Efficacy of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for Killing Salmonella, Yeasts, and Molds on Blueberries, Strawberries, and Raspberries

Food Treatment
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for Killing Salmonella, Escherichia coli, O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
"Treatment with ClO2 at 4.1 mg/liter significantly (a = 50.05) reduced the population of foodborne pathogens on all produce."
HPLC determination of chlorate metabolism in bovine ruminal fluid: Journal of Environmental Science and Health
"Salmonella and Escherichia coli are two bacteria that are important causes of human and animal disease worldwide. Chlorate is converted in the cell to chlorite, which is lethal to these bacteria." "chlorite reacts with or binds a component(s) or is reduced to chloride in bovine ruminal fluid resulting in low chlorite measurements." "The concentration of chlorate was more rapidly lowered (P < 0.01) under anaerobic compared to aerobic incubation conditions. Chlorate alone or chlorate supplemented with the reductants sodium lactate or glycerol were bactericidal in anaerobic incubations. In anaerobic culture, the addition of sodium formate to chlorate-fortified ruminal fluid appeared to decrease chlorate concentrations; however, formate also appeared to moderate the bactericidal effect of chlorate against E. coli. Addition of the reductants, glycerol or lactate, to chlorate-fortified ruminal fluid did not increase the killing of E. coli at 24 h, but may be useful when the reducing equivalents are limiting as in waste holding reservoirs or composting systems required for intense animal production."
Disinfecting agents for controlling fruit and vegetable diseases after harvest - Daneshyari.com
"aqueous chlorine dioxide at 3.0 or 5.0 mgL-1 killed 99% of
Improving the shelf-life and quality of fresh and minimally-processed fruits and vegetables for a modern food industry: A comprehensive critical review from the traditional technologies into the most promising advancements
"explained that storage temperature also has a very significant effect on respiration rate."
Evaluation of Chlorine Dioxide Gas Residues on Selected Food Produce
Efficacy of aerosolized chlorine dioxide in reducing pathogenic bacteria on washed carrots
New packaging design for fresh produce with effective distribution of antimicrobial gaseous chlorine dioxide
Application of chlorine dioxide microcapsule sustained-release antibacterial films for preservation of mangos
"cross-sections of the antimicrobial film showed that the film was covered with voids due to deliberate release of chlorine dioxide gas during the packaging process. Thus, the antibacterial film exhibited erosion and degradation."
Using Pretreatment of Carbon Monoxide Combined with Chlorine Dioxide and Lactic Acid to Maintain Quality of Vacuum-Packaged Fresh Beef
Inactivation of Bacillus cereus Spores on Red Chili Peppers Using a Combined Treatment of Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide and Hot‐Air Drying - Kim - 2017 - Journal of Food Science - Wiley Online Library
The effect of a combined treatment using aqueous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and hot-air drying to inactivate Bacillus cereus spores on red chili peppers was evaluated. Ten washed and dried pepper sample...
A comparative study on the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide gas, ozone gas and e-beam irradiation treatments for inactivation of pathogens inoculated onto tomato, cantaloupe and lettuce seeds
The Effects of Washing and Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Green Pepper Surfaces
Antimicrobial Activity of Controlled-Release Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Fresh Blueberries -
Combined treatment of fumaric acid with aqueous chlorine dioxide or UV-C irradiation to inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on alfalfa and clover sprouts.
CAB Direct platform is the most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences, incorporating the leading bibliographic databases CAB Abstracts and Global Health
Effectiveness of Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide in Minimizing Food Safety Risk Associated with Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes on Sweet Potatoes
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a commonly used sanitizer in the produce industry despite its limited effectiveness against contaminated human pathogens in fresh produce. Aqueous chlorine dioxide (ClO[2] ) is an alternative sanitizer offering a greater ...
