Guidance and Reference Materials

Guidance and Reference Materials

Researchers at Work | US EPA
Researchers at Work | US EPA
Use this page to find EPA researchers by their research area and learn more about them and their work.
Researchers at Work | US EPA
National Drug Code (NDC) unfinished drugs database ~FDA
National Drug Code (NDC) unfinished drugs database ~FDA
"contains product listing data submitted for all unfinished drugs, including active pharmaceutical ingredients, drugs for further processing and bulk drug substances for compounding" {Also includes unfinished labelling}
National Drug Code (NDC) unfinished drugs database ~FDA
Immune, Dermal and Infectious Diseases Program ~NIOSH, CDC
Immune, Dermal and Infectious Diseases Program ~NIOSH, CDC
The mission of the NIOSH research program for Immune, Dermal & Infectious Diseases is to eliminate occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among workers in these industries through a focused program of research and prevention. Primary efforts are focused on hazard identification since when potential hazards are recognized, work-related dermal and immune diseases can often be prevented or their effects minimized. Research to better understand the impact of occupational exposures to chemical, biological, or infectious agents.
Immune, Dermal and Infectious Diseases Program ~NIOSH, CDC
Consumer Resources for Guidance & Scientific Studies ~NSF
Consumer Resources for Guidance & Scientific Studies ~NSF
National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF) tests and certifies kitchen, drinking water and personal care products, supplements, bottled water, pool and plumbing components.
Consumer Resources for Guidance & Scientific Studies ~NSF