sunlight as the only energy input. Several putative ways to produce chlorine dioxide are considered and an analytical protocol is devised for quantitative determination. It is concluded that a practical set-up could be engineered for the in-situ production of chlorine dioxide in aqueous solution."
Photochemical Generation of a Viable Oxidizing Agent and Aplication to Dye Photobleaching ~Sulafa Jamal Mohammed Nassar
Effectiveness of Disinfection with Chlorine Dioxide on Respiratory Transmitted, Enteric, and Bloodborne Viruses: A Narrative Synthesis
Effectiveness of Disinfection with Chlorine Dioxide on Respiratory Transmitted, Enteric, and Bloodborne Viruses: A Narrative Synthesis
****!!!!**** "Influenza viruses were reduced by 99.9% by 0.5–1.0 mg/L of ClO2 in less than 5 min. Higher concentration (20 mg/L) eliminated SARS-CoV-2 from sewage. ClO2 concentrations from 0.2 to 1.0 mg/L ensured at least a 99% viral reduction of AD40, HAV, Coxsackie B5 virus, and other enteric viruses in less than 30 min. Considering bloodborne viruses, 30 mg/L of ClO2 can eliminate them in 5 min. Bloodborne viruses (HIV-1, HCV, and HBV) may be completely eliminated from medical devices and human fluids after a treatment with 30 mg/L of ClO2 for 30 min. In conclusion, ClO2 is a versatile virucidal agent suitable for different environmental matrices."
Effectiveness of Disinfection with Chlorine Dioxide on Respiratory Transmitted, Enteric, and Bloodborne Viruses: A Narrative Synthesis
CLO2 Studies | Doxyklor
CLO2 Studies | Doxyklor
****!!!!****!!!!*** Cases, studies and research involving Chlorine Dioxide (CL02).
CLO2 Studies | Doxyklor