Food Treatment

Food Treatment

Chlorine Dioxide in the Cannabis Industry
Chlorine Dioxide in the Cannabis Industry
"Chlorine dioxide gas has been successfully treated with cannabis with the presence of Aspergillus, the genus of over 185 species of fungus."
Chlorine Dioxide in the Cannabis Industry
Decontamination of strawberries using batch and continuous chlorine dioxide gas treatments - PubMed
Decontamination of strawberries using batch and continuous chlorine dioxide gas treatments - PubMed
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on strawberries was determined using batch and continuous flow ClO2 gas treatment systems. Effects of continuous ClO2 gas treatment on total aerobic plate count, color, and residual ClO2 and chlor …
Decontamination of strawberries using batch and continuous chlorine dioxide gas treatments - PubMed
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for Killing Salmonella, Escherichia coli, O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for Killing Salmonella, Escherichia coli, O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
"Treatment with ClO2 at 4.1 mg/liter significantly (a = 50.05) reduced the population of foodborne pathogens on all produce."
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for Killing Salmonella, Escherichia coli, O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
Antimicrobial Activity of Controlled-Release Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Fresh Blueberries† | Journal of Food Protection | Allen Press
Antimicrobial Activity of Controlled-Release Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Fresh Blueberries† | Journal of Food Protection | Allen Press
"ClO2 treated fruit had inhibitedenzyme activity, such as polyphenol oxidase and peroxi-dase, that attributed to a significant role in the softening process(38), or inhibited respiration rate and ethylene biosynthesis, which reduced postharvest decay" "It was suggested thatClO2could reduce fruit metabolism, in addition to inhibiting weight loss and maintaining firmness" "Because ClO2inhibited cellwall protein synthesis, it could possibly reduce fruitsoftening as a result"
Antimicrobial Activity of Controlled-Release Chlorine Dioxide Gas on Fresh Blueberries† | Journal of Food Protection | Allen Press
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for KillingSalmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeriamonocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for KillingSalmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeriamonocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
"CA TriNova, Inc. [chlorine dioxide] consisted of two compartments: one containing a gran-ular porous solid impregnated with sodium chlorite and the othercontaining a granular porous solid impregnated with acid and anacid precursor (ferric chloride" "The mixture of chemicals in three sachets was formulatedto release ClO2gas into the cabinet (31.1 liters) at concentrationsof 1.4, 2.7, and 4.1 mg/liter within 5.4 to 10.5, 10.4 to 20.0, and20.5 to 30.8 min, respectively, at 23618C. Because gas phaseconcentration of **1 mg/liter is equivalent to 362 ppmv**, an alter-native way to report the concentrations of ClO2 gas released is 507, 977, and 1,484 ppmv within 5.4 to 10.5, 10.4 to 20.0, an d20.0 to 30.8 min, respectively." "supporting the observation that increased exposure of ClO2 to organic materials resulting from break-age of cellular structures caused by cutting, slicing, or shredding offers protection against inactivation." "As with cabbage and carrot, treatment had animmediate and significant adverse affect (a50.05) on sen-sory quality. " " hypothesis that interactions between fungal propagules and the epidermis of tomatoes retard penetration of ClO2 gas" "The ef-fects of a more rapid release of ClO2gas on inactivationof pathogens and on sensory quality should also be investigated."
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for KillingSalmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeriamonocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
Effects of moisture content and mild heat on the ability of gaseous chlorine dioxide against Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 on almonds
Effects of moisture content and mild heat on the ability of gaseous chlorine dioxide against Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 on almonds
"ClO2 + MC (7%) + mild heat (40 °C) obtained maximum bacterial reductions on almonds. SEM images displayed bacterial cells protected by almond and coupon crevices. Surrogate E. faecium and pathogenic Salmonella were statistically (P < 0.05) similar."
Effects of moisture content and mild heat on the ability of gaseous chlorine dioxide against Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 on almonds
ClorDiSys composition Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification for FDA approval re. airborne fumigation of produce ~FDA
ClorDiSys composition Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification for FDA approval re. airborne fumigation of produce ~FDA
{Important: Some formulas and calculations in this document need correction} {Proposes air flush or allowing to consume fresh after CD fumigation.} "The chlorine dioxide gas produced under the method proposed produces extremely high purity (at least 99.7%) chlorine dioxide gas and the only impurity from the method is solid sodium chloride which will be remain in the reaction cartridge as well as any impurities originally in the solid technical grade sodium chlorite matrix. "Chlorite may be expected to form as a degradation product on the surface of food treated with the FCS." "[In air:] also undergo photodecomposition to molecular chlorine and oxygen; chlorine will be further reduced to chloride in the presence of UV light. "
ClorDiSys composition Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification for FDA approval re. airborne fumigation of produce ~FDA
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for KillingSalmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeriamonocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for KillingSalmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeriamonocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce
"The mixture of chemicals in three sachets was formulatedto release ClO2gas into the cabinet (31.1 liters) at concentrationsof 1.4, 2.7, and 4.1 mg/liter within 5.4 to 10.5, 10.4 to 20.0, and20.5 to 30.8 min, respectively, at 23618C. Because gas phaseconcentration of 1 mg/liter is equivalent to 362 ppmv, an alternative way to report the concentrations of ClO2 gas released is 507, 977, and 1,484 ppmv within 5.4 to 10.5, 10.4 to 20.0, and 20.0 to 30.8 min, respectively" "Substantial reductions in populations of pathogens on apples, tomatoes, and onions butnot peaches or fresh-cut cabbage, carrot, and lettuce were achieved by treatment with gaseous ClO2without markedly adverseeffects on sensory qualities."
Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for KillingSalmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeriamonocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce