Global Sodium Chlorite Market Projected to Surpass $282,911.4 Thousand by 2027, and Grow at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2020 to 2027 – Exclusive Business [171 pages] Report by Research Dive
The global market for sodium chlorite is projected to observe substantial growth over the forecast period, owing to the rising usage of sodium chlorite in...
Trump’s EPA team overrules career scientists on toxic chemical - POLITICO
2020. Changes to the EPA safety assessment processes to include political review of proposed limits for human safety, rather than just review by scientists.
[for Poultry Meat Rinse, and Fruits & Vegs that are not "raw agricultural commodities." Ingredients listed for acceptable use for generation of Chlorine Dioxide for these food purposes do not include Citric Acid.] §173.300 Chlorine dioxide.