Effect of Combined Treatment of Ultraviolet-C with Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide or Fumaric Acid on the Postharvest Quality of Strawberry Fruit "Flamengo" during Storage ~ Korea Science
수출용 딸기 "플라멩고" 품종의 수확 후 미생물학적 안전성 확보와 저장성 증대를 위해, 50 ppm 이산화염소수 또는 0.5% 푸마르산 용액과 5 $kJ/m^2$ UV-C 조사 병합처리에 따른 저장 중 미생물 수 감소 및 품질 변화에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 비가열 처리 후, 딸기는 $4\pm1^{\circ}C$에서 12일 동안 저장하면서 실험을 수행하였다. 딸기의 초기 미생물 수에 있어서 대조구와 비교하여, 푸마르산-UV-C 병합 처리구에서 총 호기성 세균과 효모 및 곰팡이를 각각 2.09, 2.02 log CFU/g 감소시켰다. 또한, 저장 12일에 푸마르산과 UV-C 병합 처리구의 효모 및 곰팡이 수는 1.72 log CFU/g으로 대조구의 5.10 log CFU/g과 비교하여 3.38 log CFU/g의 유의적인 차이로 가장 큰 감균 효과를 나타냈다. 비가열 처리구는 대조구와 비교하여 딸기의 저장 중 Hunter 색도 값에 부정적인 영향을 끼치지 않았다. 관능검사에 있어서는 병합 처리구가 대조구와 다른 처리구보다 높은 점수를 얻어 저장 중 관능적 품질유지에도 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 딸기의 종합적 기호도는 저장 5일부터 두 병합 처리구가 높은 점수를 나타냈다. 따라서 본 연구결과, 50 ppm 이산화염소 또는 0.5% 푸마르산과 UV-C 조사의 병합처리가 수확 후 딸기의 저장 유통 중에 오염될 수 있는 위해미생물의 감소와 외관적 품질유지에 효과적인 살균 처리기술이라고 판단된다. The combined effect of 50 ppm aqueous chlorine dioxide ($ClO_2$) or 0.5% fumaric acid with $5 kJ/m^2$ ultraviolet-C (UV-C) on the postharvest quality of "Flamengo" strawberries was examined. After non-thermal treatment, the samples were stored at $4\pm1^{\circ}C$ for 12 days. The combined treatment of fumaric acid/UV-C reduced the initial populations of total aerobic bacteria and yeast and molds in the strawberries by 2.09 and 2.02 log CFU/g, respectively, compared to those of the control. In addition, after 12 days of storage the yeast and molds population in the combined treatment was 1.72 log CFU/g, compared to 5.10 log CFU/g for the control, resulting in a significant decrease of 3.38 log CFU/g. Postharvest treatments used in this study caused negligible changes in the color of the strawberries. Sensory evaluation results indicated that the combined postharvest treatment provided better sensory scores than did the control. In particular, the overall acceptability scores were higher for the combined treatment groups after 5 days of storage. These results suggest that combined treatment of either 50 ppm $ClO_2$ or 0.5% fumaric acid with $5 kJ/m^2$ UV-C can be useful for maintaining the quality of strawberries.
Combined treatment of fumaric acid with aqueous chlorine dioxide or UV-C irradiation to inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on alfalfa and clover sprouts
Chlorine dioxide and chlorine effectiveness to prevent Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella cross-contamination on fresh-cut Red Chard
Effects of aqueous chlorine dioxide treatment and cold storage on microbial growth and quality of blueberries | SpringerLink
Effects of Chlorine Dioxide Treatment on Quality and Microbial Change of Agaricus bisporus Sing during Storage
"Mushrooms were treated with 5, 10, and 50 ppm of solution."
[P4-05] Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Improved the Microbial Safety of Agaricus Bisporus Sing during Storage
논문, 학술저널 검색 플랫폼 서비스
[P4-13] Microbial Safety and Qualities of Chlorine Dioxide Treated Saury during Storage - 한국식품영양과학회 학술대회발표집 - 한국식품영양과학회 : 논문 - DBpia, 연구를 돕는 똑똑한 학술콘텐츠 플랫폼
논문, 학술저널 검색 플랫폼 서비스
[P4-13] Effect of Chlorine Dioxide Treatment on Microbial Growth and Qualities of Fish Paste - 한국식품영양과학회 학술대회발표집 - 한국식품영양과학회 : 논문 - DBpia, 연구를 돕는 똑똑한 학술콘텐츠 플랫폼
논문, 학술저널 검색 플랫폼 서비스
Chlorine dioxide wash of shrimp and crawfish an alternative to aqueous chlorine - 百度学术
Shelf-life extension of minimally processed carrots by gaseous chlorine dioxide - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide (ClO(2)) gas is a strong oxidizing and sanitizing agent that has a broad and high biocidal effectiveness and big penetration ability; its efficacy to prolong the shelf-life of a minimally processed (MP) vegetable, grated carrots (Daucus carota L.), was tested in this study. Carrots …
Effects of food composition on the inactivation of foodborne microorganisms by chlorine dioxide - ScienceDirect
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a strong oxidizing agent that can be applied in solution as well as in the gaseous state. It has bactericidal, fungicidal a…
Effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) on patulin produced by Penicillum expansum and involved mechanism - Zhang - 2019 - Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Wiley Online Library
BACKGROUND Patulin, produced by Penicillium expansum in apple fruit, has side effects affecting human and animal health. The effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) on patulin production, and the mechanis...