The Right Chemistry: 'Chlorinated chicken' is no reason to squawk
"While it is true that chlorine can react with organic compounds to form potentially toxic organochlorides, such as chloroform, the presence of these in poultry flesh is negligible. Actually, they are found in far lower concentrations than in chlorinated drinking water. Furthermore, when chlorine dioxide is the disinfectant used, as is increasingly the case, there are no organochlorides formed."
Chlorine Dioxide Treatment of Seafoods to Reduce Bacterial Loads
"Various seafoods were treated with fresh chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solutions (20, 40, 100, and 200 ppm total available ClO2) in 3.5% brine for 5 min, and bacterial loads and sensory quality were evaluated"
The Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in Controlling Salmonella Contamination and Its Effect on Product Quality of Chicken Broiler Carcasses - ScienceDirect
"A large spin-type chiller in an Ontario poultry processing plant was adapted so that the chill water could be treated with various levels of chlorine …"
Distribution, Identification, and Quantification of Residues after Treatment of Ready-To-Eat Salami with 36Cl-Labeled or Nonlabeled Chlorine Dioxide Gas
" Collectively, these data suggest that chlorine
dioxide is chemically reduced quickly on salami surfaces and that slow-release formulations could be used for ready-to-eat sanitation provided that chlorate residues fall within limits set by regulatory organizations."
Distribution, Identification, and Quantification of Residues after Treatment of Ready-To-Eat Salami with 36Cl-Labeled or Nonlabeled Chlorine Dioxide Gas
When ready-to-eat salami was treated in a closed system with 36Cl-labeled ClO2 (5.5 mg/100 g of salami), essentially all radioactivity was deposited onto the salami. Administered 36ClO2 was converted to 36Cl-chloride ion (>97%), trace levels of chlorate (
Flour and bread, prepared with or without treatment with chlorine dioxide, as long-term sources of vitamin E for rats
1958. {Destruction of vitamin E in flour by chlorine dioxide." "Chemical estimation of total tocopherols indicated a loss of 70% after the application of ClO2 at 30 ppm (the commercial level used). [though some estimation info may be inaccurate?]" "The destruction of the vitamin by chlorine dioxide was confirmed in biological tests on rats, ****which had smaller testes when their diets had ClO2-treated flour."
Application of Highly Purified Electrolyzed Chlorine Dioxide for Tilapia Fillet Disinfection
This research aimed to develop an electrolysis method to generate high-concentration chlorine dioxide (ClO[2] ) for tilapia fillet disinfection. The designed generator produced up to 3500 ppm of ClO[2] at up to 99% purity. Tilapia fillets were ...
Inactivation of Salmonella on Eggshells by Chlorine Dioxide Gas
Microbiological contamination of eggs should be prevented in the poultry industry, as poultry is one of the major reservoirs of human Salmonella. ClO[2] gas has been reported to be an effective disinfectant in various industry fields, particularly the ...
Evaluation of chlorine dioxide as an antimicrobial against Botrytis cinerea in California strawberries | Request PDF
"treated with continuously generated ClO2 gas over concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 5.0 mg/L for durations ranging from 7 to 1000 min to determine how ClO2 gas impacts fungal mortality and fruit quality as a function of treatment concentration, treatment duration, and ClO2 absorption by the fruit."
ClorDiSys composition Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification for FDA approval re. airborne fumigation of produce ~FDA
{Important: Some formulas and calculations in this document need correction} {Proposes air flush or allowing to consume fresh after CD fumigation.} "The chlorine dioxide gas produced under the method proposed produces extremely high purity (at least 99.7%) chlorine dioxide gas and the only impurity from the method is solid sodium chloride which will be remain in the reaction cartridge as well as any impurities originally in the solid technical grade sodium chlorite matrix. "Chlorite may be expected to form as a degradation product on the surface of food treated with the FCS." "[In air:] also undergo photodecomposition to molecular chlorine and oxygen; chlorine will be further reduced to chloride in the presence of UV light. "
Pathogen-Fighting Technology Protects Packaged Produce
Eight things to know about InvisiShield, a new food safety-improving technology for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. InvisiShield sounds like something a superhero would wield, but instead of fighting fictional villains, the real-world technology defends produce against a potentially deadly foe, pathogens.
Benefits and Risks of the Use of Chlorine-containing Disinfectants in Food Production and Food Processing ~WHO
2009. "The dissociation of chlorite to chlorous acid is about 31% at pH 2.3, 10% at pH 2.9 and 6% at pH 3.2, and the amount of chlorine dioxide does not exceed 1–3 mg/l "
The effects of ozone, chlorine dioxide, cetylpyridinium chlorideand trisodium phosphate as multiple antimicrobial interventionson microbiological, instrumental color, and sensory color andodor characteristics of ground beef
Microbial, instrumental color and sensory color and odor characteristics of ground beef produced from beef trimmings treated with ozone or chlorine dioxide - PubMed
The effects of beef trimming decontamination with ozone and chlorine dioxide on ground beef microbial, color and odor characteristics were studied. Beef trimmings were inoculated with Escherichia coli (EC) and Salmonella Typhimurium (ST), then treated with either 1% ozonated water for 7 min (7O) or …
Chlorine dioxide for food processing water treatment allows you to maximise profits, with significant Campylobacter reduction and Salmonella reduction.
Effect of gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) with different concentrations and numbers of treatments on controlling berry decay and rachis browning of table grape
"It was proposed that if ClO2 gas is fully absorbed by the fruit, the maximum total ClO2 dose can be ***calculated based on the maximum allowable residual*** concentration. To avoid possible bleaching effects on grape peel from high concentrations of ClO2, the total amount of ClO2 gas needs to be injected into the packages ***in many small doses at specific time intervals**** over the course of the 90‐day storage period. Spoilage microorganism counts, decay rate, electrolyte leakage, rachis browning and residual ClO2 in berry were investigated. The results showed that ClO2 treatment could significantly reduce berry decay and rachis browning (p ≤ .05) compared to the control. Grape treated with 1.0 mg L−1 ClO2 6 times at 15‐day intervals maintained better fruit quality without any risks from the residual ClO2. "