Diatomaceous earth/zinc oxide micro-composite assisted antibiotics in fungal therapy
As the second wave of COVID-19 hits South Asia, an increasing deadly complication ‘fungal infections (such as Mycosis, Candida and Aspergillus) outbreak’ has been raised concern about the insufficient technologies and medicals for its ...
Diet, iron biomarkers and oxidative stress in a representative sample of Mediterranean population - Nutrition Journal
"The consumption pattern characterized by high consumption of vegetables, fruit, fish, olive oil and red wine has been associated with improvements in the total antioxidant capacity of individuals and reduced incidence of diseases related to oxidation. Also, high body iron levels may contribute to increase the oxidative stress by the generation of reactive oxygen species. "
Siderophore-Based Iron Acquisition and Pathogen Control
Summary: High-affinity iron acquisition is mediated by siderophore-dependent pathways in the majority of pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria and fungi. Considerable progress has been made in characterizing and understanding mechanisms of siderophore ...
Iron Acquisition: A Novel Prospective on Mucormycosis Pathogenesis and Treatment
"a retrospective review of outcomes in patients with rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis suggested that combination therapy with lipid polyene plus caspofungin was superior to monotherapy with lipid polyenes" "patients with elevated levels of available serum iron are uniquely susceptible to infection by R. oryzae and other Zygomycetes, but not to other pathogenic fungi, such as Candida or Aspergillus"
Pathogenesis of Mucormycosis
"these observations provide novel insight into the unique susceptibility of patients with DKA to mucormycosis and could provide a foundation for novel therapeutic interventions." "the emergence of mucormycosis in patients with hematologic malignancies who are receiving voriconazole prophylaxis"
Diagnosis and treatment of mucormycosis in patients with hematological malignancies: guidelines from the 3rd European Conference on Infections in Leukemia (ECIL 3) | Haematologica
"Among the more recent therapeutic developments in mucormycosis treatment are: the lipid formulations of amphotericin B, which are now the drugs of choice; the new triazole posaconazole, with promising efficacy as salvage treatment; the iron chelators deferasirox and deferiprone; the echinocandins in combination with amphotericin B (AmB) and recombinant growth factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)."
Persisting alterations of iron homeostasis in COVID-19 are associated with non-resolving lung pathologies and poor patients’ performance: a prospective observational cohort study - Respiratory Research
Background Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is frequently associated with hyperinflammation and hyperferritinemia. The latter is related to increased mortality in COVID-19. Still, it is not clear if iron dysmetabolism is mechanistically linked to COVID-19 pathobiology" "Alterations of iron homeostasis can persist for at least two months after the onset of COVID-19 and are closely associated with non-resolving lung pathologies and impaired physical performance. Determination of serum iron parameters may thus be a easy to access measure to monitor the resolution of COVID-19."
The role of iron and iron chelators in zygomycosis
****!!!!**** "Among the known iron chelators, deferoxamine supports the growth of Zygomycetes because it acts as xenosiderophore, delivering iron to iron-uptaking molecules of these species. Conversely, the newer iron chelators deferiprone and deferasirox do not exhibit similar activity, apparently because they share higher affinity constants for iron and, as a result, deprive the fungi of iron, inhibiting their growth. This activity has been documented in various culture systems and in many animal models of zygomycosis, and therefore suggests that these drugs might be used as adjuvant treatment for systemic zygomycosis. There are few case reports in which the newer iron chelators have been used as antifungals,"
Over 45,000 Cases of Mucormycosis Reported in Country
****!!!!**** "The treatment of mucormycosis and other fungal infection is provided free of cost in all Central Government hospitals and autonomous institutions under the ministry, he said in a separate reply. Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY provides free health cover up to Rs. 5 lakh per year per family. The scheme was launched with 10.74 crore beneficiary families. However, 33 states/UTs have increased the beneficiary base to 13.44 families. Beneficiaries of Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY can avail free treatment of post-Covid related complications including Mucormycosis, Black Fungus etc. under the scheme. States are also being supported in terms of allocation and supply of Amphotericin B. Amphotericin B is being provided at an affordable price under the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojna (PMBJP)."
Toxic Mold Syndrome | Is It In You? - My Labs For Life
{This article related to molds that do NOT cause mucormycosis} "Toxigenic molds (can) produce mycotoxins, which are toxic substances that increase inflammatory processes such as asthma, gastro-intestinal issues, mental health problems such as depression, and a number of other diseases. Two of the primary types of toxigenic molds are: Stachybotrys chartarum, Aspergillus"
From Mycotoxins to Mold, William Shaw, PhD Has Answers — The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc.
"The Great Plains Laboratory has been educating practitioners for over 15 years on how to help patients heal through cutting-edge testing, research and protocols. In our recent 2-Day OAT + TOX Workshop, speakers extolled the virtues of comprehensive metabolic tests like the Organic Acids Test (OA"
Therapy of Non-Dermatophytic Mycoses in Animals
This review focuses on aspects of antimycotic therapy specific to veterinary medicine. In the first part, drug availability, limited mostly by economic consideration but also by clinical applicability and specific adverse effects, is described for polyenes, ...
Epidemiology of Mucormycosis in India
Mucormycosis is an angioinvasive disease caused by saprophytic fungi of the order Mucorales. The exact incidence of mucormycosis in India is unknown due to the lack of population-based studies. The estimated prevalence of mucormycosis is around 70 times ...
Host-iron assimilation: pathogenesis and novel therapies of mucormycosis
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection caused by organisms belonging to the order Mucorales. Although considered uncommon, mucormycosis has been steadily increasing in incidents for the last two decades. Mortality of the disease is unacceptably high despite ...
Anti-CotH3 antibodies protect mice from mucormycosis by prevention of invasion and augmenting opsonophagocytosis
****!!!!*** "Previously, we demonstrated that Rhizopus, the most common cause of mucormycosis, invades endothelial cells by binding of its CotH proteins to the host receptor GRP78. ..."
Patent-pending probiotic could disrupt Crohn's disease biofilms: Probiotic found to help weaken stubborn microbial biofilm communities in the gut that can worsen symptoms
"Probiotics typically aim to rebalance bacteria populations in the gut, but new research suggests they may also help break apart stubborn biofilms." :They found Candida yeast species are more likely to team up with the bacteria in biofilms than other yeast species. Additional results show both Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis form thick biofilms when grown alongside E. coli and S. marcescens bacteria. Other non-Candida yeast species could only form thin biofilms -- not any thicker than a single species grown alone. :s.