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Overview of Antibiotics
Overview of Antibiotics
Cephalosporins - Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment from the Merck Manuals - Medical Consumer Version.
Overview of Antibiotics
Itching to prescribe the right treatment for scabies: Topical permethrin or oral ivermectin?
Itching to prescribe the right treatment for scabies: Topical permethrin or oral ivermectin?
Three weeks after confirming the diagnosis of crusted scabies on an HIV-positive patient, I started to scratch while driving in the parking lot at Cooper University Hospital. I didn’t give it much thought until the next day, when this stinging-itching sensation wouldn’t relent (interestingly the scratching felt soooo gooood). I realized that I probably had acquired scabies.
In severe cases, if without contraindication, it may make sense to use both oral ivermectin and permethrin simultaneously
Crusted scabies (CS) is a severe form that occurs in immunosuppressed individuals
extensive hyperkeratosis
Itching to prescribe the right treatment for scabies: Topical permethrin or oral ivermectin?
Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites
Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites
Basic Facts Riley and Little--large fowl Ameraucana hens. 1 1/2 yrs old. Smallish normally, and EXTREMELY underweight recently. Sunny—Riley and Little’s father. 2 1/2 years. Normal size. Good weight. Sunny and his mate (mother of Riley & Little) are from 1 breeder and are possibly full brother...
Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites
Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites
Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites
My BYC post: Oh the salts- salts aren't used to curb diarrhea - they actually create it. It's used as a flush in **extreme** cases to flush absolutely everything out of the bird's system. (In other animals, and humans, it's an emetic - causes vomiting for the same reason - to expel everything from the...
Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites
Veterinary Products for Chickens Ab - AV Index from
Veterinary Products for Chickens Ab - AV Index from
This comprehensive database from contains treatment options for Chickens Ab - AV Index and a variety of animals including pets, livestock and numerous exotic species.
Veterinary Products for Chickens Ab - AV Index from
Knemidocoptiasis in birds
Knemidocoptiasis in birds
Scaly leg and face mites; Scaley leg mites; and Depluming mites. When the feet are involved, lameness may be seen in advanced cases because of ankylosis of the hock and other joints, necrosis and sloughing of toes, swollen nail beds, and twisted nails Ivermectin may be toxic if given intramuscularly. ivermectin will precipitate if mixed with water. // A water-soluble, 10-mg/ml liquid ivermectin Moxidectin is another option.
Knemidocoptiasis in birds
Chapter 31 - Galliformes and Columbiformes | Elsevier Enhanced Reader
Chapter 31 - Galliformes and Columbiformes | Elsevier Enhanced Reader
Vitamin A is critical for differentiation of epithelial cells into cuboidal, columnar, or mucous-producing cells. Hypovitaminosis A, causes epithelial metaplasia and hyperkeratosi
Chapter 31 - Galliformes and Columbiformes | Elsevier Enhanced Reader
"Perches should be free of sharp edges and of a size that can be readily gripped by the claws but large enough in diameter that the bird’s toenails do not damage its footpad" "gently lifting broiler chicks resulted in a heightened willingness of chicks to ap-proach people and reduced fear responses after stressful events, but stroking chicks did not " "Laying hens prefer to dustbathe in fine-particle, friable substrates, such as sand and peat moss, than in coarse-particle substrates, such as wood shavings or sawdust, or Astroturf" "Once out- breaks of feather pecking and cannibalism start, they are difficult to control because the behaviors are socially transmitted among birds in the flock; therefore, it is best to prevent their occurrence through early intervention." "Providing floor-housed chickens with cover in the form of overhead vertical panels has been shown to improve pen usage, increase resting and preening be- haviors, and decrease the number of times that birds disturb one another " "provision of shelters and canopies on free-range areas has been found to increase range use by chicken" "Other constraints on enrichment are related to facility design, cost, sanitation, ease of man- agement (including the amount of time and effort that caretakers must put into maintaining the enrichment program)"