Food Treatment

Food Treatment

[PDF] Chlorine Dioxide Generation Method and Its Action Mechanism for Removing Harmful Substances and Maintaining Quality Attributes of Agricultural Products | Semantic Scholar
[PDF] Chlorine Dioxide Generation Method and Its Action Mechanism for Removing Harmful Substances and Maintaining Quality Attributes of Agricultural Products | Semantic Scholar
Agricultural products are perishable and easily contaminated by spoilage microorganisms or foodborne pathogens, causing decay of food and illness in consumers. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has many advantages as a fungicide in comparison to chlorine, NaClO, and ozone, and it can be used for sterilization and preservation due to its strong oxidizing properties. ClO2 gas is more widely used in food safety and food preservation than its aqueous solutions. However, the ClO2 gas produced on a large scale from a chemical reactor cannot be applied to food in small packages. Several recent reports have discussed the use of ClO2 self-releasing packaging. This article highlights the systematic evaluation of the performance of ClO2 alone and in combination with other treatments, such as 1-MCP, chitosan, and UV irradiation, in maintaining food safety and freshness of agricultural products. This article also focuses on the biological functions and mechanisms of ClO2-mediated preservation of plant or animal food, including damage to the cell wall and the membrane of pathogens, inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis, restoration of redox balance, and change of the compound structure of toxins, such as pesticides, insecticides, and mycotoxins.
[PDF] Chlorine Dioxide Generation Method and Its Action Mechanism for Removing Harmful Substances and Maintaining Quality Attributes of Agricultural Products | Semantic Scholar
System feasibility: Designing a chlorine dioxide self-generating package label to improve fresh produce safety part I: Extrusion approach | Semantic Scholar
System feasibility: Designing a chlorine dioxide self-generating package label to improve fresh produce safety part I: Extrusion approach | Semantic Scholar
Abstract There is need for in-package anti-microbial technology to control microbial growth on packaged fresh food. This research evaluated the feasibility of delivering chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) via package labels made of synthetic polymers extruded with citric acid (CA) and sprayed with sodium chlorite. Heat pressing facilitated ClO 2 generation and moisture triggered ClO 2 release. Of three synthetic polymers tested, only ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) label withstood extrusion and storage conditions without structural changes. EVA labels containing 15 or 7.5% CA generated 3.2–4.2 and 0.5–1.0 mg ClO 2 /L air, respectively. Total inactivation of Salmonella cells on TSA plates (2.13 log CFU/plate) was achieved following exposure to 15% CA labels for 2 h; 7.5% CA labels gave partial inactivation (1.03 log CFU/plate) following up to 6 h of exposure. Our findings demonstrate: 1) the practical feasibility of this synthetic package label design; 2) ClO 2 generation and release following activation; and 3) antimicrobial effectiveness against Salmonella growth. Industrial relevance Feasibility for synthesizing a package label to generate and deliver chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) as an effective antimicrobial inside individual food packages has been demonstrated. The approach extrudes polymers with citric acid, then sprays the surface with sodium chlorite. Heat pressing the label just before application initiates reaction between these two agents to generate ClO 2 . Release of ClO 2 is stimulated and maintained by moisture in the film and emanating from fresh foods.
System feasibility: Designing a chlorine dioxide self-generating package label to improve fresh produce safety part I: Extrusion approach | Semantic Scholar
Development of chlorine dioxide releasing film and its application in decontaminating fresh produce - PubMed
Development of chlorine dioxide releasing film and its application in decontaminating fresh produce - PubMed
A feasibility study was conducted to develop chlorine dioxide (ClO(2) )-releasing packaging films for decontaminating fresh produce. Sodium chlorite and citric acid powder were incorporated into polylactic acid (PLA) polymer. Films made with different amounts of PLA (100 and 300 mg), percentages of …
Development of chlorine dioxide releasing film and its application in decontaminating fresh produce - PubMed
Decontamination of strawberries using batch and continuous chlorine dioxide gas treatments - PubMed
Decontamination of strawberries using batch and continuous chlorine dioxide gas treatments - PubMed
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on strawberries was determined using batch and continuous flow ClO2 gas treatment systems. Effects of continuous ClO2 gas treatment on total aerobic plate count, color, and residual ClO2 and chlor …
Decontamination of strawberries using batch and continuous chlorine dioxide gas treatments - PubMed
USDA Harmonized GAP Handbook for smaller farms ~USDA
USDA Harmonized GAP Handbook for smaller farms ~USDA
{Includes sanitation measures} To assist small and mid-scale produce operations in preparing to meet the requirements of that audit, and so improve their opportunities to access markets for fruits and vegetables. The Handbook was developed based on challenge areas small and medium-scale produce operations have consistently encountered in meeting the requirements of the FSMA-aligned USDA HGAP audit. As a companion to this Handbook, the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association provides templates for conducting key risk assessments and for keeping certain critical records. Development of the Handbook was coordinated by the Initiative for Food and AgriCultural Transformation (InFACT) of the Ohio State University and funded through a cooperative agreement with the … Continue reading →
USDA Harmonized GAP Handbook for smaller farms ~USDA
Post-harvest Microbiological Intervention Strategies: Effects of Poultry Chilling.
Post-harvest Microbiological Intervention Strategies: Effects of Poultry Chilling.
Air vs Immersion poultry meat chilling advantages & disadvantages. Carcass counts were the same after immersion chilling, but more bacteria were found in the chiller water collected from the chlorine dioxide tank as compared to chlorine tank.
Post-harvest Microbiological Intervention Strategies: Effects of Poultry Chilling.
Chlorine dioxide gas may modify properties of polymeric packaging materials. - Free Online Library
Chlorine dioxide gas may modify properties of polymeric packaging materials. - Free Online Library
{CD effects on packaging materials.} "...polyethylene terephthalate, polylactic acid, polypropylene, nylon, and multilayers of ethylene vinyl acetate and ethylene vinyl alcohol have high [ClO.sub.2] barriers. But polystyrene, linear low-density polyethylene, linear low-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride demonstrated poor barrier characteristics to [ClO.sub.2]. " "...alterations occurred in the materials and their properties."
Chlorine dioxide gas may modify properties of polymeric packaging materials. - Free Online Library